hershey comment?

Are your sure you would want a simple minded non union prick in your van ? After all if one of your " brothers" saw me in your van they might vandalize it.......

Most Unions do a lot of charity work so I'm sure they would see you as a charity case by giving you a ride!

Maybe we can talk JO into a union---nonunion grudge race next year!!

I'm sure we could make this work,we could have a rally & pass out flyers...just make sure we get our breaks between motos!
Gridlock is the most productive and least harmful thing that comes out of Washington. Its the stuff they do pass that bothers me.


We are in absolute and total agreement here. What we need is a sex scandal
and spectacle of the prez getting impeached again. Worked awfully well.
10 am break.....lunch break ....and. 230 break..... the races will take forever!

But hey .... it will cost more.....take longer......but it will be high quality!
For american jobs and for the national deficit ( by having to pay prevailing wages on gov funded jobs ) the unions have out lived their intended purpose....

Just curious, how do your employees feel about being on PW jobs?
1. I love hearing my union bashing buddies brag about getting on a PW job
2. Auto workers gettin rich bringin this country down? Seriously?

F this thread Im outa here
Originally Posted by TimSr90
Gridlock is the most productive and least harmful thing that comes out of Washington. Its the stuff they do pass that bothers me.


We are in absolute and total agreement here. What we need is a sex scandal
and spectacle of the prez getting impeached again. Worked awfully well.

Despite sturd's backhanded endorsement and the normal appeal of DC gridlock, the next Congress and the President will need to work together.
Brother Hershey...I can pick you up in my Union Made Chevy van,I will make sure and wear my Union jacket & t-shirt! Just so you won't feel left out I will bring a extra shirt for you to wear and also I make sure I put a Union Proud bumper sticker on your Union made Chevy truck!

This is awesome! I must have missed this comment yesterday. Sorry dave, but thats funny.
Just curious, how do your employees feel about being on PW jobs?

My guys love it.

I think the problem here is people are reading my opinions incorrectly. For the american WORKER the unions are the greatest thing possible, no question about it. For our country however, they have driven the labor costs so high that as a country we can no longer compete in a WORLD MARKET. 30 years ago we didnt live in a world market with competition for labor like you see today.

I am not a union hater, my 3 closest friends are union members. The labor rates and cost of living on our country are just one of thousands of economic problems we have. Hopefully who ever gets in office will start effectively working on any of them!

This is awesome! I must have missed this comment yesterday. Sorry dave, but thats funny.

Didnt I see a rock out on the track in the straight before the new ski jump/ double thingy? Go pick it up!
If privateers would organize they might get paid for putting on a jaw dropping, white knuckle gripping show at sx and pro nationals.

Unions are bad.
Georgie, I didnt realize you were that dense,,,,,,,

Again, for the WORKERS ( or riders in this case ) unions are great! Geez.... Mr hate mail
Hershey WILL have pro Union bumper stickers on his truck & trailer...photos to follow!
My guys love it.

I think the problem here is people are reading my opinions incorrectly. For the american WORKER the unions are the greatest thing possible, no question about it. For our country however, they have driven the labor costs so high that as a country we can no longer compete in a WORLD MARKET. 30 years ago we didnt live in a world market with competition for labor like you see today.
I am not a union hater, my 3 closest friends are union members. The labor rates and cost of living on our country are just one of thousands of economic problems we have. Hopefully who ever gets in office will start effectively working on any of them!

Your absolutely right about that. Some of these issues are a real mess. Wall street and big business created a bubble in the housing market and created dangerous lending practices and damn near brought this country to it's knees as a result. Now you have a badly growing bubble going again in Higher education. College tuition rises at twice the rate of inflation. Health care and pharmaceutical cost has bubbled at how many times the rate of inflation? And then you have Chinamart (Walmart) and other retail industries flooding our markets with cheap imported goods, driving american business out.

Briarcliff is "THE ROCK" of Ohio Motocross, And I wouldn't own a Union made Chevy truck. There is only one truck.....Ford! :)
(wish I were with you guys, but worked all weekend).
Well I have union made Chevys and Fords, no Dodges though! And for all you union folks ..... isnt the mantra of the union " buy american!" which one of you "Brothers" is riding an american made dirt bike???? You know all those foreign ones are non union produced dont you?

Watch it Cameron, you dont even want to see the stickers that will end up on your vehicle if that happens! On top of that Unique and Monique will be inside your hauler next time too. The clean up alone will piss you off!

Anyway, I had nothing constructive to post but I had to because I do that more than I work........
Real union workers take a jap bike and a Austrian Bike to build a true American melting pot bike. And then it is envied by all both union and on union workers.

but union guys are lazy. Wonder how many breaks that bike took to build. Hell probably took atleast an entire union plant to build that thing.
Thanks for having my back Brother Georgie! You're right,I never really thought of my Suzuki/KTM creation as a American bike but I guess it is good old American ingenuity! What do you think of that Mr Yamaha only Hershey Obama!!!
AND...Monique & Unique are allowed in my hauler anytime,I like them better than you! They still have a open mind,they must get that from their mother!!!