Langston is done announcing

Ego's will kill a lot of people as well as elongate this pandemic...FACT. Get the damn shot. I know you won't, but anyway...moving on...
Actually you're wrong. Elongation of this pandemic is caused by social distancing and masks. Not getting the vaccine accelerates this just like getting the shot. The sooner everyone gets covid or gets the shot, the sooner it's over. Herd immunity is slowed down by slowing the spread. Everyone will have covid at some point, until then it goes on.

Telling anyone to stop being stupid and do what you want is not helping the situation.
Isn’t it funny how it seems we are only so divided on social media and the tv?

hell everywhere I go, I don’t see anyone banging the drum and in my face demanding I get vaccinated or show proof.

Amazing. Was at Ironman…nobody dropping dead. People nut to butt. Looked pretty normal to me. Humans. Interacting with eachother. Vaccinated and unvaccinated and nobody gave a s**t.

how bout we all stop giving a s**t on the internet too ?

we clearly are all now medical experts, statisticians and logisticians, so we can assume we all understand the risks. Right ? No ?

well ok then, if you’re that scared don’t go out. The rest of us will Fill ya in on activities when you decide to come outta the safe zones.
Our daughter is an ER nurse at our hospital here in Licking County, says they are getting slammed (again) with China Virus patients.
She herself currently may have the virus again, second time.

I've made statements that those angry about the virus, the effects, lockdowns, etc. need to redirect their frustration to those in our government that constantly work to advantage from this crises. After further thought on this, it occurred to me that they sort of are indirectly, directing their voices against the system by their refusal to submit to CDC and government recommendations and demands.

As of right now, 50% of Americans are protesting with a great big 'F-YOU" and holding ground.
Our government created this mess.
Our government caused the erosion of credibility and trust.
Our government has resorted to using the mass media as a propaganda machine for the left, which has caused greater mistrust.

We've reached a high water mark for dysfunction as a modern civilized country. Self Inflicted.
It didn't used to be this way. It doesn't have to be this way now.
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Actually you're wrong. Elongation of this pandemic is caused by social distancing and masks. Not getting the vaccine accelerates this just like getting the shot. The sooner everyone gets covid or gets the shot, the sooner it's over. Herd immunity is slowed down by slowing the spread. Everyone will have covid at some point, until then it goes on.

Telling anyone to stop being stupid and do what you want is not helping the situation.
You are partially right with the social distancing piece and slowing the spread, however if you overrun the hopitals with folks with covid, what does your elderly folks, etc. do when they need a vent and can't get one because all the non vaccinated peeps with covid are on them???

Like I said, if you are not going to get the shot, go to your local hospital and hang out in the covid clinic...and tell them you do not want to be put on the vent if you need one or be taken off if a non covid and/or vaccinated peep needs yours....
Like I said, if you are not going to get the shot, go to your local hospital and hang out in the covid clinic...and tell them you do not want to be put on the vent if you need one or be taken off if a non covid and/or vaccinated peep needs yours....
Why would I do that?

.0019% ..... your fear is over that. Stop driving your car if that percentage gives you fear.

You know the number one killer in the USA? Heart disease. What's the number one cause of that? Poor diet. So should I stand in the McDonald's lobby and tell people they are over crowding the hospital by choice so don't go ?

I never pegged you for a person who hates others for educated freedom of choice.
Why would I do that?

.0019% ..... your fear is over that. Stop driving your car if that percentage gives you fear.

You know the number one killer in the USA? Heart disease. What's the number one cause of that? Poor diet. So should I stand in the McDonald's lobby and tell people they are over crowding the hospital by choice so don't go ?

I never pegged you for a person who hates others for educated freedom of choice.
So is Heart Disease the pandemic keeping us from living a normal life whatever that is anymore?.... If someone with critical heart failure needs a vent (not directly related, but just making a loose example if you can see it), but some bonehead that believed it was better to not get the shot is using it to stay alive, is that OK?

Let's stop man. We're obvious on opposite sides of the field, but I think we're on the same team to an extent. I see no reason not to get the shot. You do for some reason. None of which make sense to me in my edumacation... I think the reason you do not has nothing to do with the shot itself, but the fact someone is "telling" you to and your ego won't let you. Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't matter. Let's say you got the shot...there would still be many, many others not getting it, so it really doesn't matter. This horse is dead 10 times over....

