So why did you sign up for pitracer?


PR Elite
In the spirit of unity I'm wondering why people signed up for Pitracer. We all are here for the same reason, the love of our sport.

For me, it was connection with a group of people with the same passion for riding that I had. Some of my closest friends I have today are directly from this forum. I had a few friends that always raced/ ride with me prior to my first days on PR but they all went different directions. I'm still friends with some of them but I still loved riding.

So what brought you here?
It was the only way to know what tracks were around or open at the time I got into moto. (Late 90’s) I grew up in Parma and it wasn’t really a hot bed of motocross people. Or so I thought. Made friends with a few people from the site some questionable others even more questionable and I’m still friends with them over 20yrs later.

One of the first people I made friends with was mx315 and Pekstar. First time I hung out with Pekstar we drove to Jerry Ferrells and Kames and listened to a tape of Sublime.

A lot of crazy times with some of the best friends you could ask for. Am I right Dozer?

Where is Turtle!?!?
I joined to follow local Motocross activities in the area ,it was great to find a forum that had a passion for moto…Trurly the best thing for me is all the great friends I have made from this site who share a passion for riding dirt bikes.braaaaaaaap!!
All the cool kids were doing it for $10
A year.
I was paying $12/yr, haha. :oops:

Remember it well. Sometime around 2002 I believe.
The wife and I had just paid our house off and began buying bikes. Our kids were still in school, and we were doing open riding days at Honda Hills, course marshalling Hare Scrambles at Honda Hills, Hocking Valley and Five Brothers and play riding at our friends farm.

I was scrounging the web for any info I could find on places to ride, preferably motocross tracks.
A co-worker kept telling me of this place in Newark near Dry Creek where guys had a small track set up and he could hear them riding there from his house nearby. Pretty soon we found the place, and made two visits there to ride.

Began talking to another older guy there, asked him "where are you guys getting you're track info on where to ride"? He told me about this PITRACER website.

What an awesome website and information resource! I was hooked instantly, especially with the Vintage section, which was very active and popular back then.
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NEMX was an indoor track.

They would let you rent the place out.

Pit (Vet 261) put a Vet Ride / rental together and Cameron came out
I saw member mooch going fast around Honda Hills so I joined. That didn't make me go faster but I've stayed on anyway.
I signed up too see what was going on in Central and northern Ohio. At the time I lived smack dab in the center of PA, so I could always go CRA, AMA districts 2, 5,6,7,13,34, central NY and NESC ,all within 5 hours of my house Some of the old guys are gone from the 70's and 80's I raced, but I still log in from time to time.

I used to get good info on here, but FB seems to have surpassed that.

Still have a PR sticker on my van (Promaster) from way back Chuck gave me and I bought a Pit Racer tee shirt. I've made friends just from people identifying me as a Pit Racer alumni I guess.

People that come down to ClubMX from Ohio and Wester PA strike up a conversation whenever I wear it. Don't even know them. NQ1965 pitted next to me at the AMA Vintage Days and I became his long lost buddy! It just made that connection like that!

Mine is getting thin. Who's gonna make another run of them? I'm in for 4 of em
What kept me on for so many years was the fun. Always had fun busting on friends, funny posts and being part of a group.

Best award ever!
I joined at the recommendation of Brian Gonser. Remember the Gons? #196.
When I came back into the sport he worked at Yamaha of Columbus and sold me
a leftover 2004 YZ450 in 2006. He kept talking about some new track east of Newark
that was very cool. Through him, I met Steve Pfaff, Chris Hause (where is he?) Rupert,
Mosher and all the rest of the people on here. Really appreciate the camaraderie especially
at events like Vet Fest. Wish more tracks would get involved like they used to.
Overall it's been a great experience