Question on smaller personal practice track build?

Kid is funny. He's been drawing pics of all sorts of things. He wants me to build a double double hop on hop off. I keep trying to find reasons why I do not think that is a good

It's coming along nicely. Definitely some items that will not be able to be maintained with what I have, but we'll see how things go. Appreciate the input though. Come mid summer, it won't be used much anyway with baseball and racing on the weekends. Just something fun to be had when the itch comes along and we have no plans or time to head anywhere...

Brappy day!
Kid is funny. He's been drawing pics of all sorts of things. He wants me to build a double double hop on hop off. I keep trying to find reasons why I do not think that is a good

It's coming along nicely. Definitely some items that will not be able to be maintained with what I have, but we'll see how things go. Appreciate the input though. Come mid summer, it won't be used much anyway with baseball and racing on the weekends. Just something fun to be had when the itch comes along and we have no plans or time to head anywhere...

Brappy day!
Send pictures. Skid Steers are so fun to use.
Kid is funny. He's been drawing pics of all sorts of things. He wants me to build a double double hop on hop off. I keep trying to find reasons why I do not think that is a good

It's coming along nicely. Definitely some items that will not be able to be maintained with what I have, but we'll see how things go. Appreciate the input though. Come mid summer, it won't be used much anyway with baseball and racing on the weekends. Just something fun to be had when the itch comes along and we have no plans or time to head anywhere...

Brappy day!
Build it!

One thing we did to help weed control was buy the biggest tarp harbor freight has. When the tracks not in use, keep the tarp over a jump face or landing. Rotate this through the track each week. Kills weeds in a hurry. If it's not a big area, just do yourself a favor and weed spray every so often. Weed eating gets old quick.

Rocks were huge for us. We'd rebuild pretty much yearly (I'd put thousands of laps around there and be bored of it by late summer) and each time a gravel pit would appear. Even with hours n hours on a rock hound, they were still everywhere. When we'd have ride nights, us riding would walk the track once n toss rocks. We actually still have the track at my parents place but some of the bigger jumps are knocked down enough to mow over. My dad keeps it mowed like a park and my kid rides there more than anywhere. We plan to refresh it for her this spring.

Water was tricky too, specially when Farr would come and Baldwin would bring bikes to test. Lol. We eventually dug a pond and ran a pump with fire hose.
Many years ago I made jumps with my compact tractor tiller and loader.
2022-03-29 19.25.36.jpg

Over the years the jumps have grown over with grass and I cut them with my zero turn. I cut a new layout in every year between the jump sections and maintain it all with a mower. Helps keep the dust down too.
It's coming along pretty good. 50/pitbike track at the most. Big bikes will definitely tear up the jumps, etc. At least until the have a chance to dry out a little. Is probably where I need to start when I throw a leg over

I have the track steer until this weekend to tweak. Could've got another 40 loads of dirt from the city, but no way I had a place to put, move, shape, and mold before I only had a shovel to move it. Wish I had a place to store it. I could've definitely used it in places other than the track. Want to extend my culvert, but need to get the pipe first.

We're lucky in that the soil we have is a little bit of a sandy mix, so it stays pretty loose and is easy to break up with simple garden tractor drag when needed. Only time it gets overly dusty is in the heat of late June, July and August depending. Plan to use 275 gallon water tank I have to water when I can. Thing is, I am thinking preseason we'll use it more. Once we get racing and heading to the BC, 62, and the like for practice, not sure how much we'll use it. On occasion to work on something specific I suppose. Is nice not having to load up, unload, load up again, and finally unload to do that sort of thing.

Thanks for the input all. Still mostly a corner track of sorts with some more fun stuff in between (i.e. table, hop on, small rollers, small wall jump, etc.). Was around 50 sec. lap time before for Spencer. Thinking we've added 30 seconds to it. We'll see I suppose. I'll post some pics when I get a chance. Some on FB already (i.e. Clayton 'n' Kim Fair). Laters.
for weeds, dont cheap out on weed spray. this is the stuff you want. get a big sprayer, and be careful, it will kill anything it touches. it was super helpful for me.. i borrowed a buddies 12v sprayer that i pulled behind my tractor with a gun and just rode around spraying... within 2 weeks it was all dead and didn't come back for the rest of the year. if i have to do it once a year im good with that.

