MEY Regional Results are Up!

I've never understood the thinking that someone that no longer rides does not have a valuable opinion. Especially in the case of someone still attending events and bringing an active racer. I've been racing for 35+ years and have raced at tracks all around the country from Unadilla to Glen Helen and many many stops in between. I can guarantee that whether or not I am actively riding/racing has nothing to do with my gained knowledge of the sport.

As I've seen stated other places, in todays world of social media ego and self-validation, wisdom has been abandoned. Now Get Off My Lawn!

This guys hasn't ridden in a long time.
...this is supposedly at Mid-Ohio? but, I'm not sure about that.
Ok, I retract the part about former racers, but at some point how much expertise do we have on racing into the future. What if in 20 years they're all racing on rice paddys with electric bikes.....What they hell good are you going to do criticizing a promotor because the rice paddys are too damp????? My point is that I really have a hard time listening to some people, not darrell because he obviously has ridden a lot, that are spectators with little or no riding experience. This past weekend is a poor example of that. I was very surprised how many parents either had tracks, or were former promotors. Tons of track owners and people with real world track building experience at the Regional. Honestly, my regional experience with the parents was pretty good. not one shouting match.....Not one.
I’m at a different race track almost every weekend. I have been on all sides from a racer, parent, building and prepping. I don’t need to be on a bike riding to see that the track doesn’t race well. Just a obvious example is after the triple. You have zero passing opportunity. You have a near off camber sweeper turn so of course your fastest option is inside, your not going to be able to go wide and make a pass unless you build the inside up to make it possible to carry a lot of speed around the turn. Sunset ridge perfects this. You can go inside middle or outside and they are all pretty equal. That makes for great racing. When the lines are funneling in the same place on the majority of the turns there is no passing opportunity’s. As far as watering between Moto’s, I’m not saying you dump the truck on it. You catch it as it’s drying but still has moisture in it. You fly by with the truck misting the track, it’s puts down just enough water to cool the track and keep it from drying out so quickly while adding a little moisture back. If you do it correctly you will never have to stop racing other then to fix faces of jumps or sections that need attention. As far as escrow goes I know the tracks usually get a cut( say 5 of the 25 chargered). But your telling me escrow charges everyone 40 for rental? If so I will apologize and take that up with them. I own my own so it didn’t effect me. Just upsetting that mxsports and tracks are getting so greedy with these races since they know they can charge what ever they one and they are still going to pay it so they have a chance at Loretta’s. It’s gotten out of hand.
Ill give you the section after the triple being one lined, still working on that. But the rest isn't that bad. I passed like 8-9 guys at Battle after getting hung up in the first turn. So i know the track races better than you are explaining it. All the ruts are still there, maybe I can get some video of them for you.

Your just wrong about escore. Plain and simple. They charge a fee based on how many rentals they do. The more rentals they do the less you pay. I get nothing of the $40. My Battle race that had transponders in like 2015, I didn't have to pay, because they rented so many. The Regional is slightly different.
Ill give you the section after the triple being one lined, still working on that. But the rest isn't that bad. I passed like 8-9 guys at Battle after getting hung up in the first turn. So i know the track races better than you are explaining it. All the ruts are still there, maybe I can get some video of them for you.

Your just wrong about escore. Plain and simple. They charge a fee based on how many rentals they do. The more rentals they do the less you pay. I get nothing of the $40. My Battle race that had transponders in like 2015, I didn't have to pay, because they rented so many. The Regional is slightly different.
Well I apologize about the transponder then. I just know the other regionals we attended didn’t charge that so I assumed you had increased the prices. And I will apologize for being negative. It’s not what tracks need. Criticism needs to be constructive. Hopefully with more time and less issues with equipment racing conditions improve. I helped with a track for 10 plus years and know that no matter what you do you won’t be able to please everyone.
Ill give you the section after the triple being one lined, still working on that. But the rest isn't that bad. I passed like 8-9 guys at Battle after getting hung up in the first turn. So i know the track races better than you are explaining it. All the ruts are still there, maybe I can get some video of them for you.

