What if you could start over new?

All classes are always ran in the same sequence. If no one shows up in that class for the day, additional track prep time. In this case below, Class D doesn't have to show up to the event until the mid way point.

Racing order:

Open practice A, B, C, 20 min
Open practice D, E, F, 20 min
I don't like racing against 3 people either and no I don't want a class for me to win. I can't win the women's class anyhow that's not my point. I know Kim ran with the boys I am no where close to her speed and what fun would it be for me to run B and get smoked. I would def have someone to race with in C however I am not risking getting jumped on. Yes I do run the vet classes but sometimes those are no fun as I can't keep up with the group. For the most part I can keep up with the group in the women's class and it's fun when we have enough girls to have a couple groups together out there. It's just nice to have the same gender class. For the most part especially at the local level it is harder for us females to compete with the males. Yes I know there is some out there that will hold their own. It's not fair for a 15 year old girl just starting out to have to run schoolboy or C. Girls are not the same as boys physically and there mentality is way different.
I think you could get away with running Jr/Sr peewee together, but with beginner peewee you get into the kids getting lapped by the faster Sr's/Jr's....and only getting two laps isn't all that productive for the wee little guys...

It's amazing the speed difference between beginner peewee, jr and sr peewee. It is probably the largest margin of speed difference in any of the classes...

15 year old boys start out in schoolboy all the time. I just don't see the difference because it's a girl! But like Kocher she never had a womens class. The womens class was always for older women. There was no young girls class.

I'm sorry more girls aren't in the sport, but there are many boys/men that get smoked all the time and they don't have a competitive class to race.

I'm not trying to throw women under the bus. I'm throwing every low turnout class under the bus. If +25 has a class, and 2 guys show up....well then that's too bad, class cancelled. Unless you got two gates open in another similar class to let them off the line with....
I haven't read this whole thread, but it may be a good idea to keep open practices held to a minimum for those participating tracks as well if you are truely looking for great turnouts at races. If there is no other track riding to be had on this or that date, off to the "event" we go.

Good thread Ozzy!
So lets say in a dream world you could create the next CRA or GLMX or any other sanctioning body out there. Just for Ohio Mx. What would you take from the current ones that you like? What would you change/improve? This thread by no means has any real intent so you need to sit down in your chair and calm down. The whole D12 thread from FMX Paul got my wheels turning. What if you started from the ground up, a mx ressurection of sorts. Please post all good ideas, and send the bad ones to a current sanctioning body.
Now THIS is what I was hoping would happen. You mean it's possible to run a series for points & year end awards? (not CRA)

I will say that no matter how you look at it, sometimes the "Squeaky wheel gets the Grease".

Continue on Ohio MX Leaders!!
Now this is me dreaming very loudly, and i know this idea will not work, we are way too set in our ways and scared for this to work.

But what if we ran each of the following groups in a 2 moto format, each moto is 15 minutes:

Vet A
Vet B
Vet C
Dual Sport
Open Extra

10:15 am:
Quads A
Quads B
Quads C
Utility Quad

10:30 am:
50cc 4-6
50cc 7-8
Mini Quads

Open MX A
Open MX B
Open MX C
Open MX D

65cc 7-9
65cc 10-11
85cc 7-11
85cc 12-15
Open Pit Bike
Junior Quad
Youth Quad

Lites A
Lites B
Lites C

School Boy
College Boy
Plus 25
Plus 40
Open/Super Mini

The the same rotation after prep, 12:30 til 3:00.
By George! That may work.

Except for the moaners: "uuugh 15 minuteeesssss".

