2018 Local Moto Changes

25+ just seems silly, 25-29 is still in your athletic prime (and this is coming from someone in that age range).

Personally I like D classes, not everyone started young and it makes newer riders feel like they aren't going to go out and embarrass themselves (or at least they are all embarrassing themselves together).

The extra classes seem, well, extra. But with that being said, I don't see any kids on here complaining about $25 so they should get as many classes as they are willing to pay for, ha.

D class sounds good on paper and in discussions, but yet it’s not producing
D class sounds good on paper and in discussions, but yet it’s not producing

From an entrepreneur stand point, cut what doesn't produce, as long as it won't cause too much of a fuss. But is it clearly the lowest turn out and not able to stick in another gate drop?
I agree with all but the 65 class. You would go from 4 - 50cc classes to one 65 class for kids to ride. I know for my son, and I'm sure some others, we are looking at at least 2 years on the 65 before he will touch an 85. So that's 2 years of riding age you are limiting to one class they can ride.
Think big picture my fellow DH. Less classes means more seat time for the remaining classes. You save the money from signing him up in 2 short sprint classes. And he gets better by pushing himself for more laps.
Signup lines are shorter. More time for practice sessions. People tell others about the extra seat time and others show up to counteract the reduced number of entries per athlete. Heck even less wear and tear on the starting gate.
I can not see a single long term negative to class reduction
Less awards for the promoter to purchase. Less burnt chicken dinners to serve at the awards banquet.
That’s called “a callback” my friends. And a damn good one at that
Think big picture my fellow DH. Less classes means more seat time for the remaining classes. You save the money from signing him up in 2 short sprint classes. And he gets better by pushing himself for more laps.
Signup lines are shorter. More time for practice sessions. People tell others about the extra seat time and others show up to counteract the reduced number of entries per athlete. Heck even less wear and tear on the starting gate.
I can not see a single long term negative to class reduction

Note.....nothing was said about longer motos, JO specifically said shorten the day.
My son would probably wrestle you for charity he was a state qualifier last year haha

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Oh no I concede, I’ve aged like 15 years In the last 5, I’m not wrestling kids, hell I probably don’t have the go to take Knox anymore, but I’d do it for charity
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Combine B/C in each class (one 250 and one 450 class), and then one beginner class for any size bike. For "true" beginners. Good luck policing it. Boner will probably take pride in winning it.
So how about possible new tracks in the area? We seen someone talking about a new place in Kentucky...
Planned track changes for current tracks?
Night races for next year?
Anyone jumping ship on an “organization” or adding new tracks to the existing one
Get rid of 65 and 85 extra. Majority of the riders ride 50 and 65 at the same time, then 65 and 85 at the same time.
The OMA has no 85 extra, once the kids are 10 the supermini is our 2nd class on the 85 if we choose to run 2.

If 65 open is cut, is there really any reason why the 50 open shouldn't be cut?
I don't see it happening, too many entries.
Man if you combine b/c you’ll have C riders getting landed on and creating fiascos everywhere on the track. I ripped my nut sack open at cocr back in 2012 due to a C rider coming into me on the face of the grandstand jump when I was lapping him... and leave 25+.. because it’s like this. I use to run A class... just getting back into the sport after taking 4 years off, I’m nowhere near capable of running A class ever again, can’t run B or C due to being a previous A rider, so the only class left for me is 25+....