Your just wrong about escore. Plain and simple. They charge a fee based on how many rentals they do. The more rentals they do the less you pay. I get nothing of the $40. My Battle race that had transponders in like 2015, I didn't have to pay, because they rented so many. The Regional is slightly different.
If you didn't have to pay in 2015, why not continue using it? People bitch about the cost? I like it for 3 reasons, 1. I can see everyone's lap times. I get to race everyone there that day. I get my ass kicked by kids in the 65 open class now that I'm old. 2. I can compare my lap times each moto and know if changes I made helped or not. Plus see where I stack up in my class and know if I can do better that day based on times. And 3. The live timing let's us know exactly what class is on the track and never miss a moto when we can't hear the announcements.
If you didn't have to pay in 2015, why not continue using it? People bitch about the cost? I like it for 3 reasons, 1. I can see everyone's lap times. I get to race everyone there that day. I get my ass kicked by kids in the 65 open class now that I'm old. 2. I can compare my lap times each moto and know if changes I made helped or not. Plus see where I stack up in my class and know if I can do better that day based on times. And 3. The live timing let's us know exactly what class is on the track and never miss a moto when we can't hear the announcements.
I didn't have to pay because enough people had to rent them, as the rentals decrease, then I pay like the ATV National and Regional. The real reason I didn't do it? Everyone bitched about having to rent them. I would gladly do this if I felt the riders supported it. I actually like transponders, I enjoy comparing lap times. My memory is even worse than it was 6 years ago, but I recall being told we aren't racing your track if you make us rent transponders.
Well I apologize about the transponder then. I just know the other regionals we attended didn’t charge that so I assumed you had increased the prices. And I will apologize for being negative. It’s not what tracks need. Criticism needs to be constructive. Hopefully with more time and less issues with equipment racing conditions improve. I helped with a track for 10 plus years and know that no matter what you do you won’t be able to please everyone.
There are 2-3 transponder companies scoring regionals, its likely that the other companies are charging less.
I didn't have to pay because enough people had to rent them, as the rentals decrease, then I pay like the ATV National and Regional. The real reason I didn't do it? Everyone bitched about having to rent them. I would gladly do this if I felt the riders supported it. I actually like transponders, I enjoy comparing lap times. My memory is even worse than it was 6 years ago, but I recall being told we aren't racing your track if you make us rent transponders.
Yeah, I figured that would be the reason.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reading this post, it’s that most motocross racers are grammatically inclined lol, and that Jeremy apparently doesn’t know how to run a “top notch facility. It’s the Midwest during summer, we haven’t had any significant rain in god knows how long, and you want to bitch about dust? You can’t please everyone i guess. Last time i checked it’s mx, you run wether it’s pouring rain or it’s bone dry.
I probably talk to more people than most by working staging/gate for most BC races and I can tell you one thing, the majority of people were full of compliments. Of course there were complaints (some justified, some not). You rarely see people take the time to go online and give compliments, it's usually the vocal minority that makes the most noise.

I would literally talk to someone from FL who love coming to a "fast track" that they never get a chance to race on where they were from, then 30 seconds later someone say the track is too fast. It is what it is.

I think we all agree that it was too dusty, we literally had discussions on how to improve that day and days to follow. it doesn't go unnoticed.
I probably talk to more people than most by working staging/gate for most BC races and I can tell you one thing, the majority of people were full of compliments. Of course there were complaints (some justified, some not). You rarely see people take the time to go online and give compliments, it's usually the vocal minority that makes the most noise.

I would literally talk to someone from FL who love coming to a "fast track" that they never get a chance to race on where they were from, then 30 seconds later someone say the track is too fast. It is what it is.

I think we all agree that it was too dusty, we literally had discussions on how to improve that day and days to follow. it doesn't go unnoticeable

I've learned that Woody is gay. Nothing to do with this post though