Official James Stewart positivity thread


PR Founding Father
hello john259. Heyyyyyyy.

Positivity thread for James Stewart.

Rules: negativity towards James.
2. Thread ends when James wins a the monster million or when john250 commits suicide.
3.memes highly encouraged
4.its ok to take a stab at john250, but don't turn it exclusively into that. We need to be positive for James now!

These positive threads are a breath of fresh air....or something.

Having said that, I have nothing to add in this thread :D
James did that to RC in Toronto. And in the podium RC was upset. I remeber RC saying "I felt like he was toying with me, I wish he would of just passed me and kept going the first time."
Anytime someone that has no motocross background and see your race bike they are always like: do you like race James Stewart Ricky Carmicaels and Travis pastrana ?!
Man. Not much true love for Bubba. That's weird since everyone in this sport tries to ride like him....