Langston is done announcing

I am not getting the vaccine unless it is forced on me. My wife was basically forced by her employer to get it to do her job. My niece works in an ER. She said people come in daily with issues resulting from the vaccine. She also says there is no way in hell she is taking it.

Good friend of ours has a 21 year old son. He got the vaccine on a Wednesday and had a heart attack on Thursday. Now a month later he just spent last week in the hospital and is still having issues. He was perfectly healthy prior to the shot. These are real life stories. If you are healthy, you are probably better off eating right and taking vitamins B, C, D and Zinc.

Over 78% of those that have died of Covid have also had Obesity. Over 96% all had multiple comorbidities. Top three, Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension.

BTW the final FDA approval with come after the two testing periods that end in 2025 and 2027. So no, they do not know the long term affects.
Now now, we know people don't like to use real life instances to form an opinion. They'd rather let some corrupt agency have more bearing on their decisions.
I am not getting the vaccine unless it is forced on me. My wife was basically forced by her employer to get it to do her job. My niece works in an ER. She said people come in daily with issues resulting from the vaccine. She also says there is no way in hell she is taking it.

Good friend of ours has a 21 year old son. He got the vaccine on a Wednesday and had a heart attack on Thursday. Now a month later he just spent last week in the hospital and is still having issues. He was perfectly healthy prior to the shot. These are real life stories. If you are healthy, you are probably better off eating right and taking vitamins B, C, D and Zinc.

Over 78% of those that have died of Covid have also had Obesity. Over 96% all had multiple comorbidities. Top three, Obesity, Diabetes, and Hypertension.

BTW the final FDA approval will come after the two testing periods that end in 2025 and 2027. So no, they do not know the long term affects.
Good response, I have to get it for work but not sold that it is as safe as they are saying. Obesity is by in large a primary indicator of doing poorly with COVID.
How about.... No.

My mesh mask was as useful as the ones Grammy was piecing together on her sewing machine.

For the record, I will say the same things to ones face that I type on here. Am I not allowed to share my beliefs now without being called dense because you dont see it the same way? I'm sorry you feel further educated than I on the matter, but let's be honest, your sources are how credible these days?

I will reiterate, you do you, but don't try and force others to align with your train of thought. Im happy for anyone who feels they're making the right decision by getting this particular vax.
no, it wasn't

and ok? you can type whatever you want. i'm calling you dense because of what you typed. my "sources" are the ER doctors i converse with; the ~4.5 million people that have died, the people on vents right now, etc. crying fake news and disbelieving something because you don't like it is how you got where you are today.

this isn't about yours or anyone else's "train of thought". your train of thought is irrelevant. it's a global pandemic. take politics, religion, and whatever other bullshit you are pandering out of it.

if we are posting anecdotal evidence i have a friend who was antivax. his kid caught covid from school and brought it home to him. he passed on 8/22, and now this 12 year old kid feels like he killed his f*****g dad. s**t is brutal and you have half the country thinking this is an issue of liberty/muh freedoms/whatever the f**k and there are people dying because of it.

"you do you" but you are prolonging this whether you believe it or not.
I feel sorry that the media has led that mans son to believe that. Not his son's fault and the vaccine probably wouldn't have changed the outcome.

We can ask our local front line worker his opinion, but I suppose his credibility isn't equal to that of the ER doctors that you converse with. I think he's already hinted at how he feels based upon what he's seen.
There’s just as many docs on the other side of the fence to which you’re conversing with.

It’s a no win end game. Let it go, go get it if you want it. Anecdotal this or that. Let everyone decide and be good with it.

you'll type some words on a screen to "stand up" for your misguided belief.. very impressive. wow.

go get vaccinated.

here's some light reading if anyone is bored:
I'm fine with the gov forcing what ever it wants on actually I'm not. Freedom of choice is one of the greatest things about this country...for everyone. Why do people feel the need to demonize and insult those who don't believe the same things? It has gotten so much worse the last 5 years or so. Diversity is great, it drives invention and promotes human growth.

