Malvern Mx Track Layout Changes

See but then this gives guys that shouldn't be doing that Jump a false sense of security to make the leap....

Possibly. What about like a camelback like jump right before it? Gives guys who want to try and snag the inside line a chance to double and sneak in, people who still want to triple can?
I was impressed with how well the new sections held up, being fresh dirt i was expecting it to get pretty beat up, but it held up great. I like the changes. Im sure after some tweaks itll be perfect.
I am just of the opinion that not everyone should be jumping every obstical on the track. Just like everyone did not jump table to table. Even for those who may never attempt the "big jump" I think it's good to have something to want to do someday.

Its a safety thing, I knew broken ankles were coming on that thing . Filled in most people still wont do it, its big and too hard to make the corner for most guys even if they jump it. The issue is with the tiny landing area for the double and the steep wall in front of it.
Sounds like all the top area guys were there last night. Wish I could have made it out I might have learned something but once again pissin life away working. Track looks awesome
More technical ? Not high speed ? Need to be able to corner ? Hmmm , wonder how that will affect attendance ? Hopefully better or at least the same . Don't want to see the changes amount to a hill of " Beans " .

By technical i meant the turns, the jumps arent hard and are actually safe like Jason said. In my opinion it will make for better racing because its not all wide open, still very fast sections though. But with the added off cambers and turns it is more "technical" where someone who may not be jump savy can make up time, or someone who pulls the trigger on the big stuff (like myself) but struggles in the corners (like myself) wont have a big advantage. i think it will add some excitement and provide for better racing. The only thing that im curious to see play out, is that first off camber right hander and people racing to that turn and someone ending up swimming with the geese in the water pond lol

Keep up the hard work Rogers family and crew and it will pay off for you guys.
More technical ? Not high speed ? Need to be able to corner ? Hmmm , wonder how that will affect attendance ? Hopefully better or at least the same . Don't want to see the changes amount to a hill of " Beans " .
Track looks great Rodgers. Hey half assed Beans is doing just fine and is getting great turnouts!! There are plenty of real motocross riders out there you just ain't one of them. So before you go throwing digs at Beans remember I Been giving real mxer a place to ride going on 20 yrs here soon.
Jason, I haven't seen the new track changes or this triple but, keep it!
Riders: let off and double it, or, give it some gas and triple it. No inbetween blah blah.
Hershey, just double it bro. Did you jump the table to table? No? Ok, then dont jump the triple. Casing that table to table would've been broken ankles and legs. This is safer, better. Chill on the smack homie.
Hershey, just double it bro. Did you jump the table to table? No? Ok, then dont jump the triple. Casing that table to table would've been broken ankles and legs. This is safer, better. Chill on the smack homie.

You havent seen the changes or rode them yet you can say its safer???? When you get on a bike and ride it yourself then come back on here and give us your take on it.

Here is the problem, It is a shorter jump and slower but the table to table had 30' or more of safe landing area between doing one table and casing the face of the 2nd table, that includes landing on the first table. This one has about 8'. And if one person did exactly what I called the first day what do you think is going to happen when 30 nutty C class riders come at it in a race? The face of the triple landing is almost vertical and landing on it puts all of the force though your body and not forward. Im simply thinking from a safety point of view, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with being able to jump it or not. Im way past the point in my life trying to impress people with my jumping skills.

Im more than happy just doing the double at this point, I probably will click off the triple at some point if I ride there enough. When you hit 48 years old lets see if you can hit it. Its not smack talk, its safety. I only tell what I see and hear, I dont just spew s**t to cause drama. Alternatively I take it as well as I give it without getting upset. Different views dont mean people are wrong or mean and hateful.

Its really no sweat off my back, Im old and responsible for my own riding. I just think Jason is opening himself up for more than a few injuries like he saw the first night. Its his track so obviously its up to him. I really had fun last night at the end and I cant say that I have for many years now. I will continue to ride there and support him ( in ways you dont know about and it can stay that way). The changes are great.
You can get hurt anywhere Dave.

First thing Dave says to me at the track:

Dave: " you came all the way down here after seeing that forecast for rain?"

Me: "Yea I'm not a fair weather rider I'll ride."
Lend me your bike and we have a deal Hershey ;)

I never rode to hit the table to table, but I know casing it would cause more damage than casing the new triple. And if I didn't believe I could clear the triple, I'd double it. Doubling it without landing into the face of the third peak. I believe this is often refered to as, "knowing your limits" or "utilizing caution."
4 pages in this thread, only one poster seems to have negative input... username rhymes with Pershey.
with the table table you just literally had to pin it and go about as fast as you can, take balls? yep.. timing/throttle control (something c class riders dont always have).. NO. You could land on top or way past the landing with similar end ressult.

the triple you overshoot your going way past the corner potentially into another lane of the track. case it and its going to hurt for sure.

either way doesnt bother me.. ill sack up and hit it next time im there hopefully. looks fun and smooth.
I am just of the opinion that not everyone should be jumping every obstical on the track. Just like everyone did not jump table to table. Even for those who may never attempt the "big jump" I think it's good to have something to want to do someday.

Perfect statement. Track looks great. I sure hope my boy gets faster this year. I want to make my first trip to the Vern soon.