Smith road practice

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Posted yesterday about the smith road race and practice coming up trying to make some suggestions. Couple people said I should talk to Larry myself instead of complaining on here. Actually yesterday was my first time posting on here. I only did it cause it's like a last resort. I've talked to Larry at the track on Wednesdays. I know plenty of people that have. All ranging from C riders to A riders. He said he had the biggest tractor around and there's no way anyone could do a better job. Back in the day every week the track was different. Discd deep with ruts everywhere! There's no way you can tell me that's how it's been lately. The only reason it seems sloppy and wet is because he's not rippin it deep enough. Go to apple cabin, beans, malvern, briarcliff. You're wide open cause it's so deep. Again I'm not try to argue or start anything. I'm just trying to make suggestions so the guys up north have a awesome place to practice during the week!
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I've been riding Smith for over a decade as well, and it is my home track. I wouldn't even be able to calculate how much I have spent there on racing/riding/concessions. I love Smith road and can't imagine not having it as an option. With that being said, I believe that every paying rider/racer is most certainly allowed to voice their opinions. There really is no need to talk to the track owner in person if a representative of that track willingly joined a forum, on which they regularly post, to be a part of online riding community in this area. It should be known that as a business owner nowadays, your gonna have to expect both praise and criticism. What you do with that feedback as a business owner is up to you.

Anyhow my main concern (not my only one, just most recent issue) is the lack of any type of barrier between the kids track and the big track. I see squids coming over the tabletop squirrelly as hell all the time, while some 4 year old kid is right there on his pw50 oblivious to what could happen in a worst case scenario. What about when the 4 year old ventures off the kids track right out where everyone pulls off the big track? Am I the only parent that sees this as an issue? I did talk to someone at the track about this in person as well for those who will tell me to do so.
I must admit I am shocked by this. Far worse has been said about tracks on here and I dont remember anyone being banned. Captain fish pond has it right about opinions and public forums.
Oh boy. I have a lot of love for Smith, and maybe I hold them to higher a standard being the track I grew up on and have a lot of fond memories of. However, the past couple of years it has gone downhill track wise. Myself as well as others, have pointed this out on numerous occasions both on here and in person. Hell, I even offered to help last fall. It's not like we don't care and just come here to bash you, we just want to see the track return to the glory we all remember and know it's capable of. You aren't the only place offering Wednesday moto or Holiday races for that matter so I might tread a bit lighter before telling your customers not to come back.

This includes messaging other members looking for my name. If you want it sweetheart, I'll be glad to come shake your hand if I decide to return.
I must admit I am shocked by this. Far worse has been said about tracks on here and I dont remember anyone being banned. Captain fish pond has it right about opinions and public forums.

I've banned a few for a period of time, but eventually we resolved our issues.

This is meant to be a funny, but I really did. At least I can laugh about it now!
Shots fired! Banning a rider? Aren't tracks having a hard enough time making practice/race quotas? Too many tracks are shutting down to have this kind of stuff happening. The tracks need the riders and the riders need the tracks. Really shocked to see this but to each their own. I can see it from both sides but that's a bit extreme. Sorry to hear about all of this. It's a shame this is what the local scene has come to. Maybe it's always gone on and I just recently started getting on here regularly.

Why can't we be friends?! Why can't we be friends?! Lol
I think a weekly banning would help adjust some bad attitudes. I'm all for it. Some of you sobs wont quit cutting the track and riding through my damn grass. Ride the track!
Oh I agree with the riding the whole track bit. Seriously though, would you consider giving the smith road owners some advice or at least point them in the right direction? For reference I found this picture below. This was about 2/3 of the way through the first set of motos and they overwatered the track pretty bad. You can see the hard shiny base that dosent rut up. It just pushes the muck up on the bank.
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A place struggling to get riders,People on here every week complaining about the track,Owner decides to ban people!! Bahahaha I banned myself from smith when they decided to keep those two front tables for few years I don't know if they are still there or not BUT I know a couple guys with shovels could make something better !!!!! ...Where is Georgie with his "guides to a great track by Georgie"
While I don't know the whole story about who/why Smith Rd is banning somebody, I will say that sometimes it's a whole
lot better to fire a customer. Life is too short to put up with the hassle of somebody uncooperative or actively
thwarting you doing your job.

Again, not saying that is what happened here. Just a random thought.
While I don't know the whole story about who/why Smith Rd is banning somebody, I will say that sometimes it's a whole
lot better to fire a customer. Life is too short to put up with the hassle of somebody uncooperative or actively
thwarting you doing your job.

Again, not saying that is what happened here. Just a random thought.

Sturd, the entire story is in this post. A rider made comments and the track banned him. Simple as that.
I do have a question. I was at the race on Monday for about 3/4 of the day. They had some problems with a few things that caused some riders to really light them up. I saw several instances of riders coming off the track and completely laying into several workers and the owner himself.

Are those riders now banned too? Or do the bans only pertain to comments posted online?

While I don't know the whole story about who/why Smith Rd is banning somebody, I will say that sometimes it's a whole
lot better to fire a customer. Life is too short to put up with the hassle of somebody uncooperative or actively
thwarting you doing your job.

Again, not saying that is what happened here. Just a random thought.

I have told customers not to call me ever again, even when I really needed the money. HA HA. It made my job better.

We would all love to see Smith road flourish. for sure. Best of luck to them and I hope their plan works out.
Once and a while riders are correct, they are the ones riding the track. But prep is tough. some like it deep, some no so deep, some like it wet, some like it a bit drier.

On the flip side though look at CTMX. Some comments were made by a few riders that have raced for years. Jeremy listened, looked at the track, probably talked to some other people, and decided that those areas did need adjusted. My guess, he has even happier riders at the battle race, and the track will provide even better racing.

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I took a new pair of pants back to Kohl's last night (they were a gift). When the cashier asked why? I said cause they are cheaply made and I want to buy something better. So basically I traded up to a to a more expensive pair. They gladly took my money and I left with new pants and extra Kohl's Cash (which I was told is like a gift card, who knows).
I don't think I am banned from Kohl's but I better check my email.
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