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Let me ask you this, if it weren't for the transponders, would you be willing to pay the other fees charged from this weekend for a State Championship Series weekend? Keep in mind I paid for 3 racers and a spectator this past weekend, so you are responding to a mini parent, not JO the Battle inventor.
JO the parent, I feel $10 per person is fair for admission. $25 to practice (4 sessions would of been nice). $25 to race.
Let me ask you this, if it weren't for the transponders, would you be willing to pay the other fees charged from this weekend for a State Championship Series weekend? Keep in mind I paid for 3 racers and a spectator this past weekend, so you are responding to a mini parent, not JO the Battle inventor.
It would of just depended on the money situation we had for that weekend. We didnt do many qualifiers because of all the extra fees. The hardest thing was allans youngest broke something every weekend. Lol.

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I think I'm with Knox, but I was never on the transponder bandwagon. It was cool, but definitely not worth the cost to the promoter, the racers, and the added time at signup. Now I think those are the future, and I still would like to work towards that, but I don't think the time is now. As far as the other fees, I think they're inline with the amount of time work, risk, stress, and everything else that comes along to make our facilities and events growing. I can tell you this, at $10 per rider, $25/15/10 for racing, and $25 for practice last year at my "local" race we had 375 riders and we made about as much as one of our better practice weekends, for 10 times the cost. 4 times the work, and about 50 times the stress. If I had to chose racing at those fees (the fees above) and not racing, hands down, my gate is for sale today. At the current fee schedule (The one from KOC and this years Battle, which is $5 different on Friday from last years Battle), I'm still not sure its worth it to me, but its one of those I wont know till I'm older and looking back. For now I keep pushing forward hoping I'm right some day.

Think about this, why is Malvern for sale? Why has it changed hands so many times in the last 20 years? Not piking on Malvern, but my point is that if promoting is such a profitable game, then why do people get out? Name one promoter that has retired early from a motocross only work life? Meaning that's all they do. Do you know that Tim Ritchie plows snow in the winters? Everything is not what it seems, just keep that in mind.

I think Chilli Town has come a long way, are they race masters? No, all of us learn something at each race. But I will tell you this, nobody out promotes Chilli Town, nobody. They are very very good at that.
I think I'm with Knox, but I was never on the transponder bandwagon. It was cool, but definitely not worth the cost to the promoter, the racers, and the added time at signup. Now I think those are the future, and I still would like to work towards that, but I don't think the time is now. As far as the other fees, I think they're inline with the amount of time work, risk, stress, and everything else that comes along to make our facilities and events growing. I can tell you this, at $10 per rider, $25/15/10 for racing, and $25 for practice last year at my "local" race we had 375 riders and we made about as much as one of our better practice weekends, for 10 times the cost. 4 times the work, and about 50 times the stress. If I had to chose racing at those fees (the fees above) and not racing, hands down, my gate is for sale today. At the current fee schedule (The one from KOC and this years Battle, which is $5 different on Friday from last years Battle), I'm still not sure its worth it to me, but its one of those I wont know till I'm older and looking back. For now I keep pushing forward hoping I'm right some day.

Think about this, why is Malvern for sale? Why has it changed hands so many times in the last 20 years? Not piking on Malvern, but my point is that if promoting is such a profitable game, then why do people get out? Name one promoter that has retired early from a motocross only work life? Meaning that's all they do. Do you know that Tim Ritchie plows snow in the winters? Everything is not what it seems, just keep that in mind.

I think Chilli Town has come a long way, are they race masters? No, all of us learn something at each race. But I will tell you this, nobody out promotes Chilli Town, nobody. They are very very good at that.
Im not bitching about the way any of you put on a race I think you guys do a great job but I rather give you guys the $20 to $25 for another practice session or race another class not to give away for a transponder if they want to know there lap times go buy a lit pro or whatever that new thing is. The point is as a racer and a parent we want to feel we are getting something for our money. Instead of escore getting the money wouldnt you guys like to have it for your cost just like the $5 person for Friday entry we get nothing for that but we would gladly give you the money to run a second practice because we are getting something in return
Im not bitching about the way any of you put on a race I think you guys do a great job but I rather give you guys the $20 to $25 for another practice session or race another class not to give away for a transponder if they want to know there lap times go buy a lit pro or whatever that new thing is. The point is as a racer and a parent we want to feel we are getting something for our money. Instead of escore getting the money wouldnt you guys like to have it for your cost just like the $5 person for Friday entry we get nothing for that but we would gladly give you the money to run a second practice because we are getting something in return
There is no dought in my mind if you were a track promotor my family would support your track. Until you charged me too much.
Given the choice, I would prefer not to pay for transponders. My son, on the other hand, likes to check his lap times and compare them with the competition (but then again he is not paying for the transponder rental).

I have given e-score a fair amount of money this year, particularly when they charge $40 at a regional. At that price I expect the entire transponder process to run flawless. Instead, once at Malvern this year I had enough time in the transponder return line to open a beer and drink the entire thing before I was up to the window, and a second time at Malvern they lost my credit card form (or gave it to another returnee) and that took an extended amount of time to straighten out.

Would the OMA consider buying their own RF tag system, similar to what WRMC uses for their events, and share it among member tracks? This would do away with transponder rentals/purchases and would cost each rider about $5 for a tag that could be used for a minimum of one season.
Given the choice, I would prefer not to pay for transponders. My son, on the other hand, likes to check his lap times and compare them with the competition (but then again he is not paying for the transponder rental).

I have given e-score a fair amount of money this year, particularly when they charge $40 at a regional. At that price I expect the entire transponder process to run flawless. Instead, once at Malvern this year I had enough time in the transponder return line to open a beer and drink the entire thing before I was up to the window, and a second time at Malvern they lost my credit card form (or gave it to another returnee) and that took an extended amount of time to straighten out.

Would the OMA consider buying their own RF tag system, similar to what WRMC uses for their events, and share it among member tracks? This would do away with transponder rentals/purchases and would cost each rider about $5 for a tag that could be used for a minimum of one season.

I have inquired about the system a few times, but the biggest hang up is that it doesn't play well with Trackside. We are completely satisfied with Trackside. If motosponder would integrate with Trackside, then I would say there is a chance.
Transponders are awesome. I get both sides of the issue, lets be honest. When I was younger the extra $20 without a doubt would have been a deal breaker. I love racing, given the choice I will pick racing over practice track days every single time. But in my mid 20's the extra $20 just wasnt there to spend. Im sure that holds true for most 18-30 year old people today that have to pay their own bills.

Today I wish they had them at every race! Scoring is easier/ more accurate and being able to compare your times against others is great! Looking up the pro class to see there is no chance in hell you will ever stack up is great too. The training aspect is fantastic for my son. He tells me he was trying really hard at the end of his race, pull up the lap times and proving to him he tanked it is priceless!