Viva? Interesting….

I think this viva won’t be successful with the southern crowd. Scott runs the buckeye series that has been successful and worked and he’s not going to join the series just like he never wanted to join OMA. VIVA is 100 percent just for the northern Ohio people. OMA was the series that was successful for northern Ohio. CRA I can’t speak for but what I’ve been told was never good and never worked. Also look at d 12 up north and that series barely gets anyone. So that leaves one series that works right now and gets the big crowds which is buckeye series. I think all these series give people too many options we need just one buckeye series with north division and south division and some races that do both in between. Michigan does this and seems to work
I think this is a good thing. Competition brings growth but with that brings new ideas. I really think having some races AMA and some not is a great idea. Yes OMA had that before but those were just “battle races”. If we now have more than just battle races that are AMA I might be willing to drive down south to check out some of those tracks that are AMA because I’ve already invested into AMA racing up here. On the flip side your casual racer (me) wouldn’t always be willing to spring for an AMA membership as well as a buckeye/viva/Oma membership. The cost to value ratio doesn’t add up for me. Plus if I have kids racing I could have well over 300 invested into just the AMA. And only doing a race or 2 a year it’s not cost effective for me. So depending on your commitment to moto it seems like now the option to do more is available. Also it seems like they are going to be doing less races and have a more structured format which could be helpful. I think fearing the unknown only hinders the growth that ultimately everyone is always looking for. Give it a chance and see what happens. Cuz let’s be honest. We are all out of shape and only going to do 4 laps anyway. Plus the ability to run the premier tracks like BC is still there and with Jeremy doing so well with qualifiers and nationals you know the product put out will be good. Excited to see Ohio moto grow.
Getting rid of the battle races was a bad call that's for sure. The time for that wasn't up. So viva bringing in the new series will bring riders that went to the battles. Also the bc owner always seems angry
I’m not always angry! I have proof. Photo 1 attached is when I got the news DHDS01 was not attending KOC one year. Photo 2 is when my daughter clinched WMX at PVR. See not angry always.


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You do understand that the only real holdout to OMA being 100% AMA sanctioned was Malvern, right?
A friend reminded me last night that one of your big things in the beginning was going against the AMA. Remember the whole "district X" thing ? It started as a big middle finger to the AMA. Funny how times change and memories are cloudy. Blaming Malvern for the OMA not being 100% AMA is a bit of a stretch. I know that changed when you decided they would be an asset helping the Battle series, eventually your quad national and LL qualifiers but it was the original intent that Malvern adhered to for theor night series.

Maybe if you had just bagged the OMA membership and just required AMA membership more tracks would have agreed with you.
A friend reminded me last night that one of your big things in the beginning was going against the AMA. Remember the whole "district X" thing ? It started as a big middle finger to the AMA. Funny how times change and memories are cloudy. Blaming Malvern for the OMA not being 100% AMA is a bit of a stretch. I know that changed when you decided they would be an asset helping the Battle series, eventually your quad national and LL qualifiers but it was the original intent that Malvern adhered to for theor night series.

Maybe if you had just bagged the OMA membership and just required AMA membership more tracks would have agreed with you.View attachment 77485
Nice trophy! Can you post one from your CRA years so I can feel the power of that organization?!!
Nice trophy! Can you post one from your CRA years so I can feel the power of that organization?!!
The picture was of the district X designation on the trophy from Austin's work. Has nothing to do with power or any other organization. But I guess you won't comment on the truth of which I made a point of.

For comparison, how many members did the OMA have at its height??
CRA trophies believe it or not these were all on quads 07ish. I’m still looking forward to a quad free series.
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