You bring up a good point Nick, the Hare Scramble certificates normally does come in the mail separate after the motocross stuff. Let me explain a little better why I am making a point about this.
As you guys all know past races are quickly forgotten and hard to keep track of by memory. They all just become one big clustered blur after a while. (the concussions don't help matters any

.) So, after each race I do, and my grandson does, I usually print off the event info, the class's raced , and the results. In addition I burn all pic's and video taken to disc and then I put the stuff in a simple manila envelope and throw into a box I have. It's kind of fun browsing back through sometimes. You know:
Ahhhh Man I remember this race!
But as it stands right now, I'm not even listed in the posted results. The results page actually is more important to me than any certificate or plaque. It's particularly fun seeing who you raced against as you continue building new friendships from racing.
An good example is in our vintage motocross races, 50+ B. I didn't do too particularly well in the results,
BUT, in one particular moto I was pushing really hard and caught up with Jeff Vlk on his CZ400. Then the race really began for the both of us. It was very exciting for a couple of laps. And I'm thinking that might of been the highlight of my weekend. So the results page giving the names matters to me.