Beans to the OMA next year???

I'm betting some tracks won't be welcoming them next year. But that's just my opinion, take it for what you will
My point being that we've merely discussed beans having OMA races, this was so BJ could feel confident in making upgrades to his place to host events. We don't have a schedule, we don't have what's racing there, we don't have anything else. Here's a thought, maybe we should finish the 2021 season before getting 2022 underway, thoughts?
My point being that we've merely discussed beans having OMA races, this was so BJ could feel confident in making upgrades to his place to host events. We don't have a schedule, we don't have what's racing there, we don't have anything else. Here's a thought, maybe we should finish the 2021 season before getting 2022 underway, thoughts?
My thoughts on that? It's gay.

Why wait till November to plan for things that start in January ?

Again, I'm just thinking with the almost non existent quad turnouts at most OMA races will cause some tracks to scrap them in the line up. The races I've been to that offer both on the same day seem to have an excessive amount of down time due to extra prep. That costs money, worse yet money that probably isn't fully recouped by the entry fees of 20 quads. Plus the time spent causes riders to get anxious waiting around. We've seen tracks in the past have larger turnouts after removing quads from the line up.

Again, just my thoughts on this. I have no info saying any track is going to do it.
My thoughts on that? It's gay.

Why wait till November to plan for things that start in January ?

Again, I'm just thinking with the almost non existent quad turnouts at most OMA races will cause some tracks to scrap them in the line up. The races I've been to that offer both on the same day seem to have an excessive amount of down time due to extra prep. That costs money, worse yet money that probably isn't fully recouped by the entry fees of 20 quads. Plus the time spent causes riders to get anxious waiting around. We've seen tracks in the past have larger turnouts after removing quads from the line up.

Again, just my thoughts on this. I have no info saying any track is going to do it.
So what your saying is kick out the tracks that get 20 quads?? I will consider that but it doesn’t seem like the right thing to do Dave
Buckeye tried quads at CTMX the one race, and hell about 8 people showed up. Just made no sense. The length of the day is getting ridiculous. We are adding 60 plus for 2 or 3 riders, vet warrior, clydesdales, it freaking never stops. Time to cut back on some of the classes that just do not make sense or are not needed.

I get double gating classes, has to be done. But like last week, 40 plus is dropped in front of Open B. Then you had 40 plus riders yelling at B riders that they were taken out. The next moto Open B is dropped first, and in a 3 lap moto, Open B is into the back of the 40 plus class, and the leaders are jumping past slow vets. The B riders are shitin and gettin. We have to be a little smart about what we are combining to get through the day. Bottom line, stop adding classes!
Buckeye tried quads at CTMX the one race, and hell about 8 people showed up. Just made no sense. The length of the day is getting ridiculous. We are adding 60 plus for 2 or 3 riders, vet warrior, clydesdales, it freaking never stops. Time to cut back on some of the classes that just do not make sense or are not needed.

I get double gating classes, has to be done. But like last week, 40 plus is dropped in front of Open B. Then you had 40 plus riders yelling at B riders that they were taken out. The next moto Open B is dropped first, and in a 3 lap moto, Open B is into the back of the 40 plus class, and the leaders are jumping past slow vets. The B riders are shitin and gettin. We have to be a little smart about what we are combining to get through the day. Bottom line, stop adding classes!

Less classes longer motos - wishful thinking.
Buckeye tried quads at CTMX the one race, and hell about 8 people showed up. Just made no sense. The length of the day is getting ridiculous. We are adding 60 plus for 2 or 3 riders, vet warrior, clydesdales, it freaking never stops. Time to cut back on some of the classes that just do not make sense or are not needed.

I get double gating classes, has to be done. But like last week, 40 plus is dropped in front of Open B. Then you had 40 plus riders yelling at B riders that they were taken out. The next moto Open B is dropped first, and in a 3 lap moto, Open B is into the back of the 40 plus class, and the leaders are jumping past slow vets. The B riders are shitin and gettin. We have to be a little smart about what we are combining to get through the day. Bottom line, stop adding classes!

I agree that quad don't need to be at all races. The numbers prove it. Large "events" can support them. Battle series format works well to draw quads, the 3-5 race series that is scheduled well in advance still does well.

That specific race at Chillitown you mention added the quads a week before the race. that just doesn't work when it's slim pickings anyways.
Less classes longer motos - wishful thinking.
No one wants longer motos. Everyone talks tough but in 25+ years of racing I have never heard anyone complain when the cut second motos by one lap.
90% of racers can't charge the whole 4-5 laps as it is .

Zero issue with double gate as long as there's 2 drops. The last 2 weeks I've been severely held up by people not in my class.
No one wants longer motos. Everyone talks tough but in 25+ years of racing I have never heard anyone complain when the cut second motos by one lap.
90% of racers can't charge the whole 4-5 laps as it is .

Zero issue with double gate as long as there's 2 drops. The last 2 weeks I've been severely held up by people not in my class.
Lmao...what races do you go to?? Every single time I've been at a race that has cut laps people make a fuss. Every single one.

Personally I'd love to see 6 lap motos. I'm out of shape right now but my fast laps are normally the last laps of any race I'm in.
I think 5 lap motos, B classes 6 laps, and A classes 7. Just my opinion. I still say I would cut a few classes, nothing major, but it would cut into the revenue of the track. We just keep adding open classes, vet classes, etc. It is nuts.

Classes to cut:
50 E bike (run them with the other 50s in the 50 class)
Open D (they survived in C class, we don't need D)
50 Open
65 Open
85 Open
35+ (they can ride a 2nd class down or up in 30, 40 or 50)
Warrior Vet

Here are 10 classes, that we have added over recent years. None of these are needed in my opinion.
Truth bomb. That was one of the original promises from the OMA. Less classes, longer motos and only quality tracks. Where did we end up? CRA 2.0
AND when did CRA have a Briarcliff? Just curious. Or a CTMX in full Battle mode? I think your statement is leaking a little bit there David.