Corona Practice

We hold these truths to be self evident [*except in times of pandemic hysterical fortitude], that all men are created equal....

Founding fathers didn’t declare independence, or write a constitution with an * line.

FEMA recommends says fresh air is your friend. FRESH AIR. They recommend driving with your windows down. By all means riding a dirtbike doesn’t get any air freshier than that.
I don’t put a United States Army uniform on to Encourage individual rights and freedoms being stripped from the American citizen. I love this country and damn it it’s a blessing to be able to live how we live outside of this crazy time.

I just hope this virus goes away as fast as it appeared and we can get back to being America.
SchoolHouse Rock
OMG, I remember that... Some of these kid's on here thinking, "where in the world does that come from?"
Honestly at what point does a business open and say the hell with you, I am an American citizen and have constitutional rights to operate my business. And my customers have rights also in America. What are they going to do, take everyone to jail? There needs to be a movement where Friday May 1, people go back into local businesses and resume our lives. If enough of us do it, there is nothing the government can do.

You should email. or Tweet in to the President.
I'm quite sure that President Donald J. Trump would very much like you to fill your gas cans with fuel. (high octane no-less), fill up your truck, buy some groceries, beverages, and snacks along with ice for your cooler, (go buy one if you don't have one), and then patronize your local outdoor recreational facility. Followed afterward with some fine take-out food on the way back to your home quarantine. Then get up tomorrow and go to work. Come next Saturday, or Sunday........ repeat.

It's all good for everybody!
Honestly at what point does a business open and say the hell with you, I am an American citizen and have constitutional rights to operate my business. And my customers have rights also in America. What are they going to do, take everyone to jail? There needs to be a movement where Friday May 1, people go back into local businesses and resume our lives. If enough of us do it, there is nothing the government can do.
The owner of Summit Motorsports Park has a video stating that he IS opening and he's not asking for permission. I believe all businesses should start doing this May 1st. Same with motocross tracks and races. Screw them, open up, start bringing in your earnings.
RLT Competition Bulletin 2020-6:
Safe-to-Race Task Force Announced
TO: 2020 Motorsports Athletes, Race Fans and Staff
FROM: The Race Leadership Team (RLT)
DATE: April 15, 2020
Safe-to-Race Task Force Announced

The Race Leadership Team has appointed a Safe-to-Race Task Force to manage our sport’s race to recovery. Members of the committee include representatives from AMA, AMA Pro Racing, Feld Entertainment, Ignite Partners, MX Sports Pro Racing, USMA, and others experienced and knowledgeable in motorsports event operations and management. The group also includes event software developers, series managers and a rider representative.
The goal of the committee will be to develop best practices for a post-COVID19 motorsports event to be shared with race promoters and event organizers nationwide. The Safe-to-Race Task Force will review current processes and procedures for cash transactions, gate admission, race registration, technical inspection, riders meetings, race procedures, podium celebrations, press conferences, autograph sessions, fan participation and viewing areas, parking and camping areas, etc., and recommend new protocols that focus on protecting the personal health, safety and welfare of athletes, fans and staff. The group will review how to accommodate current social distancing guidelines and identify preventative actions that can be implemented during an event, such as hands-free registration, cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces, and maintaining safe distancing in public areas, as recommended by the CDC. The group will also develop an infectious disease outbreak plan for event organizers that can be shared with their community leaders and local health officials. This group’s final product will be the Safe-to-Race Tool Kit.
It is the opinion of the RLT that the return to competition will be determined on a local level, and that local authorities and health officials will play a significant role in the decision on whether it is safe to race. By developing a Safe-to-Race Tool Kit for event organizers that can be shared with local authorities, the return to competition may be quickened, as health officials can be assured that adequate infectious disease safety precautions were in place. By being proactive and developing motorsports-specific safety protocols, the Safe-to-Race Tool Kit will provide the information and comfort to officials and fans that it is safe to return to the racetrack. By working together, we can all race safe. We look forward to sharing the results with our race community.
Safe-to-Race Task Force Members:
Bill Cumbow, Mike Pelletier, Alexandria Kovacs
AMA Pro Racing: Gene Crouch, Jared Johnson and Joey Mancari
Feld Entertainment: Dave Prater
Ignite Partners: Ken Hudgens and Tim Murray
Motorsports Reg: Brian Ghidinelli and Chris Redrich
MX Sports: Tim Cotter, Jeremy Holbert and Jeff Canfield
MX Sports Pro Racing: Davey Coombs, Carrie Russell and Roy Janson
Mylaps: John Dains and Gabe Ellett
Pro Motocross Organizers: Amy Ritchie and Alan Verlander
USMA: Robert Johnson and Shawn Stewart
Rider Representative: JH Leale
About the Race Leadership Team (RLT):
As a result of the COVID19 crisis and the resulting cancellation of events, it became necessary to communicate on a regular basis with the race community regarding scheduling. The Race Leadership Team (RLT) was organized to accomplish this goal and consists of representatives from the AMA, MX Sports and MX Sports Pro Racing. The RLT meets every Monday to review race schedules, making adjustments as needed, and work with event organizers to reschedule events when possible, as we maneuver through the crisis.
The RLT continues to urge racing families to use common sense: 1) wash your hands often; 2) avoid shaking hands or coming into close personal contact with others; 3) cough into your elbow; 4) if you are sick, stay home; 5) if you are really sick, go to the hospital; and 6) don’t panic.
The health, safety and welfare of our riders, fans and their families remain paramount, and we will keep our race community apprised of all further developments.
Please direct all communications to


