Super Regionals 2020

I would assume their would be some kind of agreement with the overlords before the commitment was made. They have been riding moto in PA for the last month. Selfishly though if they cancelled and moved it to an Ohio track I wouldn’t be mad.
Bring it back to Ohio!!! Sounds like we have moved in to more of green light stage here lately!!
I have zero desire to race those gonna be a ton of bikes on the track that shouldn’t be there.
if there is a bet crew going let me know nick and I will just show up to help.
How filled are they now?
67 for wildcat in 30+. Less at pleasure valley. I’ll be signing up for PV on the 27th as I’m sure many others will for an additional regional. Best practice is doing the damn thing.

Wildcats a blast, would recommend signing up and grabbing one of the last guaranteed spots before tomorrow opens up. Ready or not, you’ll have a great time and I think it’s going to be run super efficiently.
so much for all classes selling out with 72 on the first day.....really the Vet Regionals aren't all that big.

Data as of this morning.

Vet Regionals 5-26-20.JPG
I have learned from my mistakes, I am picking Mike Brown to win 25+
Where is that fighting Amatuer Hot Shot experience in letting us know who is going to beat the ever youthful Mike Brown in +25???? I like being able to say I knew one thing better about Loretta's than you at the end of the week, now you want to be on MY TEAM????

heard that Mike Brown is on a Honda now (just got it) and doesn't want to race Loretta's this year and wants to work with other riders and train them, all of that sounds odd to me, Yamaha didn't keep him? He doesn't want to race Loretta's? He bought his own Honda?

I'm sure you know more about this situation than I do, but those are the rumors I heard and I'm not very plugged in at all on the scene right now.
heard that Mike Brown is on a Honda now (just got it) and doesn't want to race Loretta's this year and wants to work with other riders and train them, all of that sounds odd to me, Yamaha didn't keep him? He doesn't want to race Loretta's? He bought his own Honda?

Interesting, I wonder if he is going back to his roots and riding out of Jim's Cycles. I know he didn't really want to do Loretta's, but it was in his contract. Which says a lot about Mike's character, while so many would just show up and put in a respectable effort, Mike (obviously) showed up to win and gave it 100%.

Where is that fighting Amatuer Hot Shot experience in letting us know who is going to beat the ever youthful Mike Brown in +25????

I may change my mind after I see who else is entered in 25+, I just know JLaw isn't going to get the job done. And, for the record, I still stand by my picks. I thought Renner actually had Brown covered and that a focused Durham on a competitive bike would have won.

Brown is entered in one of the regionals, so it looks like he is going for it again.
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Updated morning of 5/28 after "enter as you wish" opened up yesterday.

Vet Regionals (minus West coast)

Vet Regionals 5-28-20.JPG