Rutledge Wood blows

Just got done with the pulp Mx show.
I thought “what the hell” as soon as I saw him.
Is unemployment paying so good that he’s the best help they could find?
Like Ralph or not.
He has become the staple just like
Art Eckman and Dave Despain.
although I think both those fellas had a better voice for the job.
This guy is so bad he makes Blair acceptable to listen too.
I love your take that Rut sucks. It’s very informative. But it begs me to ask... what are you actually looking for in a commentator? If as stated it’s their “voice”, what do you want in a voice? Deep? High? Darth Vader?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say that they liked a commentator until either they were in the business for 20yrs or they died, then reflected on how good they were compared to the new guy.

Ricky has improved greatly over the past 2 years. He still gets hung up on his words but he’s improving and using voice in his announcing.

Diffy brings in different vernacular and a different type of excitement. Which is nice.

Todd does a good job of giving information and creating excitement while leading Ricky into what to talk about. I personally think he does the best job.

But back to Rutledge. He does a great job. He brings some comedy to the sport and adds to the production. But the moto people of the world who complain that he sucks don’t realize that a guy like him could potentially bring in new people to the sport. You know our sport that’s dying. Our sport that nobody races anymore on the weekends. Our sport which has tracks that are closing. Before you bash the guy look at it through different lens. A guy like Marty Smith who is a journalist and announcer and commentator is a huge NASCAR guy. But he wrote one of the best articles describing the Masters that I’ve ever read. So in closing, just relax, be happy you have SX on TV, enjoy that they are trying new things and quit complaining all the time.
Wow. That’s a long answer with several thoughts to touch on.
I was really just being funny.
i mean, uh I got nothing against the guy. But surely they could have found someone attached to our sport to commentate.
I was never an Emig fan. But there at the end I thought he had really turned out to be pretty good.
Mad respect for the goat and his insight at the races. His opinion is always appreciated.
Todd, I hadn’t really noticed. Too involved in the race.
Now on to Diffey.
I laugh a little at some of the things he says. But don’t see how putting a English accent helps.
now my opinion on our dying sport.
I think the housing crash back in 08 was a part of it. People started trying to spend less and better manage their money.
at the same time bike prices were climbing in a hurry.
the math keeps looking worse for racing from there.
But just my opinion.
I was really just making a comment/joke about Rutledge.
I did recently see Jammie Little hosting an AKC dog show on the tube. Had to give her the double take.
she was in an evening gown and looking good.
Just thought might as well toss that out there too.
Smiling dufus for hire.
And so good at it...
When Ricky was criticized he owned it. Went home and got better. This wood cuck just told everyone its their problem and too bad hes awsome. I wish dv would have unloaded on him way worse.
Rutledge has made his own brand. He has been on Nascar for a while. He is making a living doing what he is doing. Wish I could say I was making a living traveling to Supercross and Nascar races and events.
I love your take that Rut sucks. It’s very informative. But it begs me to ask... what are you actually looking for in a commentator? If as stated it’s their “voice”, what do you want in a voice? Deep? High? Darth Vader?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say that they liked a commentator until either they were in the business for 20yrs or they died, then reflected on how good they were compared to the new guy.

Ricky has improved greatly over the past 2 years. He still gets hung up on his words but he’s improving and using voice in his announcing.

Diffy brings in different vernacular and a different type of excitement. Which is nice.

Todd does a good job of giving information and creating excitement while leading Ricky into what to talk about. I personally think he does the best job.

But back to Rutledge. He does a great job. He brings some comedy to the sport and adds to the production. But the moto people of the world who complain that he sucks don’t realize that a guy like him could potentially bring in new people to the sport. You know our sport that’s dying. Our sport that nobody races anymore on the weekends. Our sport which has tracks that are closing. Before you bash the guy look at it through different lens. A guy like Marty Smith who is a journalist and announcer and commentator is a huge NASCAR guy. But he wrote one of the best articles describing the Masters that I’ve ever read. So in closing, just relax, be happy you have SX on TV, enjoy that they are trying new things and quit complaining all the time.
Thank you !!!
10 Years ago ---


Now ....


Yeah, No - it's not better.

Ah yes, Dianna Dahlgren's commentary was always top notch and very insightful. Post race interviews were interesting as well. A great loss was felt by the fans and broadcast team when she left.
The commentators become your friends that you watch your favorite sport with. They become the people you expect to see at the track. Like your Mx buddies on race day. New people kinda ruin the normal hang.
I have no idea who Mr. Woodcock is.
he just seems a little cheesy.
I think Blair does a helluva nice job, he knows the sport and he knows what he is talking about, Maybe they are just useing Rutledge because they could not Shove the word California down everyones throat this year. His parts are not that bad, but I would like to see more of Blair, To me Ricky seems alot better when he is talking with Blair because he knows he does not have to control the conversation .
Rutledge definitely seems like a joke. I’ve never liked him on any of the car shows either. Very over the top and seems like he’s trying to hard. The whole pit board thing made the sport look like a joke. I’m all for the idea of getting in there and showing something new, but the way he did it was a joke. No matter what he does, he seems like an outsider trying to act like he’s not. ‍♂️