It's Regional Time!

I was a having a similar discussion on the lack of entries at the Nationals.. it's more apparent to me that the reason people don't go race the pro nationals or don't want to race the "amateur big" races isn't just the money... it's kinda/mostly the money but not the whole reason. People don't have same values in competing. Which is fine but don't say 'I'm not going because it's too expensive' just say 'I don't want to compete and it's too expensive'. The cost is really high and the competition, in some cases is unfair (especially at the pro level) but what happened to, screw it, let's line up on the same gate and let's go. Bring it... I'm here to compete.

I was watching the Eddie the Eagle movie (which is a great movie, kinda corny at times but it's a disney sports movie) and at the end, there was a quote that reinforced this concept to me... If a guy doesn't think he has a shot, he just doesn't show up.

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well." - Pierre de Coubertin

Again.. not discounting the cost aspect because it's truly expensive and sometimes the cost out weights the value.. but that's part of the struggle. It's not supposed to be easy to compete at a high level.
Kinda sad that when someone (ME) posts something based on FACT and it is looked at as negative... When did someone hand out these rose colored glasses to everyone in this sport? Must have been at one of those regional.
Again, if it is a bucket list, spend time with the kids, want to hit big gates, etc... I get it. To a point. But how many times / how much $ do you have to spend before you say enough is enough?

Of course some of the things I post are for entertainment. "Do you all sit around and eat orange slices and brush each other hair also?" is a personal fav. If you did not chuckle, there is something wrong with you. But the facts are the facts. Denying it is just foolish. My son stinks at racing. Yes, he has fun, sometimes, going to races and he would love to go to LL. BUT he has no chance of making it so we don't go to qualifiers or donate cash to MX Sport so he can "participate".
Racing is about winning, or at least being competitive. "racing" for 33rd is not competitive.
Knox how did you get racing experience when you were a kid ? ______________<-- answer please. Then continue reading.

Doesn't your kid need racing experience ? He can't get a full competitive gate locally. So are you just denying him a way to gain valuable experience ?

3 areas and 3 regionals a year. That's 6 races you could hit. I would imagine racing those 6 events would be cheaper than trying to race 35 in CRA to get a cup that you return the next year....

You ain't gonna have a shake at being competitive at Lorettas if you're not racing out of your comfort zone. Premier talent is now consolidated to LLQ, Regionals, LL and other amateur nationals. That's not Changing. You aren't finding these racers locally.

Times change too. My brother all he cares about is riding, posting to instagram and really sick graphics. When I race I wanna win. And if I gotta do it on 7 inch numbers and stock graphics I'm fine with that. I don't care if I'm on instageam throwing a sick scrub. I want to get a damn holeshot and win. I feel like kids my brothers age are more in his majority--wanna race for fun. When I watch my brother race there is no angry killer bee instinct. He just looks cool, calm and having fun. Which is great....that's totally fine. But Knox times are different now. We live in a winning isn't everything world. Although I still wanna win and winning is everything. (To me and to you clearly ) but rest of society isn't in that mindset. Turning into Grumpy old men sooner than I imagined.

Times are different man. And if you're not going to bigger races because you can't it you that's preventing your kid from getting better or is it just your kid doesn't want to get better ? You can't take your kid to a local race anymore and race hard in limited classes like when you were young. That racing world is gone forever. Now you gotta adapt. And unfortunately you gotta adapt with cash, travel and seat time outside of your 2 hour home radius.
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I was a having a similar discussion on the lack of entries at the Nationals.. it's more apparent to me that the reason people don't go race the pro nationals or don't want to race the "amateur big" races isn't just the money... it's kinda/mostly the money but not the whole reason. People don't have same values in competing. Which is fine but don't say 'I'm not going because it's too expensive' just say 'I don't want to compete and it's too expensive'. The cost is really high and the competition, in some cases is unfair (especially at the pro level) but what happened to, screw it, let's line up on the same gate and let's go. Bring it... I'm here to compete.

"The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well." - Pierre de Coubertin

Again.. not discounting the cost aspect because it's truly expensive and sometimes the cost out weights the value.. but that's part of the struggle. It's not supposed to be easy to compete at a high level.

