Battle For Ohio 2012

factory 113

PR Addict
i had to leave before my 2nd moto , kinda sucks , but had fun in the first moto, nice turnout place was packed, lots of pretty full gates


PR Member
Gates were pretty full all day. 250C had the biggest class at 39-41. Overall, great weekend! Looking forward to next year!!!


PR Addict
Yes, that was epic...the PA group that came all said the track rules and should host a Loretta Lynn event. Did not think the finish line triple was possible on a 65cc until Hayes, from PA, busted it out lap after lap. He was really on it with 1-1 race finishes. Gavin Towers turned the fastest laps in the 7-8 50cc class, but had some bad luck and went 1-2 for 2nd overall. He was cooking though.

Jeremy, thanks for letting my daughter sing your national anthem...might have been her biggest crowd yet! She was pleased at getting the opportunity.

As for Mitchy, first time on the A/B track on a 50 and 65...he was stoked and loved it...ur gonna have to allow the little bikes to run sessions on the A/B track like you do with the C track. You spoiled him this weekend and the C track is a thing of the past.

Lots and lots of people, fun times, and fast racing. 30+ was scary as in moto 1 I found myself in 2nd by the third corner. Sound great, but the only thing is, I had 10 crazy fast guys blasting past, over, and around me within a lap. Did not catch all their numbers, but I know local Tony Ralston(sp?) cooked past on his KTM250 2 stroker and ended up I think 3rd. Gibson going around was also rediculously fast as he went down in corner one only to haul past everyone for the win in just 4 laps. I ened up 13th in that moto and was just pleased to survive. Bagged the second 30+ as it was getting late in the day. Im too old and slow for that class!

As for the 40+ I ended up 5th overall with a moto 1 7th and moto 2 6th. I was running 4th, until the last lap, when I threw the anchor out and Richard A and Oplinger made passes with 3/4 of a lap left. That is what I get for bagging training since Lorettas.

Jeff Pape burned off some fast laps with a 2nd overall in the 40+ with John Agin winning the class.

Richard A took home 4th in the 40+ with two 4th place finishes and DNS the 30+ first moto as he noticed a flat front tire lining up. Did not run the second either.

Oplinger ended up 3rd in the 40+ with a first moto 2nd and second moto 5th.

Not sure how Jones ended up in the classes he ran.

Sharc ended up with a good start in the first 40+ moto and I think ended up 10th. He and I traded paint for a lap or so as we passed each other a couple times...was fun to see someone familar out there.

Not sure where all the others I knew there finished, but as I said, lots and lots of fast riders, but in the Vet classes it appears the Pitracer groupies held it together.

Jeremy, go take a week of vacation now to regroup! You deserve it and did a great job.


PR Addict
Killer day of racing. Maybe run the little guys, quads and women on saturday next year. Racing all day + leaving track at 9 + getting home at 10 = wife pissed! Went down the last lap of open pro and put alot of damage on the bike. No steel city mega series now. Props to all the hard work out there!


PR Founding Father
Vet classes were funny. Didnt know alot of people out there but it always seemed the pitracer regulars were all bunched up together.

I was so mad my foot was broke when that huge gate of 25+ and that 27 rider gate for 2 stroke blasted off the line. Glad that class wasn't a bust!


Well Jeremy, that was one hell of an event!!! For being your first race in years and it being of that magnitude I don't think it could have went much better. Though I know it will be refined and polished to run even smoother next year. THANK YOU. Like everyone else Zack and I couldn't wait for that event and it did not disappoint. Great racing in every class.
Zack did great in super mini. First moto started 5th moved to 2nd and finished there. Second moto started 12th moved up to 4th. 2nd overall. In +30 I started in second and inherited the lead, on the second lap Jeff Gibson came around me with authority. Finished second. Didn't run my second moto. Jeremy you put an exclamation point on the fact that Briarcliff is the best track in Ohio. Thanks again, Jason Rogers


PR Founding Father
What a crazy weekend. First, I'd like to thank everyone on my crews. They did the best that they could considering the circumstances. BC does not exist without all of the people behind the scenes backing me up. We had so many people helping I will not attempt to name them all, because I fear that I will leave someone out. If you know someone that helped, or you see someone doing something to help us on race day, thank them. They are the hardest working bunch I have ever seen. And everything that went wrong at scoring and sign up is my fault, I set us up for failure there. I did not plan that very well, and unfortunately the girls at sign up suffered most of the brunt of that, and thats not fair to them. I'm sorry girls. It will not happen again, I promise.

I will not be running an event like that again next year. We will be running a much better event, with better communication, sign up, and scoring. I was already on the phone with John Dains with trackside this morning at 7am. We will be bringing int he transponders for next year. I will be hiring a professional sound man next season to handle the PA. We are considering going to the touch screens for signup. We will also be going to a 2 day format. Thats too long of a day to squeeze everything in. Not totally sure how we are going to handle that part yet, but we are not running everything on Sunday again.

