Difference between Bubba and some young punk doing this is huge. Young punk knows no better and does not think. James is a multi millionaire and yes that changes the way he should be thinking at 25 years old. I know at 25, I had a job was married, and would NEVER have done that at 25. Did stupid stuff as a teen, but by 25 was a bit smarter than that.
While I am not perfect, I do think I must have had better judgement at 25.
He needs to realize the bulleye on his back, he is driving a truck that anyone could pick out of a line up, and he just has to live different than that in his situation. But I really think, with the reality show and all, that he lives in his own little world and has no concept of reality. While everyone on here wants to say it is no big deal, and a joke.......if you and I go out and do that tomorrow, gues what? The law enforcement agencies DO NOT take it lightly....because while he may have been joking, the next guy might not be, and you CAN NOT treat them differently......they have to treat the situation as if they dont know what the guy is up too. I would like to hear a cops prespective on someone pulling someone over with lights that is not a cop.....what is their opinion? Joke? Slap them on the wrist, no big deal? Or is it a big deal in your opinion?