Not that I condone the actions, but it’s 100% relatable and emotional. Imagine it from his prospective.
You have 40+ year old grown men talking negatively about you all the time from all over the country, everyday. Saying stuff about your mom and dad and family. And let’s be honest most of the people on here can’t handle someone disagreeing with them, let alone bringing their family into the conversation. (Public personality or not)
You have a motocross championship on the line.
You’ve worked your whole life to ride MX and be a champion and it goes up in flames.
You’re only 16yrs old.
I understand the frustration. I understand the anger but the only reason you don’t like it is because you don’t like the KID. I’m sure there are many of you that have acted that way once or twice as adults. I’ve seen fights in the pits between dads. I’ve seen moms fight and this is at a local level race.
Give the KID a break. He had what everyone doesn’t want him to have in front of him and now it’s gone. Let the kid have a moment. Imagine how his mechanic feels about that mechanical failure.
Again I don’t think it was the right reaction but it seems like a perfect reaction for a KID at 16 with the weight of his family on his shoulders