What really causes health care costs to rise

Sturd, so now you are defending the men in the Boston bombings?

Huh? When did I do that?

Are you saying that because I think that people should not have their houses searched without a
warrant somehow that is defending the bombers? That is the sort of reasoning that allows the
government to go off abusing our rights for specious reasons, like "there's a killer on the loose".
There's hundreds killers on the loose. These two somehow meant that we should submit
to the whims of local police with Hummers?

Incredible that we as a nation are so frightened that we have equipped local police
departments with Hummers and heavy weapons just in case two guys with a couple
of crock pots come along. Go ahead, use your gun rights to protect your right
against unreasonable searches and seizures. Boom, boom dead. These guys weren't taking
any of that s**t:


Or are you saying that taking this stupid ****s right to counsel is OK?
That right only applies to people that are innocent, eh?
Your media doesn't cover it. You don't hear about it. It never happened.

Amazing just how easy it is to be blissfully "low information" through selective media coverage.

Right, that's why I'm probably the only person in Lake County (according to the dimbulb staffer I talked
to) to tell my congresscritter what I thought of the defacto martial law in Boston. I'm sure you called
to express your opinion, right?
Well said sir.....well said.

Each time it gets easier for the public to swallow and for the gov to take away our rights.
But let's not give him the right to counsel. Oh, and let's not call it that but let's
put the entire Boston Metro area under martial law for a day to catch one loon
job that didn't cause as much damage as a hundred other thugs. And the powers
that be in those cases (first trade center bombing, 9/11, Oklahoma city, list goes
on and on) didn't need to shut down a city and search every citizen's house.

I can't believe the "protect the constitution" folks aren't rising up in full song about

How many people in Watertown respectfully declined to have their house searched?

And to Georgie's point, if one guy in a Boston hospital is the problem with rising
health care costs, then I'm King George III.

This is the first time I've ever stopped by this forum.

Sad to see opinions like THIS from a person that I had only previously known as someone who's into bikes. Then I see opinions like this and realize I'll never view that persons stuff in the normal bike forums in the same way. Not even worth discussing topics like this when someone is this far off in their own world.
This is the first time I've ever stopped by this forum.

Sad to see opinions like THIS from a person that I had only previously known as someone who's into bikes. Then I see opinions like this and realize I'll never view that persons stuff in the normal bike forums in the same way. Not even worth discussing topics like this when someone is this far off in their own world.

If you made your way through this entire thread with its' required reading assignments , fatigue could have the best of you. Don't discount this entire section though. For example, there are some super cool eagle photos up right now.

I'm guilty of reentering this thread and probing to understand the thread starter's perspective. Think I have a handle on it as common themes have emerged here as well as in other treads.

Anyway, I got to ride yesterday evening and feel pretty good today. :D
If you made your way through this entire thread with its' required reading assignments , fatigue could have the best of you.

There's a fact for sure.

Don't discount this entire section though. For example, there are some super cool eagle photos up right now.

And another fact!

Anyway, I got to ride yesterday evening and feel pretty good today. :D

Cool. I rode three times since Saturday though twice was on the 125 mini short trackers in
the back yard. Short track is shaping up just fine.
This is the first time I've ever stopped by this forum.

Sad to see opinions like THIS from a person that I had only previously known as someone who's into bikes. Then I see opinions like this and realize I'll never view that persons stuff in the normal bike forums in the same way. Not even worth discussing topics like this when someone is this far off in their own world.

This is the "Non-moto" forum. Welcome.

I'd just like to state unequivocally that the drug bust in front of my shop this afternoon did NOT affect my source of happy powder. They are still in the garage. One needs it's carb cleaned because I didn't ride it for 18 weeks or so but the flat trackers are ready for Saturday.
Or are you saying that taking this stupid ****s right to counsel is OK?
That right only applies to people that are innocent, eh?[/QUOTE]

*What i am saying is that, its known they are guilty. And yes when they did what they did they lost all their rights. So how does this kid have any rights now?
Is their actions considered an act of terror? I think under those rules they lost their rights by law. IMO they were not terrorists but Im not sure of the legal definition. The remaining boy will get what he deserves regardless of his rights but he should be given them no matter what.
Don't waste time on a trial.......we know he did it. Just strap him to a post next to a kettle bomb with a timer on it, so he can watch the timer tick down..........the beauty of it, if he dies it will probably be fast. If he lives and is maimed, perhaps losing his arms, legs, half his face whatever.......then he hit the lotto, and lived, but will have to struggle by himself in a small cell with no legs, arms etc.........

