I've been trying to stay outa this thread gab, but just too much fun to resist.
I understand people wanting to oppose legalization but me thinks most of them probably never indulged, or sampled once and swore never again. Most have the general public fears over it, and really don't understand it all comes down to the person, "the individual", and how they handle it all.
The world is full of ******* idiots out there who ruin it for all and give the Herb a bad rap. I'm also sure that many have had some bad experiences that ruined it for them to ever think or speak good of it as well. My sympathy to them.
But I see it a little differently.
First: I am not advocating it for the young nor want to glorify it in a way to build appeal. Period!
Second: I haven't toked in 25 years, but smoked a bunch in my day. I even often wonder how I would handle it today if I were still a party'er?
Third: Be real guys. Mary-J is not the devils drug. No more than alK-Hol is. Again it all comes down to how the person handles it , handles themselves, and how they conduct their lives.
I can guarantee you, there are people in everyones lives that indulge in smoke every once in a while, live perfectly normal lives, and very few would ever suspect they do it.
Furthermore, if truth were told, most of you would be shocked and amazed to find out how many policeman, medical professionals, Career Military folks, Politicians, Ministers, and any other professions you can think of occasionally toke and nobody ever finds out. Don't fool yourselves with this one, it's everywhere!
( Anybody remember President Bill Clinton: I party'd, but I never inhaled! Yeah right!!!!!! )
Fourth: Addiction........ Not that I've ever seen. A lot of people smoke for a long time, and then their life priorities change and they just quit doing it. New York times collumnist David Brooks aluded to this last week. Stated that many, or most just sort of grow out of that stage and set it aside. Ever see anyobody suffering from REEFER MADNESS? Nah, me either.
Driving under the enfluence: We always struggled with this one, cause we never got more than 12 miles per hour, were double handed white knuckled on the wheel, and was so parranoid that everone was watching us drive that we just parked and walked instead. It was just less stressfull to walk

Anybody ever heard of the American indians being all jacked up and addicted to marijuana in the history books? They smoked a bunch of it, was part of their culture. "Peace Pipe" remember?
Yes......You will burn some brain Cells. But you'll have a blast doing it. ( Oh, and you'll eat a lot too! )
I'm not a drinker. Never really have been. I get hanghovers too easy, drinking gives me an instant headache, and I always puke on my shoes. Never got any of this with smoke. Booze always brought the worst side out of me.
I don't have time in my life for it now, but I sure miss those carefree fun days as a teenager and young adult. But I survived, moved on and a semi-educated productive family man working toward my retirement and having a blast staying fit and racing Motocross.
America will survive legalization.