Why do you feel the need to attack those with different beliefs? Debating those beliefs is fine. Stating facts about people, places, events and things is always good. But attacking for no other reason than opposing opinions is not.

There is too much scientific fact proving the vast majority of people dying from covid are already extremely unhealthy or already dying. In most cases covid is being listed as the cause of death some because they tested positive. According to the last CDC posting 96% of all covid deaths had an AVERAGE of 4 comorbidities. YouTube state health officials explanation of covid death reporting. There plenty who directly tell you that no matter the cause of death, you are listed as a covid death as long as you test positive. Hospitals are paid extra for covid patients and deaths.

On top of that, the entire population only had a .006% chance of dying from covid even with this weighted reporting. Do you really believe that the usa dropped from hundreds of thousands of flu deaths to almost zero this past year ? Lmfao....ok.

Healthy people have almost zero chance of dying from covid. Stop belittling people for making the choice that is safe for them.
I can't read all this nonsense...., however I say just get the shot. For those that don't, fine, you're choice, but I think your silly. Suppose you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink it, right?

In the end, peeps need to calm down and we need to just let this play out IMO. Peeps that get covid, shot or not, get it. We need it cycle through the entire population before this will go away. Some will try and protect themselves and their family by getting the shot and some will think they're smarter than those that know. Is life.

It's not worth the time trying to convince someone to get the shot, wear a mask, etc. that thinks they know more than God. Actually, encourage them to hang out with someone with covid so we can get this deal over with...
A commonsense approach would be, test everybody for antibodies before you vaccinate them if they show antibodies you don’t vaccinate them, you pass the vaccination on the people that don’t have the antibodies. But no it Hass to be everybody gets the shot, everybody Hass to get a booster, even if you’ve had it, Covid that is, everybody hast to get the shot, everybody hast to get a shot. Shot shot shot. It’s exhausting to listen to.
I know a lot of people that have got the shot and say they are not going to go back and get booster shots.
I'm finding this discussion really fascinating. I think everyone is entitled to there own opinion and in reality there is no positive way of knowing which opinion is correct. I think long term we will know more. I'm amazed how the subject divides people and how mad some get about their opinion. Like so many have said, do what you think is right and let the others have their own idea without being childish and calling names. Do you have any proof, only what you have heard. Do you watch the news and believe everything that they say. Do some research and see both sides of the story then make up your mind. So I was thinking how this subject and politics have divided the nation. So I asked myself, wonder how many that have been fully vacs. are Dems. I googled it. One site said that most are Dems and the gap between the parties and vaccinations are growing. Do I believe that statistic, yes. Do I believe everything I read on the net is true, no. It's my decision to believe or not. Can I prove my side of the story, no. I can only believe what I want. I do believe that the virus, which was man made, is being used for someone's agenda. I find discussions like this educational. I just wish people could leave there emotions at the door and stop belittling others because of opinion. Tell your side of the story and go on.
For the sake of discussion,
One of the main factors driving differences in COVID-19 vaccination rates across the country is partisanship. Our surveys consistently find that Democrats are much more likely to report having been vaccinated than Republicans, and Republicans are much more likely to say that they definitely do not want to get vaccinated. In May, just as vaccine supply was starting to outstrip demand, we examined average vaccination rates by county and found that rates were lower in counties that voted for Trump in the 2020 Presidential election compared to those that voted for Biden. Now, two months later, we find that not only does this remain the case, the gap has grown.

We obtained data on the share of the population fully vaccinated by county from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) COVID-19 Integrated County View and data on the 2020 Presidential election results by county from here (for more detailed methods, see: To create a longer time series, we also looked at vaccination rates in April 2021.