Now the positives, our track prep kicks serious arse. Some dust, but I dont think it ever got out of control. We need to start getting the starting area ready earlier, I know that now. But as far as the main track is concerned, you all owe Brian Finckel like a million bucks. I think he put 100 miles on the mack from Friday at 10am till Sunday after noon in 90 degree heat with no AC. We had huge help form our sponsors: Monster Energy, Honda of Marysville, Parts Unlimited, Huntington Bank, Cycra, Fly Racing, Motorex, Malvern Racing, Wiseco, FCR Suspension, and WPS.

It was the first race since 2008, and I thought we handle the adversity well, I only got in one shouting match. Thats pretty good I thought. I will be staffing more people next year, we will have two referees watching all races. We will have more flaggers to take shifts to keep the everyone alert. I will plan it out better.

Thanks to all the racers that took a chance on us! I appreciate everyones understanding of out shortcomings for the first year, and I thank everyone for the slew of positive comments I got. It really does help us keep our heads up. I feel like I delivered on what I said I would do. We put on the must attend race in the state of Ohio, and we will put it on again in 2013.

Im having a bit of an internet connection issue at my house right now, but I will be posting results soon. And I will attempt to have the north south decision very soon. I got allot of picking up to do, so please be patient.


PR Founding Father


PR Addict
Great event! Props to all of your crew that made it possible! I don't think very many realize how hard you guys worked before, during and after the race to make it happen. The atmosphere was electric, the swag was endless and the racing was soooo good. I found myself running back and forth between the pits and the track to catch the action yet entertain our guests. I gotta give props to the racers, good hard racing without any real incident. How some of those classes got through that first corner was amazing, great riders here in these parts. Sportsmanship looked to be top notch, pit speeds seemed to be maintained! We met alot of new people, seen alot of old friends and put alot of faces to names from this board. I loved the podium with interviews after each moto, what a way give the racers a chance to thank their sponsors and friends. I found myself watching and listening to the interviews as much as the racing. George, you did an outstanding job keeping us posted on the race order and events. I'm not sure what you said to my little guy on the podium to get him to talk, but I think it had something to do with the girls cause he got awful red. He clammed up as soon as he got up there, then he thanked Elka suspension (the don't even sponsor us) thanks mom and dad and to all the people. priceless! Can't wait to see the pics start rollin' out, I know the wife got some great shots especially as the sun was setting and the racing was brewing. Now the question is, what are we going to talk about when this thread fades away? Thanks to all! Matt, Jess and Jack Winland.

Jeremy, PM me of times you will be working on clean-up and teardown I will slide over and give you a hand.


PR Founding Father
A Hudak sighting

I believe that was a Hudak that I about ran over trying to get through a corner.....Whats he thinking falling right into my line! Awesome track I really liked it. Had awesome starts all day just made a couple small mistakes that cost me any good finishes. Had alot of fun, but paying for it today. Took a huge hit in the ass from the seat going into the corner after the double down in the bottom. You are flying down that straight when you hit that double, and braking hard into the corner. I also bagged the second 30+ moto, and just made it in before 10pm, my son had his first day of school today, and mom wanted him home! He went down in a corner in the last 85 moto, another kid hit him, he has a nice mark from something on his side, and something poked a hole through the leather in his new boots!
Great getting to meet alot more of the Pitracer followers. Heard Rockets son had an injury. Hope he is fine and heals up quick. Missed Rocket trying to run 6 classes.......I could not even imagine that feat on that track in 90 degree weather.
JO, thanks for putting the race on, I know that there were some scoring issues.......but seeing what you have done there, I am confindent you will fix those. Prep was awesome, thought it would be a mud bath in pratice, and it really wasnt at all, but yet the track helded up great, with the start being the only thing that really kicked up dust.
Thanks again for the efforts, I am sure next year will be bigger and better.


PR Founding Father
That's me behind your thumbs up. Never got a chance to meet you, but you were hauling on that pit-bike! That was some fun racing!


PR Addict
That's me behind your thumbs up. Never got a chance to meet you, but you were hauling on that pit-bike! That was some fun racing!

I was searchin' for you and a few others on this board, I had no idea that was you. Saturday was a good time too! Hopefully Jeremy will still be able to fit the pitbike thing in next year with the 2 day format, just fun racin'. That old Pitster Pro is going up for sale, so I can finish my secret weapon pitbike racer! Ya'll be in trouble next year! 1977 XR 75, Jeff Ward replica. :) I like the 2 day format for next year, I will be more inclined to race. I just have to much maintenance to do on the kids quad, entertain and enjoy to have time for myself! Although after watching the two classes I'd a signed up for (40+ and 2 stroke) I would have been demoralized! Lol.