VMD 2022


PR Addict
The American Motorcyclist Association has announced that the 30th installment of its annual celebration of vintage motorcycles will be July 22-24, 2022, at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course in Lexington, Ohio.

“AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days is getting better every year, and this past summer’s event was no exception,” said AMA President and CEO Rob Dingman. “We expect the 2022 event to keep the momentum going with even more riding, racing and fun at our three-day festival of all things vintage motorcycling.”

Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course will host the 30th AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days, which began in 1992 and moved to the facility in 1995. The sprawling venue accommodates motocross, hare scrambles, trials, road racing, North America’s largest motorcycle swap meet and numerous recreational riding activities.

Tickets to 2022 AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days will be available soon. AMA members will be able to purchase tickets through the association at a discount. To join the AMA to take advantage of this discount, among many others, visit https://americanmotorcyclist.com/join/ or call (800) 262-5646.
Wow. Last year was such fun. I am going to bring people. I missed the experience last year coming by myself. Just raced.

Not even sure I'll race next time. Looked like a blast just hanging out. I just can't do that if I race. I just become a serious 19 year old going on 63.

Honestly, I'm going to bring some big bucks and purchase a bunch of stuff.
after doing just saturday last year (1st time no weekend) I was all ready to go for the weekend this year and I got bumped off for vacation time by someone with more seniority,I will have to wait and see if anything changes
Thank You for the reminder John.
We've had so much going on, and so unclear on plans for the summer, hadn't ordered them yet.
Will be interesting to see how this Democrat economy effects Vintage Days attendance numbers.

My nearby Duke-Duchess station just hit $5.09/9p-gallon for 87 gas. With my usual fuel consumption for Vintage Days for the bikes and the truck, I'm likely to be over $200 for the three days at today's price.
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So far it doesn't seem to have affected LL qualifiers. But many of those are also people that are either using their company gas cards, or just piling up debt and don't care.

I know it's crunching me, but I'll still be at VMD. I'm also lucky that it's a short trip!

I was putting gas in the mower the other day and started thinking it's going to get like Mad Max where people are draining fuel out of everything they can find, and killing over it.

When I was a just a young'n we lived in Newark. This is a snip-it pic of the house I grew up in.

My brother and my upstairs bedroom was on backside with windows that overlooked the alley and backyard. I woke up late one night to see my dad sitting in front the window with a spot light and pellet gun. During the gas shortage days thieves were stealing gas from his work trucks out back. He had no sense of humor about it. Not long after that locking gas caps hit the market.

Fast forward about 7 or 8 years and I would go out at night and syphon gas from his work truck so I could ride my dirt bike the next day while they were at work, haha. Funny thing is, I'm pretty positive that he knew I was doing it but he never said anything.
I had a super time last year...it looks like the forecast is reasonable this year & I'm ready for another great time. Pitbiking, spectating & racing...I pray every year the almost "free for all" spirit of this event will continue for all of us that sometimes really do think that way:)


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AMA Vintage Motorcycle Days #30 is over, and in the books.

A lot to cover, won't get into it all this morning but will try and get race updates and pic's loaded up this evening. What I will tell you though is this year was the most hectic, stressful, and exhausting of all the years we've raced. I fell into bed Sunday night at 11pm, body aching and depleted, and had a hell of a time getting to sleep. Just couldn't shut it down in my head. What a Weekend !!!

Up again at 9:30am, ran a couple errands. and then spent the next five hours raking leaves-sticks from the storm, weed eating for 1-1/2 hours, and then push mowing two lawns. Grabbed a bite to eat, and then opened the garage and began sorting, cleaning, and stowing away all the equipment from the weekend that I just dumped out of the back of truck Sunday evening.

On a side note, as always great seeing everybody in person again. Wish we could of had more time for visiting.
I did get to see Vet261/John Kreps and DMX153/Dave Bernard on the track while in staging for my own moto's. I was rooting for you guys. I know there are other Pitracer members that were on the race roster, I just missed them racing.
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