While the share of the total population that is fully vaccinated has increased for both county groups, it has increased faster in counties that voted for Biden, resulting in a widening gap. Three months ago, as of April 22, the average vaccination rate in counties that voted for Trump was 20.6% compared to 22.8% in Biden counties, yielding a relatively small gap of 2.2 percentage points. By May 11, the gap had increased to 6.5% and by July 6, 11.7%, with the average vaccination rate in Trump counties at 35% compared to 46.7% in Biden counties.
And Which party is on a crusade to save humanity from its vile ignorant self ?

Which is about leaving people alone ?

and here we are. Will it take another couple of city buildings to fall into ashes and thousands of citizens dead to re-unite ?
This shot is the issue that we are going to use to dig our heels in and make our stand; to define our ideals on personal choice, our perception of freedom, our privacy, our individualism, our social policy, our vanishing free market economy, supercharge divisive politics, and feed politicians with egos? In my mind all the hype is misguided nonsense. Covid is real, the science is sound, the shot is unlikely to hurt you, you might still catch it but won't get as sick - or maybe you will - no guarantees in life right? I know this shot was less risky than me trying to clear a peaky double.

It is an easy target that distracts us while one party spends and social entitles future generations into bleakness and hands all this country has sacrificed for over to Socialism.

I can think of so many other ways we have empowered the government flush our precious constitutional rights away and we barely squawk. Wasn't it just a few years ago the big anti-vaccine stand was from liberal democrats because it made kids autistic?

My Covid catching never vaccinate/anti-vaccinate friend didn't die but got and remains damn sick. Like him, I suspect most that don't get a shot and catch it will turn to medical technology to stay alive. He dosed with Hydroxychloroquine, Monoclonal antibodies, and other medical technologies, many not proven, to stay alive. Yet the shot was going to change his DNA in some far fetched planned grand scheme??? It seems inconsistent, at best, to refuse to get vaccinated yet be willing to jump on so many unproven treatments after catching Covid.

Right up to the when the world shutdown, I traveled all the time. I think close to 100 countries over at least 200 international trips in the past 10 years. I have had dozens of vaccines for stuff I had never even heard of just to be allowed into countries or onto company sites. I have had to post medicate for Malaria, Dengue Fever, and other ailments. I never thought of these as impingements on my personal freedoms or choice. I thought of them living, working, and being part of society. Maybe some kid or old man didn't die because I took a shot, didn't get sick, and didn't spread some disease.
This shot is the issue that we are going to use to dig our heels in and make our stand; to define our ideals on personal choice, our perception of freedom, our privacy, our individualism, our social policy, our vanishing free market economy, supercharge divisive politics, and feed politicians with egos? In my mind all the hype is misguided nonsense. Covid is real, the science is sound, the shot is unlikely to hurt you, you might still catch it but won't get as sick - or maybe you will - no guarantees in life right? I know this shot was less risky than me trying to clear a peaky double.

It is an easy target that distracts us while one party spends and social entitles future generations into bleakness and hands all this country has sacrificed for over to Socialism.

I can think of so many other ways we have empowered the government flush our precious constitutional rights away and we barely squawk. Wasn't it just a few years ago the big anti-vaccine stand was from liberal democrats because it made kids autistic?

My Covid catching never vaccinate/anti-vaccinate friend didn't die but got and remains damn sick. Like him, I suspect most that don't get a shot and catch it will turn to medical technology to stay alive. He dosed with Hydroxychloroquine, Monoclonal antibodies, and other medical technologies, many not proven, to stay alive. Yet the shot was going to change his DNA in some far fetched planned grand scheme??? It seems inconsistent, at best, to refuse to get vaccinated yet be willing to jump on so many unproven treatments after catching Covid.

Right up to the when the world shutdown, I traveled all the time. I think close to 100 countries over at least 200 international trips in the past 10 years. I have had dozens of vaccines for stuff I had never even heard of just to be allowed into countries or onto company sites. I have had to post medicate for Malaria, Dengue Fever, and other ailments. I never thought of these as impingements on my personal freedoms or choice. I thought of them living, working, and being part of society. Maybe some kid or old man didn't die because I took a shot, didn't get sick, and didn't spread some disease.
And yet all of those other vaccines were tested properly and have a track record of safety. Designing an all new style of vaccine in a few months with no human trials...yeah, not me. Feel free to be the test group.

