Smith Rd. Track CUTTERS

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PR Addict
YZ125, SORRY if my attempt was too FEEBLE to make any sense to you. But here's an idea: before you start *on a thred NAMING people, by numbers (symbols), which is very rude, try taking a break from the MF-ing, flipping the birds, and throwing tires at people while hidden behind your helmet on the track, and have a nice friendly, constructive talk to maybe explain the situation and your woes. MAYBE he would understand and change what he is doing.

"Happy Pumpkin" IS NOT one of those ignorant kids pinning it 4th gear along the side of a jump who don't LOOK when they enter the track (nor myself). In about 5 minutes I probably saw 8 people pinning it from the turn all the way alongside the 6-pack to the single at the end. Those are the problem people. If you approach him in a respectable manner and explain the situation, I am sure he might take into consideration the issue! You state track cutters in a thread name and it seems like everyone migrates from the AC track cutting thread without reading a word of anything else.

As I stated in my first sentance, I do not know you personally, or by name, number, or face. I was not automatically assuming that you are not a older (maybe vet) rider who doesn't have to go back to work on a weekday. We park by a plethora of vet riders everytime we go to Smith, and not one do I have a problem with.

YZ125, and Georgie, 'I' am more than capable of riding/racing a bike, please don't try to change the meaning of the words I speak and make me sound bad. I am easily a high end competitor in the local Women's class, I CAN go through ruts no problem and handle my bike just fine.--(My hands are too small to reach the levers on my boyfriends bike, which I was riding yesterday, easily without getting massive cramps in my hands, which in turn make it hard to handle the bike, which is a 2 stroke, I ride 4. Bad excuse? Deal with it, I speak the truth). Just because I skip the 6-pack at smith doesn't mean I am a bad rider (I could probably triple it if I wanted to), or that I should be posted on the "wall of shame". No other defined jumps on the track, so what if I skip it? I'll go to any other track and hit just about anything.

The :) on his bike does not mean he is trying to be a 'smarty pants', he doesn't feel like paying for number graphics. He does race (every now and then) sumtin, they are called harescrambles, and gncc's. If you don't think they are races, I dare a mxer to go try one, I tried one and it was hard as hell. He isn't overly obsessed with trying to improve 'fundamentals or speed'. HE WANTS TO GO OUT ON A WEEKDAY AND TAKE A BREAK FROM WORK!!!! HE DOES NOT WANT TO DRIVE 2 HOURS TO CROW CANYON ON A WEEKDAY! as I am weakly assuming it's one of the only trail places open at that time. If George or whoever the new owners might be have an issue with him doing the other things (riding around trees, over tires), then they can take it up with him. He is a grown man prefectly able to comprend what other people say. (He will not, I assure you, make a PR account to argue this *, he is my boyfriends dad and he doesn't mind if I speak for him about this)

Grow up and speak to him man to man, instead of hiding behind the keyboard. We are there just about every Wednesday, near the entrance.


PR Addict
If you want to keep adding fuel to the fire, why don't you state your name so the uniformed know who YOU are, since we have no number, name, picture or sponsors to go off of. Maybe quit hiding behind a screen-name.

I'll just add to this, apparently you do think you're too good for anything I have to say.


PR Elite
, my boyfriend and his brother said they are more than willing to speak with you in the pits if you want to argue over something, also said if you want to keep cutting people off/taking people out, you might be visiting the dirt in corners like yesterday a little more often (from their words over the phone, and I am only posting at their request).

Wow now were getting threatening and physical ......


PR Addict
Not me. My boyfriend and family who will remain unnamed in this thread, because there is no reason to make comments like "and I am not that fast but thisandthat, 2nd slowest rider on the track." It's like, have a little respect for people.


PR Founding Father
You guys need to cut this out, no more of this language or threats from boyfriends and brothers.

Take it to Facebook or something.


PR Addict
I am sorry, I removed it. Just found it very offensive he was calling easy to spot people out and then calling them slowest riders on track, and he can't back up why he was taking them out instead of going into the pits and speaking with him. Talking like he runs the place. Essentially harassing with words and pictures. If I knew who he was I would easily go on Facebook..


PR Addict
This is so funny..Because EVERYONE of you cuts the track...I have seen Everyone...Including me...Everyone goes off the track and passes a slower rider...Or to check out a new jump or watch some pros hit some jumps....Everyone going off and Blaming everyone..Iam faster,Your in my way...We are all Slow riders on here..I have not seen anyone in either post race WRMC Pro day last week....Not one of you guys.....Now we are going to have UFC matches at the track....WOW,Its summer,GO OUT AND F_ING RIDE,AND STOP *****ING ABOUT EVERYTHING..

flyin polack

PR Addict
I wonder if these track cutters are C riders...? Now there is a thread...