That is a product of the snow flake generation. Kids are being brought up in a world where everything is supposed to be fair and equal. Dont hurt peoples feelings, beating somebody on the track hurts their feelings. People dont want their kids feelings hurt. You know, maybe if the promoters put safe spaces in at the tracks for everyone who didnt win that day the attendance would increase.

The quote by Pierre above is true, but if you dont believe you can attain your goal who is going to keep up the struggle? So what is the "goal" you have set for yourself? Thats the real question nobody in this discussion has asked. The truth is everyone on here has given the correct answer. So by going to the LL qualifers some people have a goal to win, others have a goal to spend time with family, others have a goal to spend time with friends, and others have a goal to race on national caliber tracks, Others, like myself, want all of that and to try to make the show. What all of you seem to be missing ( I could be wrong, maybe some see it ) is that everyone has a goal to reach by going! This is why each of us go.

Knox had a goal to reach before he would race again. He attained that goal and lost his wieght, got into some type of shape, practiced a bit and for the first time in 18 years he lined up behind a gate ( injured and all ) and raced!! He struggled and he reached his goal.

Gail and her family spend time together at the track, they practice hard and the riders of the group do very well. Im sure its been a struggle through out the years but they have attained many goals they have set out for.

Sharc broke a tib and fib , has had some serious personal issues. He has struggled through all that made it to Ironman and spet the weekend with friends racing with the best in our area on a national track that was a blast! He rode very well and loved every minute of it. You could tell by the never ending smile on his face this past weekned! Goal achieved

I rode like complete ass, was pissed only at myself for my poor conditioning and performance. But I wouldnt trade it in for much. I spent time with friends ( the family couldnt make it ), my dog, rode a nasty rough and rutted track against some fast dudes, got my ass kicked and loved every minute of it! My goal was obviously to get a ticket but my reality goal was to place top 15, have fun and not get injured. I found I have the speed for the top 15 but the rest of my goals were met. I have a plan for next year now too. Guess what ??? Im going to Alabama to do it all again in a couple weeks! Goal ? Same, top 15 , have fun with the track, family this time and friends.

Put into perspective most everyone does this for their own goals. When goals cant possibly be met or financial hurdles become too much.... that is when people stop coming. As far as negativity? I really dont see any about the racing on here. I do see people getting upset because a people have different views than their own. I dont get that, what a boring world it would be if we all like the same things the same way. If we all thought the same about everything, if we all agreed about everything every time. It doesnt mean you have to like what other people think but I dont get the hatred and attacks because of it, a discussion is one thing.......
I decided the Sunday before the regional to go knowing i would struggle riding 4 laps on a brutally rough track. I struggled had a blast and would go again. CK or negative Nancy. Why keep asking why? Dave Coombs was a race promoter he figured it out. His family works hard it's their life passion and they may be getting very rich from it. I say good for them. Their events are awesome. I have paid 5 bucks a lap for a fair race, now that is stupid and i do one every year.
I decided the Sunday before the regional to go knowing i would struggle riding 4 laps on a brutally rough track. I struggled had a blast and would go again. CK or negative Nancy. Why keep asking why? Dave Coombs was a race promoter he figured it out. His family works hard it's their life passion and they may be getting very rich from it. I say good for them. Their events are awesome. I have paid 5 bucks a lap for a fair race, now that is stupid and i do one every year.
Right on -
I think you did great!

For you - what was the more difficult Regional - last year Baja or this year Ironman?
Smith - how many laps did you make around Ironman ?
That in itself is an accomplishment !!
I only did one class and was spent by end....
I personally got experience from going to 40 to 50 LOCAL races a year. While most people remember the 80's as hair bands and Ronald Reagan. I remember dust filled sky's at Dirt Country and scraping mud from under the fenders after the first practice at Kenworthy. (Pre-pressure washer days) Oh, yeah. We us to get 2 practices on race days... but that is another topic.
My son does not want racing experience. He just wants to hang with his buddies and ride with his grumpy old man dad. On Sundays he would rather play in a baseball tournament then race motocross. Which is great considering the $20 mil a year contracts in baseball vs. $200 pay days in moto. Moto is my passion, not his. and I am fine with that.

