I never said big guys can't haul, they can and my son does haul. The point is if you have an engine with 20 hp and you put one person on it that weights 85 lbs. and you put another person that weights 140 lbs., on the exact same hp bike and have them race to an end point or to the first corner, assuming similar skills on the bike, the lighter person should win every time (same affect as a mod'ed motor). It's a hp to weight ratio, pretty simple.

If you can't understand that then, I can't help you.

So, I'm not bitching, I am just pointing out that if people really wanted to make this sport across the board equal, then every bike and rider combination should be identical (i don't want this). However, the bikes and riders aren't equal and they never will be and I'm ok with that. I was just trying to say that if we really wanted things to be fair/equal everyone would be riding the exact same machine, again this isn't going to happen so, we will just keep doing what we do, which is, work on getting better, faster, and in better shape and have as much fun as possible.