Sorry Georgie, just kidding. Couldnt resist.

Even an ancient C rider like me doesn't cut the track...


PR Addict
Hey MX315, you are exactly right in saying we all are guilty of the occaisional track cut or pull off but I seriously doubt many of us can say we cut the track 3 and 4 times EVERY lap, every week.
Thanks Pit for Ky-Boshin the verbal and physical threats. I am too old for that game I think?
As far as the spokeswoman that says i am in hiding, thats FUNNY!!! I confronted two of the constant track cutters face to face at the track. They both laughed it off. Everyones a tuff guy on the ride home and apparently they did not share with you ALL the facts.
Oh and by the way, I am real easy to spot as I was while in your boyfriends and his dads face about their ignorance. I am real easy to spot. If you still feel that constantly cutting the track is an ok thing, please approach me and we can discuss how dangerous it is. I am real easy to find. Look for the grey-headed skinny old guy on a all white 2009 YZ125 with red frame, red hubs and black rims. Other than that, its too bad you do all the talkin for your boys but yet accuse me of hiding behind a keyboard.


PR Addict
Sorry MX315, my bike is broke and I do not recieve money from my parents or earn enough at my job to pay for parts, alongside everything else. Just because you race at a "Pro Day" doesn't qualify to as fast, unless you are racing the Pro class obviously. And TBH I would have only gone for the competition that the Women's class mostly lacks elsewhere, not the promotion the track was given, or maybe because I have simply never gone to that particular track before. I have raced the other ""Pro Days'' in the past, but not because they are pro days. Don't assume. And if you want to get on a touchy subject I have raced C. But since I am not a sandbagger infesting the class, you don't see me at the top. However I am a decent rider and by no means a 'beginner' as what is listed in the CRA rulebook as a C rider, and having raced that class 3 years, since this time last year I have been saying I am moving up to the B class at the last Meadowlarks race last year, but guess what, that race was canceled. SO, since my bike has been broke, there is nothing to really claim there.

But I do like the rest of your post. I am not one to say people get in my way or that I am way faster than so&so, just making a point there. Technically you are cutting the track if you pull off. Everyone does it, watch person in this turn, take a quick break. Big Deal.

Go ahead and pick on the old slower vet rider who does have common sense, trying something new. It is legal property to ride on in Northern Ohio, which is hard to come by. He is not doing burnouts in George's grass. But when the kid comes flying down the straight and doesn't look, don't go blaming the vet.

WHEN I SAID TAKE IT TO THE PITS, I DID NOT MEAN A PUB BRAWL GO-IN-THE-PARKING-LOT DEAL. You came over and, sorry pit, mf-ed them. Not hey man, listen. And I am NOT my """clients' spokeswoman""". I came on here to make an attempt to stop you calling out and bashing my family. OK? You don't name in any way that might give out the identity of someone. That is straight-up pure rudeness.


PR Addict
Sorry MX315, my bike is broke and I do not recieve money from my parents or earn enough at my job to pay for parts, alongside everything else. Just because you race at a "Pro Day" doesn't qualify to as fast, unless you are racing the Pro class obviously. And TBH I would have only gone for the competition that the Women's class mostly lacks elsewhere, not the promotion the track was given, or maybe because I have simply never gone to that particular track before. I have raced the other ""Pro Days'' in the past, but not because they are pro days. Don't assume. And if you want to get on a touchy subject I have raced C. But since I am not a sandbagger infesting the class, you don't see me at the top. However I am a decent rider and by no means a 'beginner' as what is listed in the CRA rulebook as a C rider, and having raced that class 3 years, since this time last year I have been saying I am moving up to the B class at the last Meadowlarks race last year, but guess what, that race was canceled. SO, since my bike has been broke, there is nothing to really claim there.

But I do like the rest of your post. I am not one to say people get in my way or that I am way faster than so&so, just making a point there. Technically you are cutting the track if you pull off. Everyone does it, watch person in this turn, take a quick break. Big Deal.

Go ahead and pick on the old slower vet rider who does have common sense, trying something new. It is legal property to ride on in Northern Ohio, which is hard to come by. He is not doing burnouts in George's grass. But when the kid comes flying down the straight and doesn't look, don't go blaming the vet.

