Matt Mangano
PR Member
Was watching the RacerX edit from Sunday on youtube and... Sharc! Is that you????
Here’s the link:
It’s around the 1:30 mark.
Comin from a guy that almost has aneurysms when ya talk about how redbud is the best of the best.After watching the helmet cams the only place that looks “sandier” I the new loop by the start and maybe the ski jump. Doesn’t seem any different than what I saw in July. In the link they talk about it being hard underneath. Ummm they probably didn’t prep it like normal because of the freaking forecast. WAKE UP People.
I believe it was 1995 when Red Bud went from Clay to Sand track. The regional was there that year, and they had open riding the weekend before, and we went up there to get some practice in and they added SAND everywhere which changed the track complexion greatly. We went home after open riding and bought soft terrain tires for the Regional the following weekend. Everyone back then was thinking it was going to be hard clay based track for Regional and got a surprise when they showed up. Not only that, the retailers that showed up on site, didn't have soft terrain tires there because they didn't know either.......... I think that's why I qualified for my first trip to Loretta Lynn's. I had ridden the week before and had soft terrain tires on for Regional and ended up qualifying for the Big show for the very first time that year. Since then, they have been keeping the sand on the track for all the years, it's easier to maintain as a racing surface for sure, and when you're trying to run big events, rain or shine, sand is better to work with!!!