Location of original Mid Ohio mx for sale

Start mid Ohio
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We had family friends that raced. They lived in western Pennsylvania and knew a second level pro that was getting help from Suzuki.
He was able to grab two of the first 125s with the leading axle forks from a big Suzuki shop that Gary Pustelak rode for. I guess the deal was both had to go at the same time so my father agreed to buy the second one.
I was fresh out of the minis and in my first year of 100’s. I read an article about how the engines were swappable and it was ON - I did it myself on a Saturday afternoon when my parents where having a house party.
First race was OIR and I did well so we ran the 125 frame
Can't believe I hadn't seen this until now. Marc, remember when you and I and Bob Werschey (sp?) did the '77 Trans-AMA in Bob's blue van, and camped over by that jump next to the pond that sorta led back toward the front? (It's the jump Hannah almost flying-W'd on at the 125GP.) That was a crazy-fun weekend. For a few years in the early 2000s I'd go visit the old place while at Mid Ohio for VMD, and snapped some pix....The front gate was always open. This was 2008 or 2010, I think, before they yanked the starting gate and shed. Ol Pete Weidner's house looked like it was about to fall over, but man, I so remember that hillside just jammed with cars.....I met the guy who did the concert stage thing on one of those visits. The shot of the pond was taken pretty close where the old white tower once stood. I snapped the third shot from one of those big scaffolds not too far from the tower in '77....Did anyone ever buy the place? -Mitch Boehm
Mid Ohio 2010 Lo.jpg
Mid Ohio 2020.2 Lo.jpg


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    Mid Ohio 77.1.jpg
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Hey MITCH !!! How Ya Been ??

first off ....

THE AVATAR ?? ....A Honda ? 500? Nice!!
Climbing Mt St Helen? Yeah!!

Yes !!!!!...
The Mid-Ohio trip with you & Bob in the Blue van...
It's funny how those moments are etched in our minds.
That was an experience that was life defining.

Hannah was sending it twice as far as anyone else
The bottle rocket wars
The crazy circle track in the back field

Were you there when the had the mud bog truck pull in the field by Pete's house?
There was a track up there too.

The photo..
Is that Marty on his RC ?
The back circle track in the back during the '77 125 GP weekend was crazy! Dirt bikes racing around all evening and night then they would get run off by 4x4s then DBs would take back over, it was muddy Saturday evening. My brother and I put our Coleman lantern on a 55 gallon barrel to mark the north end of the track at night so the bikes could see that end of the corner/track. Someone lost it on their bike, slammed into the barrel and took out our lantern.

The mud bog truck pulls at night were a year or two later I believe. One night there were 1k or more drunken fans around the pit and two trucks were in a tug of war. One blew up and the fans started chanting "burn it, Burn It, BURN IT!" with lighter blazing, the driver got out of his truck and pleading for help to get it out of the mud before in got torched.

One of that last years when DBs were banned fans would sneak in some. On a Saturday night near the main entrance cross roads/food vendor area there was a couple of sheriff deputies trying to catch a fan on an XR75. The XR was stock so it was quiet, he would come out of the dark/circle of fans and roost on the deputies then dart back into the dark/crowd, then come out of the fans/dark from another direction and roost then again. This went on for 10 minutes or so, it was hilarious! I got to get ready for work but I got at least a dozen more drunken great stories! Like has been mentioned, unforgettably burnt into memory! If only we could go back 44-46 years ago!
Man I raced my 53 Dodge, nick named the old gray car, around the dirt oval and was racing trucks. I remember sliding around on the high line. Got pretty close to some camp sites that didn't make them very happy. But most were cheering me on. Sadly I don't have any pictures of the event but are legendary stories among my friends that witnessed it. My exhaust fell off on the way home. It's possible that was 1976 when it happened. I'm told I got mentioned in Dirt Bike magazine in the story about the weekend. Such fond memories. We do have pictures of the scaffold we built, I'll have to find some. I was there 75, 76, 77, 78, it was a big event we didn't want to miss.