Chasing the dream of LL is great. Please understand, I don't have an issue with that. But unless you can dominate an the local level, then you are just wasting your time and $ going to regionals. Once you dominate at the local level then sure, hit the big events around the country. Get that experience. But unfortunately I can count on one hand the number of racers in this area that are at the level. (And I still have 3 fingers left)
If you still refuse to accept reality and chase a dream, have at it. I just hope that when you wake from the dream you still have a local seen to come back to when you too are a grumpy old man.
Safe space??? That's in your damn truck, and lock the doors. Nobody is safe at an Mx Track! I'm brining back the sign that reads "WARNING you are entering a Restricted Area!" I also would like to start adding plants to my facility. I notice that I'm behind the times in this category. Now where do I buy a cactus??
Safe space??? That's in your damn truck, and lock the doors. Nobody is safe at an Mx Track! I'm brining back the sign that reads "WARNING you are entering a Restricted Area!" I also would like to start adding plants to my facility. I notice that I'm behind the times in this category. Now where do I buy a cactus??

Cactus Bahaha......

Sharc, I put 2.4 hours on my bike this past weekend. The last moto I finally got a good start and had nothing left to use it!! Lmao. let about 10 guys past me on the first lap. I cant wait to do it this weekend with Austin at Chillitown ( Sorry Knox my son has a .005% chance of making it but we will have fun ) and again with everyone in Alabama the following weekend.

I love this sport, hate that Im 50 and have the money and ability to do it finally so late in the game. Cant imagine how people sit at home and drink beer on the couch and watch sports on tv instead of doing it.
Cactus Bahaha......

Sharc, I put 2.4 hours on my bike this past weekend. The last moto I finally got a good start and had nothing left to use it!! Lmao. let about 10 guys past me on the first lap. I cant wait to do it this weekend with Austin at Chillitown ( Sorry Knox my son has a .005% chance of making it but we will have fun ) and again with everyone in Alabama the following weekend.

I love this sport, hate that Im 50 and have the money and ability to do it finally so late in the game. Cant imagine how people sit at home and drink beer on the couch and watch sports on tv instead of doing it.

I totally get it! I've always been able to do it, and always had the money too. But after almost 45 years of racong, I don't have anything to prove. Maybe when they get that 60 class I'll go........probably not.

I totally agree about the couch.
Why Moro?

Sitting at a bar with some friends watching the cavs. And I'm dreaming about riding my dirt bike. Woohoo sports! What's the score again? Eh whatever. What's the weather looking like for this weekend......

That's why.
Why Moro?

Sitting at a bar with some friends watching the cavs. And I'm dreaming about riding my dirt bike. Woohoo sports! What's the score again? Eh whatever. What's the weather looking like for this weekend......

That's why.

I was thinking about that just a little bit ago here at work as I sip my coffee... the most exciting part of these guys lives is sitting in front of a television watching a basketball ( in this case, fall = football ) game.............. let that sink in. I couldn't imagine not being pumped for a weekend of riding ... yep off the weekend, gonna mow the lawn, clean the gutters and watch the game... what a boring life! Braaaaaaaap
I have several other hobbies/priorities that I thoroughly enjoy (Streetbiking, Jeeping and working on Jeep, Golfing and drinking beer, working on my property and drinking beer, watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs and drinking beer, etc...), not to mention grandbabies that we love to spend time with. Moto is almost always on my mind, but it doesn't always win when it comes time to decide what to do for the weekend. Sometimes I wish it was just that simple. But then I come back to reality. I envy you guys that can eat, live and breath moto....sometimes.

I've always wanted to ride some of the bigger tracks that are the Regionals and Nationals, but very rarely (not for several years) do I have the cardio to do it (probably has a lot to do with drinking beer). Now that I finally have the money to do it, I would spend the money, knowing that I wouldn't make it, just to ride the well prepped track with full gates and spending time with fellow racers. It really sounds like a blast.
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