The return... With a twist.

I've seen those surgeries go really well and I've seen them go horribly wrong. Definitely have to stick to those 800 calorie a day diets. The balloon looks like it could be beneficial to most people. Diet and exercise is key to anything but speeding up the process is good.
I've worked part time at gnc for 6 years and too many people want instant gratification. Weight loss pills you don't have to work out with, no carb diets, no fat diets, or even just not eating. Works in africa. Or better yet, steroids, because those are the answer. I've done tons of research on diets and drugs. There is always something out there.
I agree with George, don't mess with your anatomy. There are risks. I saw something the other day about a new valve they are putting in.. so when you over eat you just empty your stomach.. and the FDA approved it.. so I guess bulimia is okay too.
Keep up the diet and cardio. Bro diets and keto are good but they are rough to dial in.
theres guys up here that do bullet liner truck bed lining that started a spin off using the bed liner products or a combination of them and some other stuff, they were setup at summit. call it 'moto kote' . it seems to hold up good, so the frame should be fine id imagine.
Next time you go to apply stickers to your swingarm, think about to poor, old guy, in his garage that has to remove it. First it was goo gone and a scrapper. Then glass bead blasting. Then acetone and a scotch bright. That left shinny spots which of course I could not leave uneven... 3 hours later I am full on cloth wheel buffing with 3 different buffing compounds and aluminum polish. There is a day of a life I wont get back. So, the outside and top are polished and the inside is bead blasted. Is it perfect? No. Am I done working on this damn swingarm? Damn right.
Next time you go to apply stickers to your swingarm, think about to poor, old guy, in his garage that has to remove it. First it was goo gone and a scrapper. Then glass bead blasting. Then acetone and a scotch bright. That left shinny spots which of course I could not leave uneven... 3 hours later I am full on cloth wheel buffing with 3 different buffing compounds and aluminum polish. There is a day of a life I wont get back. So, the outside and top are polished and the inside is bead blasted. Is it perfect? No. Am I done working on this damn swingarm? Damn right.
View attachment 53575

You might notice the only remaining stickers here.

Learned that lesson some time ago...
Next time you go to apply stickers to your swingarm, think about to poor, old guy, in his garage that has to remove it. First it was goo gone and a scrapper. Then glass bead blasting. Then acetone and a scotch bright. That left shinny spots which of course I could not leave uneven... 3 hours later I am full on cloth wheel buffing with 3 different buffing compounds and aluminum polish. There is a day of a life I wont get back. So, the outside and top are polished and the inside is bead blasted. Is it perfect? No. Am I done working on this damn swingarm? Damn right.
View attachment 53575

I was never a huge fan of polishing my swingarm. Too much work and not a big fan of the look. When I got my stuff, it looked like crap. My good friend, Rob Miracle powercoated my swingarm and wheel hubs and I thought it looked great. That guy did so much for me... he deserves most of the credit.

Assembly has begun. I forgot to take a picture last night but motor and triple clamps are back on the bike so I figured I would update the budget this morning.
Bike = $1000
Parts = $240.42 (so far)
Paint = $75 (worked out a deal)
Coatings = Free (sponsorship)

Total - $1,315.42

Suspension cost = TBD
Parts yet to come = Chain, Front sprocket and a few others = TBD

I think that will be it for step one. Actually going to keep the old arse tires on the bike which are of course not good but we will see how much it effects performance vs. cost.
Budget build is looking good. So as long as the rider does not blow it, it should prove you can do this sport on the cheap.
Aside from the pure enjoyment of watching my son race, this is the most fun I have had in the sport... maybe ever.

OK, maybe the swingarm polishing SUCKED, but the rest has been fun.
Don't cut corners now...Buy new tires

Changing the rear tire (100-19) are the worst but you'll appreciate it on the track
Word to the wise if you are contemplating doing a project like this:
I retreated to the sanctum that is the garage to continue work last night. At 11pm, Angry Amy opens the garage door to announce she is going to bed and of course to belt out a few orders for me to follow before I call it a night. She catches a glimpse of her replacement now setting on the stand and then walks out and takes a look. "That looks pretty good." As you can imagine I am thinking "yeah, you wish you could look this good" quickly followed by "wonder if I could rebuild her"... This, of course came out of my mouth sounding like, "I am sorry this is taking away from out time together... (being I already have two divorces under my belt, I have learned a few thing...)
Here is how you handle this "project". At 8:30 or so, announce you are going to bed and encourage the rest of the family that they should all retire for the night so they can get a fresh the next day. Once they are all fast asleep, you of course will still be wide awake with visions of sugar plum tinted hubs to be laced dancing in you head. Quietly, slide out of bed and tiptoe down the hall to the garage, turn on the tunes, crack a beer and wallow in your manhood for a few hours. If the back fires and Angry Amy awakes, simply say " I forgot to take the trash out to the curb" She of course will be half asleep and totally forget that trash day was two days ago. Bingo, you are free.
Like other suggestions I have made in the past on here, I will test this theory tonight and report back on the success.
I just tracked my next Christmas present of bike parts from and it is schedule to be delivered today so I will need plenty of time tonight.
Fingers crossed.

Man, I should charge for all these super helpful tips.
Any suggestions on tires? Remember, this is a budget build so I am not dropping 70 for Bridgelops or Dunstones.
With over 5K views in a week, this would be another place where a really good sponsor SHOULD jump all over it.
Im just saying... :rolleyes:
I was gonna suggest artrax as well, combo for $100 delivered 3 days later. I've been pretty happy with them on the track as well.
this would be another place where a really good sponsor SHOULD jump all over it.
Im just saying... :rolleyes:

You know.....some ex pro guy put up a thread about how to get sponsers.....not sure any of his suggestions were to just post on a forum and wait for a sponsor to come out of the woodwork.....
You know.....some ex pro guy put up a thread about how to get sponsers.....not sure any of his suggestions were to just post on a forum and wait for a sponsor to come out of the woodwork.....
Its called the power of suggestion... I was hoping it would work. I guess my reputation proceeds me.
Looks like it is time to pound the pavement.
Makes it hard when your racing resume has 3 inches of dust on it.
Do they still make Super Seer goggles? I have a good contact there.
Any suggestions on tires? Remember, this is a budget build so I am not dropping 70 for Bridgelops or Dunstones.
With over 5K views in a week, this would be another place where a really good sponsor SHOULD jump all over it.
Im just saying... :rolleyes:

i'm sure the AMA will be contacting you shortly
Made good progress tonight. Engine is all buttoned up and wires run. Tomorrow is final practice before the Indy 500... Carb day. Oh boy. Dry, brittle hoses and the smell of old gas in the float. Can hardly wait.

OK Knox I am digging it out of the corner of the garage and getting the ole girl running!
2003 KX125, still has the stock tires on it from 03. Bought it for my wife a number of years ago and hasn't been started for probably 2or3 years
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OK Knox I am digging it out of the corner of the garage and getting the ole girl running!
2003 KX125, still has the stock tires on it from 03. Bought it for my wife a number of years ago and hasn't been started for probably 2or3 years
Better hurry, you only have 10 days to Chillitown. Dig the mouse nest out of the airbox. Spray some wd-40 on the rusty crank and fire it up. Its a 2 stoke so you know it will start.