OMA-District X

wow its hard to believe all this. i have been doing this for about 25 years i have seen all types. that means people and tracks. this is what i have to say and by no means do i mean any disrespect. the problem with ohio mx is the mx community are not loyal to the tracks because there are to many. we have seen so many good tracks close down and why? ask tim at scenic ask brian at 330 eric at spring valley. rider turn out everyone talks a good game. but nobody walks the walk. all i hear on hear is a bunch of winning. i say who cares about all the politics. lets ride. heres 2 people willing to take a gamble to make our racing community better and all i see is why this why that . i say to everybody that knows why we lost all those great tracks heres another chance lets all do our part to make this a success. cause if it fails we can blame our selves. so lets get pumped knowing we are going to have one of the best racing states there is. im all for a change im excited to have awesome tracks to ride and race on. so llets do our part to make sure this grows

So far I have taken most of this as feedback, and its just that, its feedback. I know people are concerned because we are all passionate about the sport. And I understand that. I ride. I think an underlying goal here is to unite everyone under one banner. The practicers, the hardcore racers, the points chasers. "something for everyone" has been the BC mantra from day 1. If we just target only one group, I don't think OMA will reach its full potential. It could be successful in the eyes of most, but still not reach its full potential. In my mind if we can bring all of these groups together, and meet in the middle, then we have something very very cool. Something all of us can be proud of, and we can take pride in being a part of it. Strength in numbers. I think a new chapter is being written. Revolutionary things are occurring. It is exciting, and We will not let you down.

I gotta ask, what the heck is goosefraabaaa? Never heard that one before, lol.
all i can say is i think its great what you guys are trying to do!!! i was really bummed when d-12 shut down,then omg and the ohmx deal i was about ready to hang it up cause racing cra isn't an option after riding some of there tracks!!!!!
I used to love racing at pymatuning. And I try not to bash them as much as possible. But the prep is terrible and he uses the same excuse: "you wouldn't of thought we'd be racing if you were here yesterday to see all the rain" as dust rolls in practice.

I think if they dug it deeper and had better watering tactics that could be an awesome track like it used to be.

Seems like all CRA tracks are one in the same. Except when hands run an event.

Im glad the cliff and Rogers put in the time. And it shows. Malvern wasn't so great these past years, but this year it really turned around.
Does the CRA promote "smooth" tracks to keep average Joe and Johnny coming back week in and week out???
I think an underlying goal here is to unite everyone under one banner. The practicers, the hardcore racers, the points chasers. "something for everyone" has been the BC mantra from day 1. If we just target only one group, I don't think OMA will reach its full potential. It could be successful in the eyes of most, but still not reach its full potential. In my mind if we can bring all of these groups together, and meet in the middle,

That's good thinking.
Tim, you come across as having a rather large chip on your shoulder for someone who claims to be "impartial with no axe to grind".

Also exactly where did you gather your info about what tracks are involved in the OMA and whether those tracks intend to welcome quads. I only ask because you have obviously used that info to form these conclusions. Otherwise you must be making uninformed guesses. That would be side of you not previously seen on this board?

I understand the reasons that all details cannot be released, and that details are still very much in process. For this reason I have not pushed for any. Consider me your typical guy outside here without all the inside tracks to information who is trying to read between the lines and figure out what is going on. I state how this is being perceived by guys like to give you the opportunity to set us straight. When i believe in what Im doing, I welcome tough questions.

I asked if OMA was a bikes only org. You stated quads would be welcome at Malvern. Briarcliff said they were still considering it. OIR was a "we don't know yet". I believe the other tracks mentioned are currently bike only. Is it unreasonable of me to conclude that OMA's committment to furthering quad racing has not yet been established?

This was announced as "new hope on the horizon". I can see bikers are very excited about this. What I'm not hearing are the reasons that quad riders should be excited or how this will improve opportunitites in the sport for them, or even any indication of any passion or desire to keep them in the sport. As an organization, how dedicated and committed is OMA to quad motocross? I think its a fair question that needs to be addressed honestly. We can deal with a straight answer, whatever it is. Tracks range from enthusiastically quad supportive to rabid quad haters. IN CRA there were enough of each to coexist and make everybody happy, and we knew where everybody stood. A lot of uncertainty now.

No chips here. Just telling you how its perceived by us who are not insiders. Those perceptions are based on all of the information released here, and reponses to questions. If they are incorrect, you need to specify which are incorrect and set the record straight. If anything, you should know I'm a straight shooter who doesnt criticize for the sake of being critical. I've always been supportive, respectful and appreciative of the hard work people put into this industry, whether I agree with specific decisions or not.
Doesn't sound like you have a chip on your shoulder, you just want to know. Sounds reasonable to me. I've never ridden quads, But I prefer them at the track, Especially on muddy days before my moto, they tend to somewhat smooth the ruts and blow off the mud in turns. But then again I am getting older.
Forgive me Tim, I don't mean to be difficult here but I am a little frustrated. In one breath you state that you "understand the reasons that all the details can't be released and that they are still in the works". Then in the next breath you make uniformed incorrect assumptions and say we need to set you straight by giving you all the details. You can't have it both ways. It just doesn't work that way.
I understand the reasons that all details cannot be released, and that details are still very much in process. For this reason I have not pushed for any. Consider me your typical guy outside here without all the inside tracks to information who is trying to read between the lines and figure out what is going on. I state how this is being perceived by guys like to give you the opportunity to set us straight. When i believe in what Im doing, I welcome tough questions.

