hershey comment?

AND...Monique & Unique are allowed in my hauler anytime,I like them better than you! They still have a open mind,they must get that from their mother!!!

This coming from a brain washed money and time wasting union brother makes it even more humorous ! Im starting to like you even more!
I still have one of these "MADE IN USA" ATK's. A former jeffro667 bike.


Maybe you can form a male nurse union! Im sure they have it worse than even the women nurses.......
Your gonna need more scheduled breaks!

Well yeah....

1.Pre-break (15 minutes before the first 15 minute break).
2.Break (20 minutes)
3.Post-break (Another 15, depending or not if we're hungry, then add in ample time to prepare breakfast on a company provided stove)

4. Scheduled work hour 1.
5. Lunch
6. Scheduled stare at whatever we thought we worked on in the hour of step 4.
7. Repeat Step 1.
8. Repeat Step 2.
9. Repeat Step 3.
10. Shower. *not together, obviously. (I figured I'd throw that in because everyone knows All Male nurses are Homo's.)
11. Stand by clock (20 minutes)
12. Punch Out.

That will be our bargained work day. And after 3 years most of the blood sucking reliefing leaches that come to the ER for a runny nose should hopefully be dead.

Theeennn we can eliminate the union and take care of the rest of the people in the US that work. I nominate Kaiser to be VP of the MNU, (sure we will allow respiratory therapists).

Well I have union made Chevys and Fords, no Dodges though! And for all you union folks ..... isnt the mantra of the union " buy american!" which one of you "Brothers" is riding an american made dirt bike???? You know all those foreign ones are non union produced dont you?

At least all of the Japanese bikes are made in union shops, at least the ones made
in Japan. I've been in a couple of them, years ago but think this is still true. No idea
where MX/dirt bike models are made these days, could be anywhere. But ones made
in Japan are made by union labor.

I should never have looked at this thread. Can't believe how much misinformation there is on all
sides that five minutes of research could correct. But might not fit into folk's confirmaton
I should never have looked at this thread. Can't believe how much misinformation there is on all
sides that five minutes of research could correct. But might not fit into folk's confirmaton

I know what you mean...that Hershey guy isn't very smart but I try not to hold it against him!
I know what you mean...that Hershey guy isn't very smart but I try not to hold it against him!

Smart? Who needs to be smart when you live in America?

1. You blame the president for your financial woes
2. You blame the unions for raising the cost of living
3. You blame the welfare system for the unemployment rate
4. You blame McDonalds for burning your lap with hot coffee even though its been that way for the last 10 years you've drank it
5. You blame racism for your lack of a good job
6. You blame men for your oppression and lack of equal pay
7. You blame the doctor for his inability to make your disease better even when he cant and sue him for it
8. In short you blame anyone you can to relieve any sort of responsibility for yourself for anything!

Obviously MX955 you are the lame brain here....
At least all of the Japanese bikes are made in union shops, at least the ones made
in Japan. I've been in a couple of them, years ago but think this is still true. No idea
where MX/dirt bike models are made these days, could be anywhere. But ones made
in Japan are made by union labor.

I should never have looked at this thread. Can't believe how much misinformation there is on all
sides that five minutes of research could correct. But might not fit into folk's confirmaton

Workers of the world unite!
Smart? Who needs to be smart when you live in America?

1. You blame the president for your financial woes
2. You blame the unions for raising the cost of living
3. You blame the welfare system for the unemployment rate
4. You blame McDonalds for burning your lap with hot coffee even though its been that way for the last 10 years you've drank it
5. You blame racism for your lack of a good job
6. You blame men for your oppression and lack of equal pay
7. You blame the doctor for his inability to make your disease better even when he cant and sue him for it
8. In short you blame anyone you can to relieve any sort of responsibility for yourself for anything!

Obviously MX955 you are the lame brain here....

I blame Al Gore for inventing the internet that creating all these keyboard jockeys!
At least all of the Japanese bikes are made in union shops, at least the ones made
in Japan. I've been in a couple of them, years ago but think this is still true. No idea
where MX/dirt bike models are made these days, could be anywhere. But ones made
in Japan are made by union labor.

I should never have looked at this thread. Can't believe how much misinformation there is on all
sides that five minutes of research could correct. But might not fit into folk's confirmaton

But as a union member you are encouraged to buy american not foreign regardless of union affiliation! LMAO!

The electrical unions now have a CE program. Hire non union electricians into a union shop , pay them a hybrid wage between union and non union, NO TRAINING REQUIRED, solicit his work as UNION labor ( all the standards of a union shop is why you pay the higher rates for them on your project) all to expand the union labor force and compete with the growing and COMPETENT non union labor force. Talk about pissing off your union labor force! They have effectively started a non union labor force within the union stealing full blooded union members jobs!

Oh but UNIONS are always looking out for their members! Blah
I figured this topic would of burn't itself out by now.
Your like the energizer Bunny with a full head of steam. :)

I have a few comments for your post but I prefer to read your rants than to write debate responses. ha ha.
But as a union member you are encouraged to buy american not foreign regardless of union affiliation! LMAO!

The electrical unions now have a CE program. Hire non union electricians into a union shop , pay them a hybrid wage between union and non union, NO TRAINING REQUIRED, solicit his work as UNION labor ( all the standards of a union shop is why you pay the higher rates for them on your project) all to expand the union labor force and compete with the growing and COMPETENT non union labor force. Talk about pissing off your union labor force! They have effectively started a non union labor force within the union stealing full blooded union members jobs!

Oh but UNIONS are always looking out for their members! Blah

See at UPS they did that. But it kept the regular unioners in business. Because we had to sit down and watch the non-union guy work for nothing. (Only during peak season, probably when the majority of your crap gets broke.) FedEx is just as bad, they break more crap year round with all their "automated" jam-proof systems that ultimately never work and always "jam and smash" packages up like accordians.

Hershey's turn.....