I'm not anti Vax, I've just researched the facts and have chosen to wait. In a year and a half, .0019% of the population have passed....from covid being listed as the cause of death, 96% of those had an average of 4 comorbidities. Your right about one thing, you will crash your dirt bike long before something, dying of covid.

Everyday people take a chance of dying with those odds and don't think twice. Starvation kills more. More kids due from texting and driving than covid...its a real stst, look it up. I'm surprised you've fallen for the media fear mongering propaganda.

But again, that's the great thing about America, your freedom that you're obviously willing to give up.
I’m not a world traveler. So I haven’t had any shots since school. Maybe a tetanus shot somewhere in that time.
Buu I would like to point out the shots you have taken Dano kept you safe and people around you safe.
The covid shot does not. And now those that have taken it are three shots deep and being told of another.
mayne rather than play chemistry with your body. You should wait.
soon maybe they will get it right.
One shot and it works.
Maybe then I’ll take it. The only people I know that have died of covid were 85 and 87. At that age....
All that really needs repeated is 99.5% survival rate. Why take a vaccine with those odds? Don’t make sense to me.
the Black Plague killed 60-75% of the population. That’s a pandemic.
  • Dengue Vaccine​

  • The World Health Organization recommends that the vaccine only be given to persons with confirmed previous dengue virus infection.

  • Forty percent of the world’s population, about 3 billion people, live in areas with a risk of dengue. Dengue is often a leading cause of illness in areas with risk.

  • Each year, up to 400 million people get infected with dengue. Approximately 100 million people get sick from infection, and 22,000 die from severe dengue.​

  • The vaccine manufacturer, Sanofi Pasteur, announced in 2017 that people who receive the vaccine and have not been previously infected with a dengue virus may be at risk of developing severe dengue if they get dengue after being vaccinated.

Sorce: CDC website

Yeah, people get sick - .00005 % become fatal - do we need to mess with mother nature ?
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And yet all of those other vaccines were tested properly and have a track record of safety. Designing an all new style of vaccine in a few months with no human trials...yeah, not me. Feel free to be the test group.

I'm not anti Vax, I've just researched the facts and have chosen to wait. In a year and a half, .0019% of the population have passed....from covid being listed as the cause of death, 96% of those had an average of 4 comorbidities. Your right about one thing, you will crash your dirt bike long before something, dying of covid.

Everyday people take a chance of dying with those odds and don't think twice. Starvation kills more. More kids due from texting and driving than covid...its a real stst, look it up. I'm surprised you've fallen for the media fear mongering propaganda.

But again, that's the great thing about America, your freedom that you're obviously willing to give up.
Excellent points - that new style of vaccine is the reason I got a Johnson and Johnson shot instead of the others - a more traditional vaccine approach. If I were younger and wasn't around people in a nursing home every other day, I might think differently. And I will crash - that is a certainty:).

My Freedom that I am obviously willing to give up?????
I am not anti-vaccine, but have to agree with Hershey 100% on what he is saying about the vaccine. We know several people that had reactions to the vaccine. And now with booster shots, it will be interesting to see what the percentage of people is that get the booster. Because I speak to many that got the vaccine like my parents, and some close friends, that say they are done. They will not be going back to get boosters.

Thoughts? Are all these people that got the vaccines, are they going to line up every 6 to 8 months to get a booster shot? Do we know it is safe to continually put this in your body over and over again? That has not been tested at all.
Excellent points - that new style of vaccine is the reason I got a Johnson and Johnson shot instead of the others - a more traditional vaccine approach. If I were younger and wasn't around people in a nursing home every other day, I might think differently. And I will crash - that is a certainty:).

My Freedom that I am obviously willing to give up?????

I do love me some irony on a Tuesday lmao