Malvern MX Kames Saturday Night & Sunday Series Finale


This weekend, Oct. 10-11, will be the Kames Saturday Night Series finale! We are racing on Saturday night and on Sunday. Both races will count toward the Kames Night Series points. We will have the normal Saturday practice for bikes and quads...830-230...$25/rider. Sign up for Saturday's race will begin at 2, pre race practice at 330, and racing will start about 5. Sunday race sign up will begin at 7am, pre race practice at 830, and racing about 10. Camping is always free! So, come and spend the weekend with your moto family and friends! Gates will be open all Friday night for anyone that wants to come early!! They will close Saturday at 10 and reopen Sunday at 6 am!
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This weekend, Oct. 10-11, will be the Kames Saturday Night Series finale! We are racing on Saturday night and on Sunday. Both races will count toward the Kames Night Series points. We will have the normal Saturday practice for bikes and quads...830-230...$25/rider. Sign up for Saturday's race will begin at 2, pre race practice at 330, and racing will start about 5. Sunday race sign up will begin at 7am, pre race practice at 830, and racing about 10. Camping is always free! So, come and spend the weekend with your moto family and friends! Gates will be open all Friday night for anyone that wants to come early!! They will close Saturday at 10 and reopen Sunday at 6 am!
This doesn't really work out for people who are running the SATURDAY series and planned other races or activities for Sunday. So now they take a hit in points because they can't attend Sunday. You already threw two extra races in there, why count the last towards the Kames series? Bad form.
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Bad form to have a make up race for rained out race? Really???

Not to mention the heat I take from the rider that could be counting on the race to get his required 5 to qualify for awards if we don't try to make it up.

Also keep in mind we let everyone know what the make up plan was in the cancelation notice last week. I wish there was another Saturday night available this season, they are far better for as well. There isn't.
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Should have made Saturday a double points night...that way people could keep there Sunday plans.
Should have made Saturday a double points night...that way people could keep there Sunday plans.
This would have been a good solution.

At the beginning of the year we decided to run the Saturday series because that would leave Sundays open for other races, family activities and other commitments. I understand when someone suggested you run the make up race the following day and you stated you did not have enough time to get everything lined up.

By adding an additional race at the last minute doesn't allow us with a schedule already to line things up either. Like I mentioned previously, you already added an additional two races to the series that were not on the original schedule. For those people who are "counting on the race to get his required 5 to qualify for awards", maybe they should have done some planning earlier in the season instead of hoping for a last minute addition.
Made some changes to the Step on step off section. Knocked about half the height off the roller in the bottom, left the face as it was. The table now has a downside with a double after it. The whole section should flow better. Going to be out there most of the week tweeking things and pushing corners back in. I will continue to post pictures.
Sort of, riders will have the option to step on and roll off, then double. Or jump about 10' farther than stepping on and clear the table and then double. Either way the landing of the table is ramped out so both option should be safe.
Are the little rollers still there before the single as well?? Looks good. So kinda a single over table with a double after? Still safe for kids you think? My son is going to be bummed. He loved that section.
Why can't you make the NOV 1st race a night series race. That way you don't have to add a extra day.
Are the little rollers still there before the single as well?? Looks good. So kinda a single over table with a double after? Still safe for kids you think? My son is going to be bummed. He loved that section.

Not sure what "little rollers before the single" you are referring to?
November is awful late in the season for a night race (cold). We are not changing the format this weekend.
Don't change the format...still run in the day...just count the points and and race towards the night race series.
Just like what you would be doing this Sunday. It's a scheduled race just changing the name. And it would be conficting with other races.