Speaking of the money driven AMA

OK, Gotta pace myself here...
Mr. AMA leader. You are running a 501c 4 which is for politically active / Social welfare organizations. I know the word "welfare" makes it sound like it is OK to have your hand out for free money, but that is not the case.
A "non-profit" organization is not really set-up to make money, but it for sure is not set-up to bleed money year after year and continue down the same path with the same "leaders".
So, who here knew the AMA had 80 people on the payroll? WTF? and you STILL cant send someone to a local motocross?
The head guys that are doing such a GREAT job leading this proud organization are pulling down 169K a year on average and apparently NONE of them attended a single accounting class in school. Let me make it easy for you. An organization that looses money for 6 straight years in the real world is....wait for it..... anyone?.......anyone?..... Closed, gone, out of business, fired, replaced, shitcanned.
Amateur mx SUPER profitable because AMA does not run it.
Supercross super profitable because AMA does not run it.
Outdoor Nationals, profitable because AMA does not run it
Anyone see a pattern yet?

But the AMA is not a Motocross promotion organization, They are in the "promoting the motorcycle lifestyle" business. We as racers are forced into buying memberships so we can participate. In turn, the board extorts the money claiming they are only trying to "protect the future of motorcycling" Crazy ironic that their failure to do basic accounting jeopardizes those main objectives.

Tracks close: crickets from the AMA.
Racers killed or seriously hurt: crickets
Clubs that have decades of holding motocross races stop having races: Crickets
Several tracks leave and create their own organization: Crickets
New organization pops up without the AMA and is very successful... Oh wait, lets throw some qualifiers their way to bring them back in line.
And that is just in the home state.

We, MOTOCROSS, do not need the AMA. We never have. IF they do anything for the world of motorcycling it is for the road guys. If that is really what they want to protect, fine, do that. Just don't force me to pay $49 so I can race at Kenworthy... or DMC..... or Dirt Country... or....
Well at least I get 10% off a dirty ass Days inn hotel room, 35% off a Chineese made helmet and a free tow incase I need it, wait, I have AAA for that.
Atleast they've added us(Nationwide) to the discounts too . But that's more about Nationwide than the AMA. Seriously, there needs to be some huge changes. I'd like to take a in depth look at their balance sheet and examine the revenues and where it's actually going. I hope that CFO is raising hell about it, he should be the gatekeeper for the budget. Assuming they actually create an annual budget.
The CFO makes $126,867 but still outsources accounting for a cost of $67,950.
Crazy for me to assume that a CFO would have an accounting background. That task must be below him...
Maybe we can just hire the accounting service and fire this Moffit guy.

The magazines bring in 667K in advertising but costs 790K to produce? Really? Print media does not make money? Oh wait, as my good buddy J.O. reminds me all the time, its not 1985 anymore.

This 990 is full of little nuggets like that. Quality.
I like that there's no lobbying dollars showing up, even though they always talk about lobbying for rights.... Unless that's part of one of the subsidiaries
The CFO makes $126,867 but still outsources accounting for a cost of $67,950.
Somehow, I missed this article but is really interesting and sad. If Knox is right and the CFO doesn't have an accounting degree or is outsourcing the accounting, he should step down or be fired. Sounds like a boys club to me. In that position the person should be a CPA, at a minimum. I have worked for many companies big and small and for the positions described in this article, these positions were always filled with specific, degreed personnel. Also, if the company isn't making money, in the real business world, they go out of business. This organization may want to do some restructuring, get people in that can do their own job, reduce their salaries, and cut cost until they can stop the bleeding. If the claims made by Knox and the figures are correct this organization should be ashamed of themselves and make the necessary changes to stop the bleeding.
I would assume that line 11c for accounting services would be for the audit that
is required yearly. CFO can't do his own.

For sure I don't understand how they don't report lobbying expenses when I'm sure that
they have full time people in DC doing just that - lobbying.