I asked if OMA was a bikes only org. You stated quads would be welcome at Malvern. Briarcliff said they were still considering it. OIR was a "we don't know yet". I believe the other tracks mentioned are currently bike only. Is it unreasonable of me to conclude that OMA's committment to furthering quad racing has not yet been established?

This was announced as "new hope on the horizon". I can see bikers are very excited about this. What I'm not hearing are the reasons that quad riders should be excited or how this will improve opportunitites in the sport for them, or even any indication of any passion or desire to keep them in the sport. As an organization, how dedicated and committed is OMA to quad motocross? I think its a fair question that needs to be addressed honestly. We can deal with a straight answer, whatever it is. Tracks range from enthusiastically quad supportive to rabid quad haters. IN CRA there were enough of each to coexist and make everybody happy, and we knew where everybody stood. A lot of uncertainty now.

No chips here. Just telling you how its perceived by us who are not insiders. Those perceptions are based on all of the information released here, and reponses to questions. If they are incorrect, you need to specify which are incorrect and set the record straight. If anything, you should know I'm a straight shooter who doesnt criticize for the sake of being critical. I've always been supportive, respectful and appreciative of the hard work people put into this industry, whether I agree with specific decisions or not.

A question for you. Do you think I would be involved if quads were not welcome in the OMA? We have quad classes on the roster. I think the real issue at hand here is whether or not we would welcome the OTC crew to have races within the new organization. And the answer to that is yes. Isnt that what you or more curious about? Im probably a bit more straight forward than you even. I would like to request that all questions be numbered so next time I can answer them in order.

I have been one a few different forum sites, and have heard various conversations, and it seems as though the rumor mill is at full steam about the OMA. We are only a couple weeks from a news release on alot of details. Everyone's patience is very much appreciated.
Forgive me Tim, I don't mean to be difficult here but I am a little frustrated. In one breath you state that you "understand the reasons that all the details can't be released and that they are still in the works". Then in the next breath you make uniformed incorrect assumptions and say we need to set you straight by giving you all the details. You can't have it both ways. It just doesn't work that way.

I guess internet text communication sets a negative tone to any discussion, and my intent is not to tick people off. Im not looking for details. Just an overall idea of how significant a role quad racing would play in your vision of OMA as an organization. Perhaps that has not yet been determined, in which case I can wait for further annoucements. Malvern has been a key player in Ohio quad racing for years, and whatever decisions you make will have a significant and profound impact on the sport in general. Malvern has a history of showing committment to advancing quad racing, and it would bring great comfort to know that this new organization they are now a part of shares that level of committment to quad racing. I will reserve speculation, and await future announcments.
A question for you. Do you think I would be involved if quads were not welcome in the OMA? We have quad classes on the roster. I think the real issue at hand here is whether or not we would welcome the OTC crew to have races within the new organization. And the answer to that is yes. Isnt that what you or more curious about? Im probably a bit more straight forward than you even. I would like to request that all questions be numbered so next time I can answer them in order.

I have been one a few different forum sites, and have heard various conversations, and it seems as though the rumor mill is at full steam about the OMA. We are only a couple weeks from a news release on alot of details. Everyone's patience is very much appreciated.

I've seen you on this forum, and I know you are well respected in your track preparations and in your events. I have never met you, and don't know you beyond that. I have never ridden at your track, and don't know much about it. I had thought it was a track for bikes only. I apologise for being wrong in that conclusion. I was unaware of your committment to advancing quad racing within your facility. I hope the OMA organization shares your committment.

I do appreciate and thank you for the invitation, but no, OTC's standing is not my primary concern here. What OTC does has little significance, and in no way affects the future of quad racing. Bikers seem to be more tolerable of 3 wheelers, and we tend to get more opportunities than quads, and more than we can accept. We are a novelty spectator draw with a very limited future. Quad racing has a future. Some track operators believe in its expansion and promotion. Some do not. When both types enter into a racing organization together, people who have loyalty supported the quad tracks and quad racing are naturally concerned about the overall vision of the organization.
I've seen you on this forum, and I know you are well respected in your track preparations and in your events. I have never met you, and don't know you beyond that. I have never ridden at your track, and don't know much about it. I had thought it was a track for bikes only. I apologise for being wrong in that conclusion. I was unaware of your committment to advancing quad racing within your facility. I hope the OMA organization shares your committment.

I do appreciate and thank you for the invitation, but no, OTC's standing is not my primary concern here. What OTC does has little significance, and in no way affects the future of quad racing. Bikers seem to be more tolerable of 3 wheelers, and we tend to get more opportunities than quads, and more than we can accept. We are a novelty spectator draw with a very limited future. Quad racing has a future. Some track operators believe in its expansion and promotion. Some do not. When both types enter into a racing organization together, people who have loyalty supported the quad tracks and quad racing are naturally concerned about the overall vision of the organization.

Fair enough. We will get with ya on OTC dates, assuming you want to schedule some of your series within OMA. After we have our schedule complete we can meet up, and talk it over. Dont feel obligated to jump on the OMA band wagon. Its an open invitation, you can do what you want with your organization (to be read in a polite and respectful manner).
Way too much to read and catch up on. The only thing that caught my eye was the number of classes. I know you have to have many to make it successful, but I will argue all day long that 25 damn classes it NOT needed. I could cut a few off that, and still have PLENTY of classes for people to choose from. We got to 25 by trying to please EVERYONE, and that is one of the reasons we all complain today. It just makes for a longer day, smaller gates, and shorter motos. Little Johnny (my son is one of them), does not have to have 3 classes to ride.