'24 Loretta Lynns


PR Member
Good luck to everyone !!!! I’m trying to qualify at Mx acres today . Hahahaha I made top 7 drinking last night so I should be good to go today
Wtf? Top 7? If you ain’t first your last!!! Fox tent at Loretta’s if it’s still there remember seeing Carmichael when he was still married hitting on chicks!!! He was hammered !!! Should have had best chest contest back then!!! Bahaha!!!!!!!!!


PR Addict
Red bud was one to remember. Friday track was perfect felt good best I’ve ever rode the place especially since typically I suck there. Saturday morning practice and first Moto of collegeboy was perfect still. Then 450b lim comes around and they water the track while it’s starting to rain. Mind you the weather said 100 percent chance at 1. So rain comes I pull the holeshot and end up having worst goggle issues I’ve ever had was almost like riding with drunk goggles on. Track was slick as s**t. Then 450b comes and it was a complete mud Moto with it being insanely gnarly and slick. So I ride the last lcq and it was the gnarliest mud track I’ve ever rode and I don’t think anything will top it. 1-2 ft deep ruts super long and slop everywhere by far most challenging track I’ve ever rode. Then this morning it was still a muddy mess. First Moto of collegeboy it was just completely mud and super challenging. I struggled so bad with the track and the conditions and obviously need to get better in them. None the less I sucked this weekend at red bud and results showed and just was straight up uncomfortable.


PR Addict
Oh yeah and for everyone who wants to ride “mud” F that. I rode the lcq in 450b which was the very last Moto because that’s the class I wanted to be in the mains for and I skipped out on limited so I would have 450b and collegeboy. When I mean by far the gnarliest mud Moto I’ve ever raced. I literally rolled off the start and let everyone go because there was only 8 of us. I passed 3 people lap one just because everyone was going down. It was the gnarliest track mud wise I’ve ever rode. Shroud deep ruts and chop and huge breaking bumps across the whole track. Closest thing I’ve ever rode compared to a MXGP style mud. The reason it was so gnarly was because it rained on the track when it was already rough and ruttted it was just completely insane. I did my two laps and on lap 2 sat at the finish and waited for the leaders because finishing 1-8 didn’t matter at all. Saved the bike the best I could. But what really pisses me off is I washed my bike 3 times now just to deep clean it and last year I got water in my mapping and kill switch and bike wouldn’t start. I wrap it up everytime I wash it but due to the rain and sand having so much water in it I now have water in it and doesn’t work again. Red bud blows and unpopular opinion but it really is just not that great anymore. Worst part is best I’ve ever felt there and once it rained I was screwed because I work all week and I’m not sending it that extra bit on a muddy track and wadding myself not going to happen.


PR Founding Father
Ol buddy scott darling with a 9th in his first moto in GA. I know hes like most of us livin the dad life and kinda limited riding, but hes throwing down! Look forward to his results getting better through the weekend too.


PR Founding Father
I saw where his daughter got in, but didn't see him post anything about his son punching a ticket yet.


PR Founding Father

Sunset - This weekend