WHEN I SAID TAKE IT TO THE PITS, I DID NOT MEAN A PUB BRAWL GO-IN-THE-PARKING-LOT DEAL. You came over and, sorry pit, mf-ed them. Not hey man, listen.

Maybe I am wrong, but he wasn't referring to your skill level of riding specifically.


PR Addict
I know, but my ability has shown compromised of "openly admitting" I can't handle a bike. But you get it for even mentioning it.


PR Addict
Nah,Iam not calling anyone out at all...All I said is"Everyone on Pitracer has cut the track,Look at new jumps,Watched pros smoke though turns....ALL OF US...And I admit I do it all the time,I am very careful when coming back onto the track,Never I have been confronted or someone wanted to fight me.....Never said a word about C-riders...Again,All of us have been C riders at one time or another... I just had a baby...So I have not been out all year,But the time has come for me to head out to the track...And I might have to CUT the Track to see all new changes....baaaaahaaaaaa. Anyone who wants to say hi....Come over and Say Hello..Congrats me on the baby....Man I love MOTO.


PR Elite
I would hate to get put on the track cutters hit list but…

While at Smith Road 2 weeks ago for the first time since their AMRMA race in July 2009 I was guilty of going
around the whoops for 2 good reasons:

1. My back is trashed from an auto accident 2 years with some bi-polar, crack head, dirt bag but that is a different story.
I flat out physically can not ride thru whoops….no way.
Spent this Wednesday at the Cleveland Clinic laying on my stomach getting spinal injection in hopes of one day
being healthy again. So whoops are out for me, forever.

2. I ride a 1976 Maico 250 with a down pipe. Time them perfect & no problem. Miss one and the evening is done
with a crushed pipe as I have done this more than once over the years.

When going around an obstacle I always slow down, look & re-enter not cutting anyone off.
Not much different than if I were enter the track at any point.

Just my 2 cents as them could be hidden reasons why people go around something.

Besides it is just practice so look ahead to anticipate what someone may do & have fun.

Maico Mark


PR Addict
It's perfectly fine if you cut the track.....IF you look. There is NOTHING wrong with wanting to practice a turn or a jump over and over, if you pull off and go back in safely. He is talking about safety yet he throws tires in paths of people and tries to take them out on other occasions.

If George/new owner as a problem with it, they can go talk to him. Don't like it, don't go. I pay, you pay. >>Still have yet to hear of another rider who found it so distracting that they couldn't focus on their own riding and improvement yesterday..

And again, they don't care about Pitracer, never of even heard of it 'til they met me a year and so ago. But I and they do care about bashing and degrading my family, them, on this forum. Take it to the pits means "talk to him" not flip him the bird or UFC fights..

And just as a saw someone half bite their tounge off and having a seizure from crashing, spectating right near the end of the 6 pack. My weak nearly fake excuse, I've yet to claim any major injuries. I'll go through them I someone forces me to (ex. race). Not worth my time.

I am so done with everything it's not even cool


PR Addict
ROFLMAO..... throwing tires and takin people out. Like I stated before, everyones a hero on the ride home, don't believe everything that you hear.
As Bob Hannah would say....


PR Addict
This is so funny..Because EVERYONE of you cuts the track...I have seen Everyone...Including me...Everyone goes off the track and passes a slower rider...Or to check out a new jump or watch some pros hit some jumps....Everyone going off and Blaming everyone..Iam faster,Your in my way...We are all Slow riders on here..I have not seen anyone in either post race WRMC Pro day last week....Not one of you guys.....Now we are going to have UFC matches at the track....WOW,Its summer,GO OUT AND F_ING RIDE,AND STOP *****ING ABOUT EVERYTHING..

BINGO! I get it. Of course there is an issue with entering and exiting the track with caution. If you do it with sense I don't think there is a whole lot of harm in the matter if you use your brain. There are WAY to many riders out there that think everyone should move over or get out of the way "bc they ride WFO." News flash if you can ride WFO you should have no issue making a safe pass on anyone. Everyone needs to respect everyone. It's as simple as that. I don't have a problem with guys wanting to run race pace. I do have a problem getting looks or hearing ppl claim "you took my line." Ive ridden for a long time and Ive never expected anyone to move over for me. I expect them to hold the line and I will find my way around when a safe pass is open. Sure you might lose your "race pace" but things like that can happen in a race! We all do it for the same reason and its bc we love to ride.
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