Legal recreational cannabis

Buying diamonds is anything but victimless too! Ban em! Sure as hell would save me money. And I'd spend it elsewhere in the economy.
You just blew my mind. Single greatest idea EVER. I could have a garage full of bikes if I had that diamond money back... ok, another garage full
Lol.... Im just saying that at this point it isnt legal.

It is legal in 2 states.

It isnt victimless.

You are on a very slippery slope here. Neither are weapons when they take
innocent lives. Neither is McDonald's fatburger. Neither is a quad if some kid
isn't wearing a helmet.

Just my opinion.

Which you are entitled to and I can respect.
But I don't agree with it.

Make it legal, tax the heck out of it. Way better than the illegal pot system
we have now where some dirt ball in Mexico is getting rich and killing people to
protect his turf.
I do not believe the fact that it has been illegal has ever been a factor in peoples' choices to smoke it or not. I do not believe legalization would create more users. Its not like everyone is waiting for legalization so they can all run out and buy it. The most effective way to reduce usage is to demonize it and make it socially unacceptable like they did with tobacco. Legalization of its purchase, possession, and usage, would not change the laws concerning driving impaired, and would not change the number of people who choose to illegally drive impaired so those arguments are a moot point. They may need to find more creative ways to test for it, because now they usually settle for the possession bust, and do not pursue driving dope impaired.

I do know that when I was a minor, it was much easier to buy dope than alcohol simply because those who sold alcohol legally wanted to be able to continue while those who sold dope were already breaking the law and so did not check ID's. I believe if it were sold by licensed retailers, the black market would dry up, and it would be less obtainable for minors.

I believe adults of legal age have the right to destroy themselves if they choose. It is arguable that all immorality, and irresponsibility affects others, but it does not mean we should entrust our own judgement to the government to ban with law. Sure it fries one's brain. A lot of former MX riders are in wheelchairs or worse. Do we really want to go down the road of using the law to protect us from ourselves.

Finally, legalization crushes the black market. Prohibition made the Kennedys wealthy because of black market pricing. While the drug cartels will still be peddling cocaine and smack, I would not feel bad about denying them all the proceeds of underground pot peddling market.

I've never been a pot smoker, and have no interest in becoming one as I think its destructive to one's own self, but I also support its legalization as I think the benefits outweigh feared negatives.
When it is legalized , where do we draw the line ? What's next in another 20 years.....? I'm not judging anyone , smoke whatever you want. I guess at the young age of 32 I have old fashioned views. In my case it's a simple no....
It's interesting the latitude given by our current federal administration, it's justice department and the courts when states act in an "acceptable" manner.

Also interesting is that the loss of a sin tax gave rise to the IRS? The chronology doesn't really follow for that one. Does it follow that our federal leviathan could be funded by sin tax alone?
I think youll have more people growing their own then going out and paying a high tax rate. Weed grows easily.. It is, a weed.
Anyone who drives with pot in their system, most likely has alcohol in their system also. You dont see many people that smoke and dont drink. Alot more people drink and dont smoke. So I will never believe those statistics.
/Also interesting is that the loss of a sin tax gave rise to the IRS? The chronology doesn't really follow for that one. Does it follow that our federal leviathan could be funded by sin tax alone?

No it didn't really happen in the chronology I implied. But when the income tax was enacted by the
sixteenth amendment in 1913, a third of the federal budget came from liquor taxes. The one
think keeping the prohibition wierdos at bay was the cost. But by 1920 or so, it was obvious
that the income tax route could replace liquor taxes and the congresscritters gravy train
wouldn't be cut off by enacting prohibition.
Anyone who drives with pot in their system, most likely has alcohol in their system also. You dont see many people that smoke and dont drink. Alot more people drink and dont smoke. So I will never believe those statistics.

I only have a couple of questions for any of you who think it is a victimless crime

#1 What about those who become so addicted that they neglect family ...especially children? They dont get jobs and live off welfare? And dont say you havent seen it happen. It is not really any different than alcoholism.

#2 Which one of you is willing to give up a child, a parent or anyone close to you because they were killed in a car accident that involved a DWI driver with THC in the blood?

Legalize it and more people will abuse it.

Also as Cory said above you dont see many people who smoke and dont drink. Every study I found --- all of them --- specifically said that mixing the two was the worst case scenario as far as impairing ones ability to drive.

If any of you are willing to give up someone you care about so you can get high then you have moral problems.
Anyone who drives with pot in their system, most likely has alcohol in their system also. You dont see many people that smoke and dont drink. Alot more people drink and dont smoke. So I will never believe those statistics.

Not true, in College my buddy crazy carl never drank. Just got high. He hated to drink, but loved to smoke, and that's all he did.....There are many people that don't drink, that just want to sit in front of their tv and smoke a joint. I like to ride dirt bikes, other people like to smoke pot. Whatever you want to do man, I won't smoke pot, I'll just ride.
I only have a couple of questions for any of you who think it is a victimless crime

#1 What about those who become so addicted that they neglect family ...especially children? They dont get jobs and live off welfare? And dont say you havent seen it happen. It is not really any different than alcoholism. I think Addiction is a psychological/personality issue, dependency comes after addiction. Make your personality shut down addiction in some shape or form and dependancy will not occur. People need to channel their addictions elsewhere, to something legal I guess.