Peeps believe what they want and do what they want. It's part of what makes the world great, but in this case, is obvious a part that makes things difficult for everyone no matter the view or side you are on. I call it Ego resistance in this case though, not educated freedom of choice. If you educated yourself, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Just my opinion. You're married to yours, I guess I am to mine... Is what it is...moving on...

Get the shot! :)
So is Fro gonna be the full time guy now?
Hope so. I always did like him announcing. Not saying he was great at it, but I was cool with it. Of course, I am actually watching the race 1st and listening second, but ya know... I wasn't a fan of mainstream Ralph. He was OK I guess, just not a fan... Go Fro? ;)
You are partially right with the social distancing piece and slowing the spread, however if you overrun the hopitals with folks with covid, what does your elderly folks, etc. do when they need a vent and can't get one because all the non vaccinated peeps with covid are on them???

Like I said, if you are not going to get the shot, go to your local hospital and hang out in the covid clinic...and tell them you do not want to be put on the vent if you need one or be taken off if a non covid and/or vaccinated peep needs yours....
Nobody is out of ventilators. We were out of ventilators in March of 2020 because we were throwing everyone on the vent. Then…turns out…going straight to vent was not the right move.

I been in this s**t first hand all over the country for the past two years. There’s been some bad heavy hit areas. And they had no resources. Whose to blame for that ? Leadership. So now we know. It’s been two years, they’ve had plenty of time to get resources. Some have. Some have not.

In my experience, the people that passed, passed because the resource allocation wasn’t appropriate (meaning I’ve seen some die that could have been easily managed in a system with resources)…in addition a laundry list of comorbidities aided in the passing.

it’s a viral illness that effects everyone differently. These percentage increases that the news keeps funneling out is garbage. If one positive case is reported on Monday and then 3 are reported on Tuesday… THATS A 200% increase. Sirens. Sirens. Sirens.

delta variant is assumed. There’s no specific test for it. vaccine is also effective as the spike protein hasnt mutated or changed. People getting it two and theee times ? Sounds bizarre to me. Not saying it isn’t possible, but the second and third time you’re getting it you already have an antibody load to start the fight.

healthcare workers antibodies are through the roof. Repeated exposure makes us damn near invincible. That’s true herd immunity. Repeat exposure and antibody build-up. Those that want to live in a sterile environment and demand others to the same are a huge problem by itself, in the name of feel-good safety—I don’t know when this will end, but it will end quickly after the hysteria is gone over it.

in 2016 I had some viral of unknown origins diagnosis. Hospitalized for 7 days. On hi flow 02 at one point. Got real nervous. Eventually turned the corner. There was no specific test for anytning back then. The point here is that there are many millions of not billions of viruses floating around infecting us, but we don’t specifically test for them. Whatever I had in 2016 was bad. And I’m sure 100,000 other people probably had the same thing that year. If we didn’t test or get hysterical nobody knew. The hosptials icu if not at 85-% capacity are NOT profitable. So they downsize and cut the staff. 85% is the benchmark for when they can turn profit. ICU don’t just sit empty fully staffed. That’s not how it works. So when the media says “ICUs are now at 85-90% capacity” (sounds terrible no? One positive case vs 3 the next day..200% increase—sounds terrible no?)At 85% capacity…I think, ok great…guaranteed work for the intensivist and icu nurses this week. No downstaffing….

bottom line up front: do what you want to do, but please don’t make it your crusade to save the world. You’ll never win that battle, humans die everyday. And it’s not in there sleep. If ya make it to the elderly stages in your life..usually death is directly attached to a ventilator in an ICU. (With an accompanying Covid-negative diagnosis)
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Ah some more broad generalizations based on your experience. You can blame "leadership" all you want, it does not change the reality of the situation

Friend is an ER doc in NC







Dead is dead no matter how you try to spin it

Another friend (biomedical chemist) put it well enough for me to save it when some of his anti-vax fb friends tried to discredit his work. For context he was posting his antibody levels pre and post infection/vaccination.


Politicizing covid has killed (and continues to kill) many people. It's a shame that some can't get past that part. I've seen more than a few come around; some it takes a loved one dying, others it (thankfully) doesn't.

if you like history and have a few minutes, give this thread a read ^^


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I just hate the generalization people die every day, so what... Shouldn't we do our best to save at least one more?

I guess when you are in the industry and see death everyday, it's no biggy when someone else dies is it.... I mean I get it to an extent. You have to protect your psyche. It happens. Is life. Someone getting hurt in MX still sucks, but isn't alarming. Guess we all deserve to get hurt as peeps get hurt everyday...some paralyzed...some biggy....right?

