Gas saving bike hauler

Our bagged Odyssey gets low 20s with the bike on back. I took it down to Gatlinburg with just the Grom (and with standard wheels/tires) and was averaging 27. The factory hitch package can support just enough to haul the aluminum carrier and a 250f comfortably but a steel carrier might be pushing it. The Grom is stretched about 4 inches and squeezes in snugly between the doors so its super easy to load in one side and out the other. Not the cheapest setup with the air ride setup but it sure is nice to unload when the carrier is only a foot off the ground!


I feel like I have seen this parked at Iron Pony a couple of times lately?? It is so freaking sweet!
Our bagged Odyssey gets low 20s with the bike on back. I took it down to Gatlinburg with just the Grom (and with standard wheels/tires) and was averaging 27. The factory hitch package can support just enough to haul the aluminum carrier and a 250f comfortably but a steel carrier might be pushing it. The Grom is stretched about 4 inches and squeezes in snugly between the doors so its super easy to load in one side and out the other. Not the cheapest setup with the air ride setup but it sure is nice to unload when the carrier is only a foot off the ground!


I dunno what’s cooler the bagged minivan, the Honda in the back....or the bikes in the van. That’s a slick setup! Those wheels are awesome.
this thread just got really gay. trannies and bagged minivans jfc

Gay? really? We needed something to haul our canopy and product when we set up at events. Wife's Fit wasn't cutting it anymore and she said she wouldn't drive a van unless it was sweet. But you're right, it's totally gay. She should dream of a white suburban like every other basic wife in Ohio.

My goodness, that thing is beautiful. Jeff's handy work with a camera does it justice too. If you're ever up in the Akron area with it, myself and a number of photographers/videographers would swoon over the chance to do a shoot with it.
My goodness, that thing is beautiful. Jeff's handy work with a camera does it justice too. If you're ever up in the Akron area with it, myself and a number of photographers/videographers would swoon over the chance to do a shoot with it.
Hey thanks Michael! We will definitely be at the Superfly Season Opener on May 5th, last year we were in Akron I'd say 5 times setting up for the event over the summer - keep in touch and we can set something up
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Gay? really? We needed something to haul our canopy and product when we set up at events. Wife's Fit wasn't cutting it anymore and she said she wouldn't drive a van unless it was sweet. But you're right, it's totally gay. She should dream of a white suburban like every other basic wife in Ohio.

yes gay. im glad you agree.

i don't know what a basic wife is nor what their dreams and aspirations are but hopefully it's not a minivan on airbags.
This was the hauler for a little while.. 98 integra 5spd with 130k.. pulled both bikes on a homemade trailer no problemView attachment 57980

I like the imaginative approach you guys have on your hauling set up's. Pulling a trailer behind a car with a standard transmission worries me a bit though, tends to shorten the clutch life a bit from my experience. Although a lightweight open rail trailer might not to be too bad.
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I like the imaginative approach you guys have on your hauling set up's. Pulling a trailer behind a car with a standard transmission worries me a bit though, tends to shorten the clutch life a bit from my experience. Although a lightweight open rail trailer might not to be too bad.

Totally depends on vehicle. My 265 hp awd WRX barely has enough clutch without a trailer. My 75 hp '74 Opel Manta Rallye had a bulletproof drive train and had no trouble with a bike trailer. My friend pulled his bike to California and back behind his Manta Rallye. May put a hitch on the old WRX though. Would make getting to the race more interesting. ;)