RM43. tractor supply, home depot etc all have it

It's coming along pretty good. 50/pitbike track at the most. Big bikes will definitely tear up the jumps, etc. At least until the have a chance to dry out a little. Is probably where I need to start when I throw a leg over

I have the track steer until this weekend to tweak. Could've got another 40 loads of dirt from the city, but no way I had a place to put, move, shape, and mold before I only had a shovel to move it. Wish I had a place to store it. I could've definitely used it in places other than the track. Want to extend my culvert, but need to get the pipe first.

We're lucky in that the soil we have is a little bit of a sandy mix, so it stays pretty loose and is easy to break up with simple garden tractor drag when needed. Only time it gets overly dusty is in the heat of late June, July and August depending. Plan to use 275 gallon water tank I have to water when I can. Thing is, I am thinking preseason we'll use it more. Once we get racing and heading to the BC, 62, and the like for practice, not sure how much we'll use it. On occasion to work on something specific I suppose. Is nice not having to load up, unload, load up again, and finally unload to do that sort of thing.

Thanks for the input all. Still mostly a corner track of sorts with some more fun stuff in between (i.e. table, hop on, small rollers, small wall jump, etc.). Was around 50 sec. lap time before for Spencer. Thinking we've added 30 seconds to it. We'll see I suppose. I'll post some pics when I get a chance. Some on FB already (i.e. Clayton 'n' Kim Fair). Laters.

Reading your posts Scoob, describing your track and layout, I kept thinking, "sounds familiar with a track I've seen on a property I regularly drive by here in town" ? Especially with the sandy soil.
Then when you mentioned you had dirt brought in, again my brain said....."hmmmm, that little track over there had some fresh dirt loads delivered"?
Seeing your facebook pic's tonight immediately rang the bell.

It's kind of humorous that Dirt biking-motocrossers have the natural trait of being rubber-necks while driving, and we immediately notice even the subtlest signs of riding areas and tracks. Often times long after they're overgrown and forgotten. And when we do have a confirmed track sighting, we regularly watch it for signs of progress or changes.

There's another small beater/practice track that I've noticed is getting some activity over along Ridgely Tract Rd. adjacent to Mid-Ohio Industrial Park. It's been there for a few years now, but someone is riding it.
Ridgely Track.PNG
A friend and co-worker of mine had a practice track that we built out at his farm a bunch of years ago. We cut the track in with just a John Deere tractor with front end loader, and 3-point attach cultivator and disc. We later brought out a dozer and built up some jumps. We rode the track very regularly for quite a few years, and I pounded a kazillian laps and the track and jumps all held up really well.
Located along a crick, the dirt had a fair amount of sand in areas, as well as clay topsoil. After a good rain we could get some pretty good corner ruts going. My buddy favored hard pack over deep cut terrain.
Here's a GoPro of me hitting a few laps some years ago.
link: Mike Freas ..........Motocross - Back At The Farm - YouTube

Getting older, my buddy has had a few life changes and his interest in riding just isn't there anymore, so he's let the track go. But I will help build it again in a heartbeat if he comes around with the itch to ride again, because he is a very good rider, and he and I always had some pretty good match ups.

Photo Credits: My darling wife Nancy.





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Reading your posts Scoob, describing your track and layout, I kept thinking, "sounds familiar with a track I've seen on a property I regularly drive by here in town" ? Especially with the sandy soil.
Then when you mentioned you had dirt brought in, again my brain said....."hmmmm, that little track over there had some fresh dirt loads delivered"?
Seeing your facebook pic's tonight immediately rang the bell.

It's kind of humorous that Dirt biking-motocrossers have the natural trait of being rubber-necks while driving, and we immediately notice even the subtlest signs of riding areas and tracks. Often times long after they're overgrown and forgotten. And when we do have a confirmed track sighting, we regularly watch it for signs of progress or changes.

There's another small beater/practice track that I've noticed is getting some activity over along Ridgely Tract Rd. adjacent to Mid-Ohio Industrial Park. It's been there for a few years now, but someone is riding it.
View attachment 75381
Haha. Yep, you found me. ;) I know of that track too. Haven't been there, but I have some buddies who take their kids there. Being where I am could pose issues with some folks stopping by asking to ride... In that, I am not opposed to meeting new folks and kids for Spencer to ride with, but this track is more of a personal practice track and in not having the equipment to maintain it on a larger scale...well, you know... :)
Haha. Yep, you found me. ;) I know of that track too. Haven't been there, but I have some buddies who take their kids there. Being where I am could pose issues with some folks stopping by asking to ride... In that, I am not opposed to meeting new folks and kids for Spencer to ride with, but this track is more of a personal practice track and in not having the equipment to maintain it on a larger scale...well, you know... :)
I know where you're at also...I'll be over with the pit quad once it looks finished!