
3 out of the 4 races so far he has been involved in some mishap. Yea it's just my tv. Lol
4 races this year, he's been one of the fastest guys in SX to make a 450 main. There are guys that wreck in NASCAR too alot. But they are making a living doing something I wish I could do.
This guy is a menace to the other 21 on the gate, race after race he is always taking someone out, gets good starts and works his way to the back wrecking many in the process. Same thing for the last few years. His ghost ride the other night was another classic Friese moment.
OK Mark. After tonight, you're 100% correct. Friese is a road block in the way in the heats and the main event. Any time something is going on on the track, that damn #40 is in the picture.
Friese is an idiot, seriously he needs his pro license revoked! Cross jumping when you’re getting lapped?! Dudes a douche. But thanks for the 26 points friese. My night was dead on in fantasy until that crash happened
This guy needs to be put on a slot car track and checked for color blindess. Cross jump on a blue flag and he cannot hold a line to save his life. Get him off the track. There are better riders who miss the main because of this dickwad. But.. he did get me some points on my wild card in my rm fantasy. Thanks douche canoe.
This guy needs to be put on a slot car track and checked for color blindess. Cross jump on a blue flag and he cannot hold a line to save his life. Get him off the track. There are better riders who miss the main because of this dickwad. But.. he did get me some points on my wild card in my rm fantasy. Thanks douche canoe.
And he could still beat you on his worst day.
OK Mark. After tonight, you're 100% correct. Friese is a road block in the way in the heats and the main event. Any time something is going on on the track, that damn #40 is in the picture.
Yes that was a bonehead move, but I really think a lot of his issues are his bike, it is a overpowered rocket and he can't control or tame the beast, if they would detune it a little bit he might not get into a lot of the situations he is always in. Let's face it he does not have Villipotos talent to steer with the throttle and rear wheel.
Maybe they can give him a road worker neon vest so everyone knows where he is at, they can even print Camel on it like the old SX vest they used to wear so he can feel special.
They really need to get the lapper thing under control , I know they are all racing but with such a wide range of talent how do you.
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Frieze’r burn...
So I don’t see this one as his fault. This one is in BamBam. The single worst spot on the track to attempt a pass. All night it was one line over that little double. And one of the best passing zones was 30 yards ahead in the corner. Just check up for a quarter of a second, wait until you get to the turn, run the rolling road block to the top of the corner and your good.
I really think they need to go back to 20 rider main. Yes, Frieze is still going to get lapped but it MAY help spread out the field.
They need a friese flag to warn oncoming riders that are about to lap him!
That is funny. :D

In some ways I feel bad for the guy. I mean, he consistently makes the main, no issues. Pulls hole shots on occasion. He earns the right to ride in the show, but something has to give. Not sure if this post just highlighted it or if he's always been that way. There is such a thing as a flying squirrel. Just at those speeds, well any speed really, it's not a good thing. Do you think he knows he's been a menace or do you think he feels he's just having some bad luck?

Either way, he needs to be talked to and change something. I mean in Indy 1, he could have injured himself pretty bad. And that was before his downed bike took out a rider on a massive double jump. I dunno. He's got the skill, but seems to think he's better or deserves more than he does. I never saw yet, but I hope Barcia is OK...
Frieze’r burn...
So I don’t see this one as his fault. This one is in BamBam. The single worst spot on the track to attempt a pass. All night it was one line over that little double. And one of the best passing zones was 30 yards ahead in the corner. Just check up for a quarter of a second, wait until you get to the turn, run the rolling road block to the top of the corner and your good.
I really think they need to go back to 20 rider main. Yes, Frieze is still going to get lapped but it MAY help spread out the field.
Umm...I get your thinking, but if Friese rolls the jump from the inside, it doesn't happen. Granted, I am thinking he was running for position there as well, so tough call. It's a game of inches. Friese had to know Barcia was there. Should not have crossed lines over the jump. 95/5% on Friese...
Frieze’r burn...
So I don’t see this one as his fault. This one is in BamBam. The single worst spot on the track to attempt a pass. All night it was one line over that little double. And one of the best passing zones was 30 yards ahead in the corner. Just check up for a quarter of a second, wait until you get to the turn, run the rolling road block to the top of the corner and your good.
I really think they need to go back to 20 rider main. Yes, Frieze is still going to get lapped but it MAY help spread out the field.
I don’t necessarily disagree, better places to pass, but even if Vince isn’t always at fault, how can one guy be involved with so many on track incidents?
For sure the dude is a douche and I would enjoy seeing him get another beat down. But this one.. I mean he moved over maybe 5 inches and he was clearly in a battle with the guy in front of him. If a rider is fast enough to make up an entire lap on another professional, then he should be good enough to get around him without using the ONE main line in that section. Or smart enough to pick a better spot.
Lappers are and have always been part of racing. They clearly add excitement to what would other wise be a boring, run away race.
Best part is it was Bam Bam. You know he will have some payback to give. And it’s not going to be run him and yourself off the track like Toesmack did. Next Saturday bring the A1 sauce. Cause T-bones will be served.
For sure the dude is a douche and I would enjoy seeing him get another beat down. But this one.. I mean he moved over maybe 5 inches and he was clearly in a battle with the guy in front of him. If a rider is fast enough to make up an entire lap on another professional, then he should be good enough to get around him without using the ONE main line in that section. Or smart enough to pick a better spot.
Lappers are and have always been part of racing. They clearly add excitement to what would other wise be a boring, run away race.
Best part is it was Bam Bam. You know he will have some payback to give. And it’s not going to be run him and yourself off the track like Toesmack did. Next Saturday bring the A1 sauce. Cause T-bones will be served.
The guy in front of him was two laps down and they were not battling.
Friese is an idiot, seriously he needs his pro license revoked! Cross jumping when you’re getting lapped?! Dudes a douche. But thanks for the 26 points friese. My night was dead on in fantasy until that crash happened
Come on man that wasn’t literally a cross Jump. He just didn’t have nearly as much momentum as Bam Bam that just seem like a reasonable line. I’m not saying he’s not proving every week that he’s a freaking roadblock because he sure is but I don’t think there was anything malicious like a absolute crossover anything like you’re describing.
Go back and watch the race. He got the blue flag, jumps the finish line jump, holds up Webb, then on the start straight instead of moving over for Webb, he literally raced him down the start straightaway and took the fast line on the inside. That is basically ignoring the Blue flag and saying FU.
Go back and watch the race. He got the blue flag, jumps the finish line jump, holds up Webb, then on the start straight instead of moving over for Webb, he literally raced him down the start straightaway and took the fast line on the inside. That is basically ignoring the Blue flag and saying FU.
I mean he’s holding his line he’s probably thinking webb go around outside of him I don’t know. It’s just weird how he’s always in incidence of roadblocks.