I take a few months off... man, you guys are boring....or gay jet ski thread

Yeah, I get your point. CTMX has enough room to make a great track.
They get that right, and they will fill gates. It can be done there.

I love the events they put on.

Hell I don’t even race anymore and lately even ride so I’m out of touch with the racing scene these days but I’d much prefer a better track then a better bathroom.. just my .02 though.. where’s my beer.
The Chilitown deal went like this, as explained, they wanted their battle and they wanted to run Halloween race Ohio. Now we’ve gotten a lot of complaints in the past about east fork doing something similar when they were OMA. Between that and how it looked to our member tracks, like Trevor, I told them you either run your 2 races OMA or you don’t run OMA. You are either on the team or you are not, you can’t just straddle the fence and cherry pick the best race while others don’t get a shot?? Nope. Most importantly they CHOSE to go non OMA, CHOSE. They were not kicked out by any stretch. That’s straight from the dozer I sit upon right now making a righteous track. Braaap.
The Chilitown deal went like this, as explained, they wanted their battle and they wanted to run Halloween race Ohio. Now we’ve gotten a lot of complaints in the past about east fork doing something similar when they were OMA. Between that and how it looked to our member tracks, like Trevor, I told them you either run your 2 races OMA or you don’t run OMA. You are either on the team or you are not, you can’t just straddle the fence and cherry pick the best race while others don’t get a shot?? Nope. Most importantly they CHOSE to go non OMA, CHOSE. They were not kicked out by any stretch. That’s straight from the dozer I sit upon right now making a righteous track. Braaap.
Why would other tracks not get a shot at a Battle race? The way I see it you should pick the best turn out events and make those a battle round then the track with the lowest turn out of the three rounds should have to step down and allow another OMA track to give it a try. If no other track wants it then keep it as is.

That was always the problem, you did it how you wanted with the "it's my ball and I make the rules" mentality and that's fine too I guess.

You can call it cherry picking if you want but fact is we were just trying to make sure Ohio gets two big AMA events. It was a great compromise to keep from having to have so many sanction cards but you wouldn't budge on that October event. Was on race going to break the OMA bank? Was it ego that got in the way? I would think you would have welcomed our proposal just to make sure the OMA didn't lose out on the thousands of dollars our events brought to the organization...guess we were wrong on that. So maybe calling you greedy was a bit inaccurate.

All I know is CTMX will continue to put on top notch events while giving back to Ohio motocross.
Why would other tracks not get a shot at a Battle race? The way I see it you should pick the best turn out events and make those a battle round then the track with the lowest turn out of the three rounds should have to step down and allow another OMA track to give it a try. If no other track wants it then keep it as is.

That was always the problem, you did it how you wanted with the "it's my ball and I make the rules" mentality and that's fine too I guess.

You can call it cherry picking if you want but fact is we were just trying to make sure Ohio gets two big AMA events. It was a great compromise to keep from having to have so many sanction cards but you wouldn't budge on that October event. Was on race going to break the OMA bank? Was it ego that got in the way? I would think you would have welcomed our proposal just to make sure the OMA didn't lose out on the thousands of dollars our events brought to the organization...guess we were wrong on that. So maybe calling you greedy was a bit inaccurate.

All I know is CTMX will continue to put on top notch events while giving back to Ohio motocross.

Trevor is actually more qualified than any staff member at chillitown, since #1 he’s raced a pro national, and he still rides. New rule you actually have to ride what you build. Any more f*****g stupid responses Easter? How laps have you spun this year? That’s what I thought. Stfu.
Trevor is actually more qualified than any staff member at chillitown, since #1 he’s raced a pro national, and he still rides. New rule you actually have to ride what you build. Any more f*****g stupid responses Easter? How laps have you spun this year? That’s what I thought. Stfu.
Low blow JO, game over, we had a non battle race without OMA involved and we pulled it off. I've slept hardly any over the last few days prepping for this race. I wish you all the best in the true interest in bettering Ohio Mx. Obviously the track at ctmx sucks, but we still pull numbers like no other OMA track. Maybe we are simply lucky with what we do. I'll publicly state I've never had a problem with you, but it seems like Rogers 365 definitely has a bone with ctmx. I went to that dudes house and took my shoes off at the door and sit thru the initial OMA meetings. Instead of playing high school bubble gum games, I think it's best to let this thread die. No disrespect, but we've had a long weekend and it's hard to sit idle for me and let any bad mouthing about my team. Hate or love ctmx, we still keep our head down and work our tails off. Jeremy Forcum 740-701-3675
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I was there yesterday!

I was too- !
Wet by 11:00 and out by 1:30. Had a pool commitment in the afternoon.
Maybe 3-4 rigs in the parking lot.
I saw the 915 in this brothers window.
He had a JS and a sit down his gal was on.
Only time I saw him is when we passed each other in the no-wake for a quick salute.

Next week ----Same deal-!

I launch at RockSprings - Next to the bridge - how about you?
Trevor is actually more qualified than any staff member at chillitown, since #1 he’s raced a pro national, and he still rides. New rule you actually have to ride what you build. Any more f*****g stupid responses Easter? How laps have you spun this year? That’s what I thought. Stfu.
Who said anything about Trevor other than you? I think you missed my point. You said you wasn't going to let ctmx cherry pick the best races and all I was saying was yes, give other tracks like TV Land a chance at running a battle but who ever had the lowest turnout the year before should have to give up their spot to the new track. Never was I questioning Trevor's experience.... You twisted that.

But thanks for trying to cut me down for not riding anymore you are a real class act and for the record I've turned a ton of laps at Chillitown and the track at my house on my quad.
Not sure why people think a track needs elevation to make it great. LL is flat as it gets and no one has an issue... Chili is amazing.

OMG..... Isn't that the truth !
Natural terrain tracks with great elevation features get's soooooo boring. I mean, like after three laps, I'm over it.:D

I spent my teenage years living in the country when I discovered the joy's of riding dirt bike. When I think back on the thoughts and visions from that time that got me excited (about places to ride), it wasn't the flat farm fields around us that did it for us. It was the challenges of riding the hills, and creek banks, and sand pits. And what really always amazed me, is that all the golf courses that were in our area, all looked like they were designed by a motocross rider. Oh the temptation!

Flat field tracks with jumps, whoops, rhythms, and rutted corners equals Supercross to me.
