Legal recreational cannabis

Im not sure I understand the religious part ether? God made pot man made beer, who would you trust? I agree with Bill480, decriminalize it and let nature work it out.Go ahead get stoned on the job and sorry bout your luck when you didn't get outa the way when the bulldozer ran you over.
Guys, your not going to sway anyone to the yes or to the no... Its a core believe and discussing those types of issue only elevates hostility between the competence. Now can we please talk about neck braces??? :p
Guys, your not going to sway anyone to the yes or to the no... Its a core believe and discussing those types of issue only elevates hostility between the competence. Now can we please talk about neck braces??? :p

How about the dangers of wearing a neck brace while high on bath salts? I would never wear a bear trap on my neck while doing bath salts
There you go.
No I should not be punished nor did I have that held against me at work. I've passed you many times on the track while I was high.

You should really consider taking this quote off your page

"Never argue with an idiot.
They'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience"
.......Quote stolen from somewhere

Well you should be punished for being high at work. And I really couldn't care less how many times you have passed me on the track. I'm 46 years old and ride for fun. Being high on the job is dangerous and against the law. End of story.
I don't need to change anything in my signature but you should read the one about the 99% you are part of.

I have no hatred of anything. If you want to fry your brain cells with pot .... alcohol or any other damaging substance I don't care. My beef is solely with the damage caused to those you effect by doing so. Not only by cannabis but alcohol and other means. The belief that you can't hurt anyone else....that it is a victimless endeavor ..... proves you are not being honest with yourself. Google cannabis effects on the brain. Any article you find no matter when it was and whether it's for or against the legalization of it will tell you it impairs your brain functions. My beliefs are based on personal experiences....studies I have read and friends experiences. My opinions are based on the same things yours are...emotions from those beliefs.

I wear an Atlas neck brace btw!
Btw....your article verified everything I have posted here. It impairs your driving. Mixed with alcohol is the worst combination. So what glorious information were you using to negate my information with?

I'm sure you are smoking right now on the job and thinking how you got the best of me....then living the glory days of this past summer of passing an old man on the mx track so fast because the THC levels in your blood stream gave you pro like speed! Lol.....

Ps...If I have offended you too bad. I think no less of you because of your belief or smoking. Next time you see me at the track stop over and introduce yourself and we can have a good laugh about all this! That goes for everyone posting here except CK1.....He is a dick!
Now that I am on the other side of the coin and am no longer a drug user I an see why and how my actions were detrimental to society and myself.

More likely than not, your kids will make their own decisions about drugs, and I think you've raised your kids well. They'll get to the other side of the coin and say the exact same thing. It's the human experience. We all do idiotic things when we are very young, and realize this when we are older. I'm still a moron but I'm only 25 and do not have kids. But life is a learning curve, and if Weed was illegal and god forbid your kids got caught trying it for the first time, then maybe the punishments wouldn't be as harsh as they are now. I don't think weed should ruin kids lives and now allow them to obtain a job in the future, or get denied a student loan to go to school if they wish to do because of a marijaunna charge. You can get all the underage drinking convictions you want and your financial aid does not get pulled. But if you get a Marijuanna charge, bye-bye college unless you can foot the $100,000 bill for them.
Booze impairs you ability to function cannabis does not.
Legalize and start spreading the truth no more lies.
Live to ride and I am a proud cannaibis user.

Bro, that's just your overwhelmingly high tolerance to cannabis. Drink three beers and see what happens. And I'll bring you a dependent alcoholic and show you what happens with 3 beers. (Nothing.)

I remember in college my buddy decided to hit a bong, and he kept hitting it. And then he told me he couldn't move. He sat there almost paralyzed. How is that not impairment? LOL
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You contradicted yourself pretty hard in this paragraph. A legal substance like alcohol more than likely will be tried by every person, and then some people will never try it? And you are confusing beer muscles with weed muscles. The latter I have never heard of.

Regardless, if someone wants to try alcohol bad enough before they are 21, or marijuana at any age - they are going to do it.

point being more people will try a legal substance/.

By becoming a dependent user of ANY drug (alcohol/tobacco/caffeine/whatever) you are hurting yourself mentally and physically. Laws will not protect you from that and that is not what they are there for.

There is a poster on here claiming to use every day and not have problems. I never said laws could stop that.

I don't believe our government should be able to outlaw some drugs and push others as A-OK. Decriminalize it all and let natural selection work the rest out.

Now there is some great thinking.

Now it all makes sense.

Yes it does. Where do you stand?
Will you let your kids get drunk before the family photo? I don't get what you're trying to imply.

Nope. will you? The point is most pot users hide...they hide there identity. There usage. Most would never let all there family and co-workers know they smoke.
Nope. will you? The point is most pot users hide...they hide there identity. There usage. Most would never let all there family and co-workers know they smoke.

Most being who? Did you take a poll? Either way, what is your point/argument? In my small world all the smokers don't hide it, the drinkers don't hide it, and the sober don't hide it. Regardless, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?
Guys, your not going to sway anyone to the yes or to the no... Its a core believe and discussing those types of issue only elevates hostility between the competence. Now can we please talk about neck braces??? :p

I agree with Chris on this one... Ur either for or against... Some users will be responsible and others will go free for all everyday... I am too busy to do as a recreational activity however I could see benefits for medicinal use... Anything to take money away from big pharmaceutical companies getting people hooked on anxiety medicine and narcotic painkillers... Now let's talk about neck braces!
speaking of neck braces. I have one listed in it. Ask Hershey: "Thank god for neck braces."
The ones that are brain dead at work would be the people who hit the booze hard at night not the cannabis user. I ran 110 ton p & h production crane in a very larger alloy mill for seven years never once was i brain dead while operating nor hurt any body. I produced more than the other operators. The people who brought the risk was the dudes blowing booze at the beginning of the shifts. Booze impairs you ability to function cannabis does not. No offense to anyone who drinks, I use to and do not anymore. I would much rather work(and ride) next to a cannabis user then someone who is hungover.

Legalize and start spreading the truth no more lies.
Live to ride and I am a proud cannaibis user.

If you work for me, you would be gone. We hire a lot of operators out of local 18 and we do random drug testing. We just can't afford to have you work for us. You would be too much of a liability.
Most being who? Did you take a poll? Either way, what is your point/argument? In my small world all the smokers don't hide it, the drinkers don't hide it, and the sober don't hide it. Regardless, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Lots of questions and no you can tell I am against legalization. Any more questions?
I can't even smoke cigarettes at my job, and I must get flu-vaccinated--even--against my own wishes. Turk must have some serious freedom, unlike the rest of us.
@ Turk : What happens when you do get hurt at work and get sent to be tested ? It will happen eventually , regardless of what you say .

Oh , and passing people people while your high at the track ...!? Glad you have enough respect for the track owners to violate facility rules.