East Fork would like to thank all the riders who came out two weeks ago for our organized practice. I spent countless hours working with the Clinton County health department and Sheriff’s department to follow the governor’s orders for social distancing. East Fork was granted approval to open on 4/3 and 4/4, with the help of everyone who attended we all succeeded in keeping our social distancing the entire weekend, while maintaining a safe environment for all. I had plans to open on Easter weekend, this all came to an abrupt halt after I was issued a letter to cease operation from the Attorneys General Office. I would not let the riders down, me and my team went back to the drawing board and worked with the local and state government and stated outdoor recreational use was encouraged by the governor orders. I stated why should motocross be any different golf courses, parks, they both are outdoor open-air recreational activities. I informed the attorney general’s office the riders wear full face helmets, gloves and eye protection. The Attorneys Office stated they would have a meeting and address my situation. I was informed after they had their meeting , the cease order was lifted. I am very proud to say East Fork can have a well-organized open practice this weekend as long as we continue to do our part and keep the social distancing of 6’ in the pit areas.

Thanks to everyone who complied with the social distancing order.

Scott Plessinger
Did more than the AMA is willing to do. Congratulations on the reward for your efforts! I'm sure there are hundreds of riders thankful as well. I wish we were closer.
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East Fork would like to thank all the riders who came out two weeks ago for our organized practice. I spent countless hours working with the Clinton County health department and Sheriff’s department to follow the governor’s orders for social distancing. East Fork was granted approval to open on 4/3 and 4/4, with the help of everyone who attended we all succeeded in keeping our social distancing the entire weekend, while maintaining a safe environment for all. I had plans to open on Easter weekend, this all came to an abrupt halt after I was issued a letter to cease operation from the Attorneys General Office. I would not let the riders down, me and my team went back to the drawing board and worked with the local and state government and stated outdoor recreational use was encouraged by the governor orders. I stated why should motocross be any different golf courses, parks, they both are outdoor open-air recreational activities. I informed the attorney general’s office the riders wear full face helmets, gloves and eye protection. The Attorneys Office stated they would have a meeting and address my situation. I was informed after they had their meeting , the cease order was lifted. I am very proud to say East Fork can have a well-organized open practice this weekend as long as we continue to do our part and keep the social distancing of 6’ in the pit areas.

Thanks to everyone who complied with the social distancing order.

Scott Plessinger
Great job!
Practice tomorrow starts at 10 am - 2pm for A B riders
2-6pm 50cc-85cc and Vet/ C riders
East Fork will continue to follow CDC guidelines by enforcing social distancing, using sanitized ink pins at the gate and supplying cleaning supplies at porta potties .
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Is it ok if I make the 3 hour trip from Michigan? I live in wayne county which has one of the highest cases in the country, but haven’t left my house in 3 weeks?
The owner of Summit Motorsports Park has a video stating that he IS opening and he's not asking for permission. I believe all businesses should start doing this May 1st. Same with motocross tracks and races. Screw them, open up, start bringing in your earnings.

this is America. Have a nice planned social distancing PR procedure filled out in addition to your normal release coming into the park. That way got a leg to stand on if the local government gets douschey. You can make the argument you are safeguarding just as every other Business is.

May I remind everyone of the freedom of movement act and the 4th amendment:

Freedom of movement within this borders of the United States without subject to illegal searches/stops/procedures....