#2 Which one of you is willing to give up a child, a parent or anyone close to you because they were killed in a car accident that involved a DWI driver with THC in the bloood? The THC didn't kill anyone, the person behind the wheel who irresponsibly ingested chemicals killed someone in a car. The irresponsible person should have been responsible enough to know how to be responsible when choosing to do something irresponsible. (Head spin)

Legalize it and more people will abuse it Gov't is looking to abuse it, 25% tax. Abuse. Why not tax it at the state tax rate?

Also as Cory said above you dont see many people who smoke and dont drink. Every study I found --- all of them --- specifically said that mixing the two was the worst case scenario as far as impairing ones ability to drive. Again, the human variable changes everything. It's not my fault that someone decided to mix nuero-altering chemicals and then decided to make a poor decision.

If any of you are willing to give up someone you care about so you can get high then you have moral problems. ​Hershey you're a democrat at heart.
I only have a couple of questions for any of you who think it is a victimless crime

#1 What about those who become so addicted that they neglect family ...especially children? They dont get jobs and live off welfare? And dont say you havent seen it happen. It is not really any different than alcoholism. I think Addiction is a psychological/personality issue, dependency comes after addiction. Make your personality shut down addiction in some shape or form and dependancy will not occur. People need to channel their addictions elsewhere, to something legal I guess.

#2 Which one of you is willing to give up a child, a parent or anyone close to you because they were killed in a car accident that involved a DWI driver with THC in the bloood? The THC didn't kill anyone, the person behind the wheel who irresponsibly ingested chemicals killed someone in a car. The irresponsible person should have been responsible enough to know how to be responsible when choosing to do something irresponsible. (Head spin)

Legalize it and more people will abuse it Gov't is looking to abuse it, 25% tax. Abuse. Why not tax it at the state tax rate?

Also as Cory said above you dont see many people who smoke and dont drink. Every study I found --- all of them --- specifically said that mixing the two was the worst case scenario as far as impairing ones ability to drive. Again, the human variable changes everything. It's not my fault that someone decided to mix nuero-altering chemicals and then decided to make a poor decision.

If any of you are willing to give up someone you care about so you can get high then you have moral problems. ​Hershey you're a democrat at heart.

Exactly....people are stupid. Don't give them another reason to be stupid and kill people. It won't be so easy for you to think it's ok when it's your brother or dad that's in the basement freezer at the hospital.

Rant over.
I may not have a bunch of fancy terms or know anything bout politics but its not like they are selling meth.... Now meth heads are crazy. Ive never met anyone "addicted" to pot, im not sure if thats even possible. People will not "abuse" it anymore than alcohol already is. When was the last time you seen a motivated pot head? People catch a buzz and just hangout. Not harming anyone like the dude who "abused" the alcohol at dinner and is now plowed drivin home and just ran over lil johnny. Pot is no diffrent than drinking if you think about it. You have to be a certain age to have it, you cannot be under the influence while operating a vehicle, and the government taxes the hell out of em both. Its a freakin plant that grows outa the earth. Moral of the story is, everyone will always have their own opinion and i believe once the other states recognize the rediculous amount of income its bringing them, they will also follow suite. IMO
15% of vehicle accidents related to alcohol while 26% due to weed.

First, that is an article from an organization called Coalition for a Drug Free California.
Second, they are presenting misleading data. 26% of accidents THC can be detected
while 15% alcohol can be detected.

But THC can be detected for at least a week, as much as 13 days, while alcohol
is metabolized and undetectable after a couple days max (and then you'd have to be
near death alcohol level). So maybe you can be accurate that marijuana users
are somehow responsible for 26% of accidents but that doesn't measure their
impairment, as opposed to alcohol which does.
Can I take their guns?

Yes when the people willingly vote for the government to take them. Which will happen. Someone's gotta do something 'bout all these mass suicides! you really think LESS people are smoking pot when it's illegal, than when it is legal? No. The same people are doing it. Do you think less people consume alcohol before the ripe of age of 21? And if the drinking age was changed to 18, do you think more people would be drinking? I don't. People will do what they want, until the gov't makes a purge day. (Terrible movie by the way, don't watch it.)
[QUOTE you really think LESS people are smoking pot when it's illegal, than when it is legal? No. [/QUOTE]

Im gonna have to disagree with this statement. Theres alot of people out there who do not smoke pot because of situations. Work, custody battles, etc etc.(just the 2 off the top of my head). And theres others that are just straight shooters and wont do it because its illegal. Legalize it, people that have never done it, will try it. Like if alcohol was illegal like pot. would u drink it and be looked down upon by society? NO, but now its legal and its a dashing fun time to drink. It seems that people are too into buying into statements they hear on T.V. or newspapers and b.s. statistics. Even if the numbers are there, they dont explain anymore into detail such as what sturd was saying. Once again, IMO