LL to ironman

If they signed another contract with Loretta's for 10 more years, then they aren't moving soon. There is a mystique about it being Loretta Lynn's that a new track would have to build up over the years that isn't replaceable immediately with a move. And, any racer knows about Loretta Lynn's, even the people that don't race but know someone that is a serious racer know about Loretta Lynn's. Of course, if it had started at IronMan 38 years ago with only that race there every year, there would be a mystique about IronMan now. As long as the Coombs and Loretta Lynn have a good working relationship (ie they both make plenty of money off the event), I think it will keep going at the Ranch. BUT The real question becomes what happens when the Coal Miner's Daughter actually passes away, they may finish out the existing contract at that point and then have to find a new home because who knows what will happen to the ranch and the land then. At that point, rumors will run rampant, and the Coombs family will have to make a plan to move to move the race somewhere else. Let's not forget that Davey and Timmy Coombs, and Rita Coombs aren't getting any younger either at this point along with Loretta Lynn, 10 more years and I'd bet that 2 of the main 4 people have passed in that partnership and lots will change quickly at that point.
Not just this, but any top tier training facility is building a "replica" track for their racers. Hell, Chad Ward even built a replica of LL three years ago.
Word. And after really studying it some this year, the shape of the track does not lend itself to major change. Not easily anyway. Its kinda stuck.
This is purely from a racers perspective:
The track IS what makes it. It’s different, unique.

You may build a replica but you can’t replicate the amount of destruction (change) that happens to it over the course of the week.
It’s not the same track from day to day – moto to moto.

Because it’s simple and manmade it has no major features that need to be rebuilt or maintained.
They can let it get blown out and have little issues with safety.

From 50cc’s to ProSport – that track will (and has year after year) separated the flash from the fast.

Fearless and risky add nothing to your resume. Keeping consistent pace is the ticket.

It’s a racers track – Blown out and brutal. No speed, just one tricky section after the next.

It’s so Not Ironman …
Go back and watch some of the motos from this year.
Then come back and tell me the track doesn't make for top notch racing .
So the coal miners daughters grand son addressed long term plans and agreements at Loretta’s this year. He’s excited to continue The relationship. To the tune of 10 years. So the family understands the magnitude. And when she does I don’t see them ruining a good thing. That campground is packed for almost 2 weeks. The money injected into the local economy is mind boggling. They aren’t going anywhere. And honestly how hard the ranch employees work on the grounds and up keep and what not you would be hard pressed to get that kind of help at Ironman.

I mean you can literally go down there and race out of the back of a moto van. The bath houses are so nice. I was there every morning for the s**t shave shower routine. Didn’t even use my parents motorhome....didn’t need to. I could stand under a hot shower head for as long as I wanted at 6AM. Hand off the kid To my wife and they go on the other side and shower. And They have laundry. Trash pickup daily. You can’t beat the amentities. You don’t need a huge rig to race their.
They have laundry. Trash pickup daily. You can’t beat the amentities. You don’t need a huge rig to race their.

WHAT???? You don't need a HUGE RIG to race there???? (and it's "there" not "their"), tell that to every single person that pulls in with a huge Motor Home, an even Huger Trailer, and another vehicle & trailer to pull the Bigger than a jeep Pit vehicle (like a six seater Razor)!!!! It's crazy at the money in the pits these days in rigs, trailers, pit vehicles, and other vehicles that doesn't even include the race bikes!!!! I think we should go back to having everyone ride 50cc pit bikes around and then we'd use up half the parking area that we do now for the race! The old days had a few thousand Honda Z50's running around the ranch and there was more room for everything, of course making sure you grabbed your Honda 50 was a problem every now and then because there were so many of them!
50's ? say wat?
We walked - Our race bikes ...To and from the track.
Smith Rd raceway in the late 70"s had a strict NO PIT RIDING policy.
The death of Lee Miller by an errant PitRacer ....caused George to instill NO PIT RIDING
After the moto you'd have to jump off and walk your bike.

I was called out and refused my award at trophy presentation ( we did that...and yeah it was cool)
I rode sidesaddle back to the three rail...Barb saw me and told George.

George called me up in front of everyone and proceeded to make an example.

I was crushed. It was a first place.
I looked toward my dad and he gave me an scowl I'll never forget.
George thrashed me for what felt like eternity, then turned and put the trophy back on the sill and called up the next kid.
I ran back to the pits crying my face off.
It was a silent ride back home, a long week and a written apology to Barb & George.
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