I hardly ever make it to any races anymore, just too many other things going on in my life. But I used to always run 3 classes when I was racing regularly to get that extra seat time during a race day. Even at the Regional Level, you still run short motos, it's only at Loretta Lynn's where the long motos finally come into play, and the first time you make it there, you are surprised how long 20 minutes plus 1 lap is. So GETTING to Loretta's isn't because we don't ride long motos, doing well at Loretta's might have to do with that. We don't get to Loretta's as a group, because it's hard to do and the serious people ride together and push each other to get faster. Whitcraft and Kilbarger are working with kids to get them up to the speed they need, there are more kids training and learning what it takes to be a "National" rider in the amateur ranks. It's not easy, and the amount of people that can make it is really small when you think about it....... 42 riders, less than 1 per state, add a few from Canada, and a few from other countries knowing they need to ride here to push themselves and you have to realize that you better be damn good if you think you are making the biggest race of the year.
I like the idea of a Hybrid long moto race, because I want seat time to train for Loretta's, so I ride 30 minute motos at open practice rather than race, with the guys that are doing the same as me and we have the same group that usually goes to Loretta's. Push each other, and help each other. It would be nice to get a long moto gate drop in before Loretta's in my opinion.