AC got credentials pulled and kicked out of the track area if you hadnt heard..
I ended up crossing paths with some sheriff's last night while taking the dog to find some place to stretch her legs. I asked if he had heard about a big wig getting the boot, i said ac's name and he said yup, it was me.. i laughed and told him its a huge story on the Internet because ac is like the nicest dude and rather important to the tv production. His lady cop friend pulled her phone out and googled then i heard gyspies voice playing because she clicked the first vid regarding it.
He then told me that the head of Daytona Track security called the sheriff's and he was simply the responding officer. He said the Daytona guy claimed ac was on a hot track track during press riding and that was grounds for removal. Cop said guy probably didnt know who ac even was (cop didn't either) and the cop and ac had good conversation and said ac was super kind to him and just explained the Daytona guy probably didn't even really know what was going on. Cop said he had no choice because when hes inside the track, that guy is his boss. He never took him offsite or anything from what i understand and within a short period all was back to normal.
These Daytona guys are some power trippers lol..