What really causes health care costs to rise

I agree that it isn't working right for everybody but we get into that
argument and suddenly people are calling other people socialists.

I don't know why it is that proponents of socialism and socialist idealism are ashamed of the word "socialist". You can call me a conservative all day long, and I won't be offended.
I don't know why it is that proponents of socialism and socialist idealism are ashamed of the word "socialist". You can call me a conservative all day long, and I won't be offended.

I suppose socialists don't mind either, wouldn't know.
Just hearing rumblings yesterday, that group insurance state of situs will be going away. This would mean I would have to be licensed in every state I have employees to take care of in. If a client was based in Ohio, and had multiple locations (out of state), we would use group products so that state of situs would allow us to sell the benefits to employees at the companys out of state locations. Now if I have to be licensed in every state they have locations.......with what some state require for out of state licenses, it may not be worth it.......Not sure where this new rule came from yet. Just heard about it late yesterday. My guess is, that we will find this in the "Affordable healthcare act". Once again, Obamacare helping small insurance brokers and businesses to do business!! My wife said shes about to throw the towel in, just trying to keep up with what her accounts will have to do to stay in compliance and all the reporting! It will put small brokers out of business. Costing many many people jobs.
Once again our government is confusing creating more work with creating jobs. But these jobs are overhead and do not create any additional income. Oh I take that back I am sure I will get the bill.
John, do you broker insurance? We use a broker for our company. Just wondered if that's the same as your profession.
Yes, my wife and I both Broker Insurance. She works for a Health Insurance Broker and sells group and individual health insurance, and I work for a Voluntary Benefits Broker.
You think your race day is long now ? Wait till you break your foot and have to sit in the ER for 20 hours instead of 8 because of all the reliefin' gypsies will have their bastard children hogging up the lobby for a tummy ache and runny nose.

Canadian healthcare is great accordion to obama. Just ask the Canadians!!!
Wall Street Journal seems to like it too:

And what sort of tune can you play on a healthcare accordion?

The WSJ seems to like it? Really? More like a left-wing blogger on the MarketWatch site likes it. He cites a fellow Huffington Post contributor and pro-Obama MD then he uses data from the Democratic party cronies at the AARP.

Sturd, can one play an accordion while riding the socialized medicine bandwagon? Seems you would be the one around here to know...
The WSJ seems to like it? Really? More like a left-wing blogger on the MarketWatch site likes it. He cites a fellow Huffington Post contributor and pro-Obama MD then he uses data from the Democratic party cronies at the AARP.

As you know, but ignored, MarketWatch is a product of that bastion of liberalism, the Wall Street

Sturd, can one play an accordion while riding the socialized medicine bandwagon? Seems you would be the one around here to know...

Ad hominem attacks seem to be the only way you can talk about what sort of system we should have. Why is that?

My point was only that asking Canadians about how they like their system, as Georgie suggested, results in finding out that they
like it more than Americans like ours. Largely because it works better. You don't have to look far to find this data if you want to
find it.

Go to page 6 for a summary
Even the real WSJ isn't without liberal content. Sources are important and when a quick search reveals consistent, obvious bias on the part of a writer, the entirety of the article comes into question.
And a little funning along the way shouldn't offend anyone.
Polling results are easily manipulated and many of today's polls are used by media organizations to shape public opinion. Even with a pro ObamaCare media polls in are country routinely demonstrated that we Americans did not want ObamaCare socialized medicine. But a one party Congress managed to break its' own rules and pass it anyway.
ObamaCare, no matter how it was sold, isn't really about healthcare anyway, let alone cost saving. Power over every aspect of every citizen's life by an already too powerful central government is the true goal. Liberty has been lost like never before in over nation's history. And the point of our little debate here becomes meaningless.
Power over every aspect of every citizen's life by an already too powerful central government is the true goal. Liberty has been lost like never before in over nation's history. And the point of our little debate here becomes meaningless.

And dont you think for a minute the Gov doesnt know what they are doing! By getting the majority of the US population dependent on some form of handout they effectively get a group to vote for them out of fear of losing that support! Think for a moment on why the feds are pushing so hard for some sort of immigration amnesty! All those will be given support and voting rights.......
Polling results are easily manipulated and many of today's polls are used by media organizations to shape public opinion. Even with a pro ObamaCare media polls in are country routinely demonstrated that we Americans did not want ObamaCare socialized medicine.

The only poll that counts re-elected Obama with 51.2% of the popular vote, 61.7% of the electoral vote.

ObamaCare, no matter how it was sold, isn't really about healthcare anyway, let alone cost saving.

You're right, it certainly was not about cost saving. If it was we'd have medicare for all already. And all of medicare
including drug costs would be able to be negotiated. That's against the law because republicans would
prefer to use our credit card than pay for the laws they enact.
The only poll that counts re-elected Obama with 51.2% of the popular vote, 61.7% of the electoral vote.

You're right, it certainly was not about cost saving. If it was we'd have medicare for all already. And all of medicare
including drug costs would be able to be negotiated. That's against the law because republicans would
prefer to use our credit card than pay for the laws they enact.

A most revealing reply.
One could write volumes in response to this one but I'll decline.
The only poll that counts re-elected Obama with 51.2% of the popular vote, 61.7% of the electoral vote.

Yet 64% of Americans oppose Obamacare.

America's love affair with Obama is like an abused wife who keeps going back to her husband knowing she'll get slapped around, and justifying it by saying "....... but I LOOOOOVE him....!"