Inital diagnosis by the medical staff was a possible punctured lung, maybe?? Possible back injury, he had a lot of pain in his back, but could move his extremities. He also had a broken femur last year and was flown for that last year. They found out at Grant that he had bent the rod from the 2014 femur crash! The two things that they consistently fly people for is a possible head trauma and broken femur. I say "possible" meaning they arent sure. Its starting to become that if it isnt a routine injury that they are very sure about, then you are taking a chopper ride. So yes, we may need to keep a dedicated place that to occur. Its becoming the nature of the motocross world. The kid from the AQ took a flight, and was back with his dad 8 hours later to get the rig.....its becoming a precautionary thing. You could take a flight if you slip and fall and get knocked out for 5 minutes (possible head trauma).
18 year old kid, not an old man, crashes on a 40-50' table top, and has to endure these injuries, its sad. I hope he heals up and can lead a normal life.
Keep in mind you can buy a $50 yearly membership from Air-Evac and fly for free. You may need that old man.