Id race again if that's how it played out. That caters to me perfect. Nice long motos!!! Probably a full gate.
Classes are going to be classes, what other opportunities would this new era of a sanction body bring to Ohio MX ?
1 lap 20 min for pee wees at Red Bud! Could they even ride up the Leap? Lol
No problem for Mitchy! He would love to race the big track. In fact, after going to area51, Loretta's, the regionals and qualifiers, and even Malvern, the little track at RedBud is a waste of time and bores him on his Cobra. I know we did that last year and he wanted on the big track at 7. What I'm saying is, these kids that are 6,7, and 8 make the Sr 50's sing and are exciting to watch.
ORO Ohio Racing Organization
BMA Buckeye Motocross Assoc.
BRO Buckeye Racing Organization
BRA Buckeye Racing Association
BOOM Buckeye Organization of Motocross
ERGO Epic Racing Group of Ohio
CMA Cardinal Motocross Association
Trans-Ohio Racing Association
Ohio Grassroots Racing Enterprise OGRE
ORO Ohio Racing Organization
BMA Buckeye Motocross Assoc.
BRO Buckeye Racing Organization
BRA Buckeye Racing Association
BOOM Buckeye Organization of Motocross
ERGO Epic Racing Group of Ohio
CMA Cardinal Motocross Association
Trans-Ohio Racing Association
Ohio Grassroots Racing Enterprise OGRE

Good ones...Ruppert would have some interesting additions to this list!
Classes are going to be classes, what other opportunities would this new era of a sanction body bring to Ohio MX ?

Promotors that get it, and ride. Kidding. Not really, but whatever.

Possibly a Vet Series, maybe a GP Series, Motocross relay races, team events, who knows. The possibilities are not limited by how things were done 30 years ago.

The best advice I have gotten in my short 8 years as a track owner was "Dont be afraid to be innovative". Most of you would be shocked if i told you who said it, well maybe not. if that gentlemen is reading this, thanks for the advice kind sir.
ORO Ohio Racing Organization
BMA Buckeye Motocross Assoc.
BRO Buckeye Racing Organization
BRA Buckeye Racing Association
BOOM Buckeye Organization of Motocross
ERGO Epic Racing Group of Ohio
CMA Cardinal Motocross Association
Trans-Ohio Racing Association
Ohio Grassroots Racing Enterprise OGRE

Need an H on the BRA, so it can be the BRAH.......Buckeye Racing Association Hooey. I jest I jest!
Isn't this Switchback's gobbler race schedule?

Now this is me dreaming very loudly, and i know this idea will not work, we are way to set in our ways and scared for this to work.

But what if we ran each of the following groups in a 2 moto format, each moto is 15 minutes:

Vet A
Vet B
Vet C
Dual Sport
Open Extra

10:15 am:
Quads A
Quads B
Quads C
Utility Quad

10:30 am:
50cc 4-6
50cc 7-8
Mini Quads

Open MX A
Open MX B
Open MX C
Open MX D

65cc 7-9
65cc 10-11
85cc 7-11
85cc 12-15
Open Pit Bike
Junior Quad
Youth Quad

Lites A
Lites B
Lites C

School Boy
College Boy
Plus 25
Plus 40
Open/Super Mini

The the same rotation after prep, 12:30 til 3:00.
Promotors that get it, and ride. Kidding. Not really, but whatever.

Possibly a Vet Series, maybe a GP Series, Motocross relay races, team events, who knows. The possibilities are not limited by how things were done 30 years ago.

The best advice I have gotten in my short 8 years as a track owner was "Dont be afraid to be innovative". Most of you would be shocked if i told you who said it, well maybe not. if that gentlemen is reading this, thanks for the advice kind sir.

Joker lane?
I really like the split session. Honda Hills ran it for years a long time ago. They ran all the youth classes in the first session (50cc through schoolboy) then all the amatuer classes in the second session. The only crossover was supermini/schoolboy kids wanting to run an amatuer class. It is also very nice for a parent that rides and races. The youngster is all done and loaded up then the parent gets to have their fun with worrying about junior being on the gate right before or after them.

This new organization should have strict requirements for its promoters also. There is nothing worse than having a track promote how great its going to be all week and get there and their antique equipment broke down. It is also hard to get excited about racing at a place that hasn't changed in over a decade.
Would be nice to have limited tracks on this organization, one or two in each part of the state with high standards. From NW to NE to SE to SW to the Cliff in the middle. This sounds fun to me and if you had a series rotating these tracks it would bring people from all over Ohio, thus filling the gates from kids to women to Pro classes.