Perhaps more justice like this, and the rest of the idiots would think twice.
I agree with Sturd. The GOVERNMENT walked ALL OVER our RIGHTS as American Citizens. As for the bombers,our Judicial System will properly handle it.
Don't waste time on a trial.......we know he did it. Just strap him to a post next to a kettle bomb with a timer on it, so he can watch the timer tick down..........the beauty of it, if he dies it will probably be fast. If he lives and is maimed, perhaps losing his arms, legs, half his face whatever.......then he hit the lotto, and lived, but will have to struggle by himself in a small cell with no legs, arms etc.........

Perhaps more justice like this, and the rest of the idiots would think twice.

Probably the dumbest thing you have said on here. No due process for him huh? Sorry, but the constitution still applies. Scary that you are a local politician and feel this way. The one thing sturd is correct about is the fact that it is fukced up how the government enacted defacto marshall law last week in Boston. He has been dead wrong about most things, but he is correct about that. Of course he supports the piece of garbage in the White House that does nothing but trample on our constitution regularly.
I agree also that the rights of citizens were abused, I also agree let the justice system run its due course the way it was meant to. Innocent until proven guilty. We know he is guilty and justice will prevail. If this behavior by the gov is allowed now where will it end? Will a common burglary someday be deemed a terrorist act? Where will the line stop with removing our rights to due justice? People rarely think about the dramatic effect these type of abuses lead to. The same goes with same sex marriages IMO, where will that stop? What if someone wants to marry their pet? If marriage isnt the institution of a man and a woman anymore then where is the line drawn? Just food for thought.....

I also agree with John250, but wait until he is sentenced with that punishment. Lots of other countries have unlivable prisons and extremely harsh punishments and their crime rates are FAR lower than ours, something our country has steered away from. In many cases the inmates live a better life behind bars than they had at home. Take some time and look at the requirements for prisons, it is very nice.
Or are you saying that taking this stupid ****s right to counsel is OK?
That right only applies to people that are innocent, eh?

*What i am saying is that, its known they are guilty. And yes when they did what they did they lost all their rights. So how does this kid have any rights now?

No, they didn't lose any rights until they are found guilty by a party of their peers.
Read the rest, you have to go past 2.

Or, we can let some government bureaucrat decide which parts of the constitution
apply and when - as you suggest. Sounds like a bad idea to me.
Of course he supports the piece of garbage in the White House that does nothing but trample on our constitution regularly.

When did I say that? He's a dimbulb. I agree with some of his policies and disagree with a lot of his policies.
But support him? Only when he's right. Just like any other scum sucking lawyer politician.
. The same goes with same sex marriages IMO, where will that stop? What if someone wants to marry their pet? If marriage isnt the institution of a man and a woman anymore then where is the line drawn?

An entirely different thing. People that think that gay marriage should be allowed think so because
people that are in committed relationships can't even take care of each other, legally, right now.
They don't have the same rights as you do. It's got nothing to do with anybody marrying animals.

Lots of other countries have unlivable prisons and extremely harsh punishments and their crime rates are FAR lower than ours, something our country has steered away from. In many cases the inmates live a better life behind bars than they had at home. Take some time and look at the requirements for prisons, it is very nice.

Plenty of countries with FAR lower crime rates than ours have plush prisons, way better
than ours. I've visited one in Sweden (long story) and know that ones in most
of the EU (where crime rates, especially murder, are FAR lower than ours) are plush ^2
compared to ours.

It's not a cause and effect thing, I don't think. Plush does not equal high crime
rate. Unlivable does not equal low crime rate.
What I said was in jest really. But if we did something like that.....people would STOP these mass killings or they would dramatically decline.

Look at it this way. If the US Army was on the Mexican border, and a dozen Mexicans were coming across the river.....the US Army shot them all dead in the river.....how many more do you think would try coming across the border again with the most powerful military in the world protecting that border? None. Immigration problem solved.
When did I say that? He's a dimbulb. I agree with some of his policies and disagree with a lot of his policies.
But support him? Only when he's right. Just like any other scum sucking lawyer politician.

Believe in a la carte fundamental transformation?
The boston bomber guy.
He is not a citizen Right?
That would mean he has no rights to me. I mean we should be humane if possible. But screw him.
I agree Double D........and now I see on the news where he might not face the death penalty. What the heck? As for the mother, arrest her if she steps on American soil and detain her until death too.