You are right, can't save the world. Why put forth the effort...muh...
Ah some more broad generalizations based on your experience. You can blame "leadership" all you want, it does not change the reality of the situation

Friend is an ER doc in NC

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Dead is dead no matter how you try to spin it

Another friend (biomedical chemist) put it well enough for me to save it when some of his anti-vax fb friends tried to discredit his work. For context he was posting his antibody levels pre and post infection/vaccination.

View attachment 73200

Politicizing covid has killed (and continues to kill) many people. It's a shame that some can't get past that part. I've seen more than a few come around; some it takes a loved one dying, others it (thankfully) doesn't.

if you like history and have a few minutes, give this thread a read ^^
You copied and pasted that from where? Lmao

I've given stats from the CDC. And I have friends in the field that say exactly what Baker said. I'm not finding crap on the net to copy and paste.
You mean he smokes to much of it?
oh is that what he was getting at? i thought "belittling and insults" were a big no no in hersheyland lmao. you guys do love your irony though. if you can't take it maybe don't try to dish it out idk.

You copied and pasted that from where? Lmao

I've given stats from the CDC. And I have friends in the field that say exactly what Baker said. I'm not finding crap on the net to copy and paste.

i mentioned who i am quoting in my posts - try to keep up. how did talking to someone using something other than a rotary telephone suddenly become a foreign concept to you?

screaming fake news whenever you read something that goes against your narrow point of view just makes you look dumber fyi. but that bar is already pretty low.
So is Heart Disease the pandemic keeping us from living a normal life whatever that is anymore?.... If someone with critical heart failure needs a vent (not directly related, but just making a loose example if you can see it), but some bonehead that believed it was better to not get the shot is using it to stay alive, is that OK?

Let's stop man. We're obvious on opposite sides of the field, but I think we're on the same team to an extent. I see no reason not to get the shot. You do for some reason. None of which make sense to me in my edumacation... I think the reason you do not has nothing to do with the shot itself, but the fact someone is "telling" you to and your ego won't let you. Maybe I'm wrong, but it doesn't matter. Let's say you got the shot...there would still be many, many others not getting it, so it really doesn't matter. This horse is dead 10 times over....

Peeps believe what they want and do what they want. It's part of what makes the world great, but in this case, is obvious a part that makes things difficult for everyone no matter the view or side you are on. I call it Ego resistance in this case though, not educated freedom of choice. If you educated yourself, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Just my opinion. You're married to yours, I guess I am to mine... Is what it is...moving on...

Get the shot! :)
Lmao....I am not anti Vax and I am certainly not saying I won't get it some because someone is telling me. The reason I am not getting it ??? Because I've researched the statistics, I've researched what groups on average die from it the most and least. The facts clearly show us the older people who are obese are at huge risk. People who are generally already sick with heart or lung issues, liver diseases and most importantly any type of immune deficiency.

I have a slight heart issue but other than that I don't fall into those categories. The vaccine isn't tested, it hasn't gone through the normal FDA trials. There are plenty of reports of people having serious complications and death with the vaccine. I have decided that the risk of the vaccine is no different than the risk from covid. To date,, over a year and a half in,, only. 0019% of the population has passed from this. And that's if you believe the reporting numbers. I don't consider that a risk, 100 times that isn't even a risk. Once the vaccine has had a few years I will take it then of I feel the risk is still enough from covid to warrant it.

I'm not getting the shot.

And if you want to say saving even one life is worth doing what's been done, we better ban cell phones all together, ban cars, ban MX, ban doctors...yes ban doctors!! Preventable medical accidents kill 3300000 people every single year in the USA according to the CDC.

Yeah. .0019 % ... huge
oh is that what he was getting at? i thought "belittling and insults" were a big no no in hersheyland lmao. you guys do love your irony though. if you can't take it maybe don't try to dish it out idk.

i mentioned who i am quoting in my posts - try to keep up. how did talking to someone using something other than a rotary telephone suddenly become a foreign concept to you?

screaming fake news whenever you read something that goes against your narrow point of view just makes you look dumber fyi. but that bar is already pretty low.
Irony? Belittle you how? Asking Baker a question? I didn't say you did or didn't. I can take it just fine, you're the one who gets seriously butt hurt and comes on here raging, calling people names and insulting them.

A "friend" ? That's not a source any more than the friends I know in the field that I haven't given names of. Your posts show screen shots of who knows what, Baker is in the field and is posting for himself and we know him.