Stuck in a rut

Back in the hayday of racing in the 80's around here when you had well over 300 bikes Dick Klamoth had the best way to run a program, he has an afternoon program then a night program split afternoon was micro, mini, schoolboys and vets then when they were done then the night program was everybody else Also in my opinion there are way too many min classes now then it was pw-50, 65, mini jr and mini sr, 4 classes of little bikes and schoolboy vet was 30 plus and 40 plus that was it.

night racing was 125 a,b,c 250 a,b open b, atv, and women keep it simple and hopefully have more than 4 or 5 on the gate, that right there is probably why most people arent racing not many people to race, way too many classes and B riders riding C class, got to B class C is for the newvbies!!!
Is Breezewood worth it? Is Breezwood any better than anywhere else? No idea. Never been there, but I'd rather gamble on something new than sit at a track staring at my bike instead of riding it. Keep up the good work District X. One of these days I might drag my ass out to one of your races.

Funny you mention Breezewood. We were just out there on April 12 for the 3 Wheeler Battle Between the States series we organized. It was a 5 hour drive. There were 39 3 Wheeler entries spread over 3 classes. I don't know how many quads and bikes ran. A lot! Why did we go? For the amazing track prep? For the moto structure or number of classes? We went there because they go out of their way to cater to new racers. Of the 39 trikers, bout 5 have raced more than 3 times, and about 30 had never raced before. Costs were very low, and there weren't any up front sanction and/or club fees to deter people who just wanted to see if they liked racing. We also had a great organization (TRUPA) that did a great job or recruiting non-racers to give racing a try. Breezewood has open track riding all the time. On race days, you can still ride on the other tracks. They are opening a revamped trail system. Non racers come in, ride trails, ride tracks, and some of them become comfortable enough riding the tracks to enter races.

The number of racers in Ohio has declined over the last 5 years for economic reasons. They simply can't afford it. The industry's response it to keep transferring that lost revenue burden onto those who continue to race and then justify it by offering the best track prep in all the land. Track prep doesn't amount to a hill of beans to a person looking for a place to ride that they can afford.

As the pool of racers continues to shrink, the promoters' general response is to see how many racers they can get to leave somebody else's track and hit theirs instead. It's all about getting a bigger piece of the pie, instead of working together to create a bigger pie. Everybody wants top notch experienced racers who are willing to spend a lot of money. There is nothing to entice the guys riding older bikes and quads on the trails from ever trying it out, even though that's where most the "desired" racers came from. Unless they are on a new machine and wearing all the latest gear, and riding like a veteran, they often don't feel welcome at many tracks or events.

Any more, there are races every weekend in Ohio. The market is saturated. There are more tracks than racers to support them. Either tracks will compete against each other for those racers, and those who can't compete will dry up and disappear, or some tracks will figure out how to expand their target market, and bring in racers and riders from somewhere besides other tracks. That's the simple reality.
Back in the hayday of racing in the 80's around here when you had well over 300 bikes Dick Klamoth had the best way to run a program, he has an afternoon program then a night program split afternoon was micro, mini, schoolboys and vets then when they were done then the night program was everybody else Also in my opinion there are way too many min classes now then it was pw-50, 65, mini jr and mini sr, 4 classes of little bikes and schoolboy vet was 30 plus and 40 plus that was it.

night racing was 125 a,b,c 250 a,b open b, atv, and women keep it simple and hopefully have more than 4 or 5 on the gate, that right there is probably why most people arent racing not many people to race, way too many classes and B riders riding C class, got to B class C is for the newvbies!!!

Didn't have to go back as far as the 80s to take advantage of a HH Saturday split program. HH continued with the split program until they closed up in 2003.
Racing was hoppin in the 90s. So glad I was a kid from 93-2003. Best years period. What I would give for that again !!!
It will be interesting tomorrow. COCR (SW MX Series), and Briarcliff (OMA) are both racing. They are only 1 hour apart from each other. Last week Chilitown had 371 entries (with Quads), and Treay City had 123 entries (without Quads). So lets see how many people race the two tracks this week. Last week, they were probably 2.5 hours apart from each other. But everyone is competing for the same rider. It amazes me though that I talk to a lot of SW Ohio guys, and the ride the SW series for the points.......guess they want a free pair of goggles, but have to ride a couple crappy tracks to do it. It has always been a points race that goes to the guy that rides the most races......NOT the fastest guy which in my opinion is a bogus points race.
Just got back from Breezewood.

Was it worth it? Yes. If you have not been to Breezewood, GO.

I could start a whole thread about it, but I won't. It's worth 5 threads and 1000 pictures and video. Look it up. Breezewood Proving grounds. My opinion doesn't matter- go there and see for yourself. Ride it. Bring your nuts.
Just got back from Breezewood.

Was it worth it? Yes. If you have not been to Breezewood, GO.

I could start a whole thread about it, but I won't. It's worth 5 threads and 1000 pictures and video. Look it up. Breezewood Proving grounds. My opinion doesn't matter- go there and see for yourself. Ride it. Bring your nuts.

A little video from April 12 -

I think the first thing tracks need to do is not run against each other. If OMXA is running a race, no other OMXA track should be practicing. There has to be 100% support. Also since practice is more cost effective than racing make some price adjustments. Bring in more racers. $10 gate fee and $15 race fee per class. Charge $35 for practice since you get so much more seat time.
Try having a race or two with a more creative class structure to fill gates and cut classes. For example change the A,B,C and run an amateur, expert. Change SuperMini, Schoolboy, Collageboy to 85-150, 151-450. Remember this is just to mix things up. Not a forever change.
In the 1970's when I raced at Wattsburg Fairgrounds every 4th week we ran the track backwords. And no it didn't flow. But for some reason we didn't care, it was a change and we dealt with it.
Too many classes. I wanted to race last weekend but would've had to get up at 5:30 am drive 1:45 min, sit there all day for 30-45 min of track time. Maybe run kid and C- classes early and rest in afternoon?? I don't want to get up at 5:30 on the weekends then sit around all day for 25 classes. Maybe we just need to cut out all the extra classes. 250 and 250 A, 450 and 450 A, 80 jr, 80 sr. , 30 over, 40 over, and one C class. Really wtf do we need all those damn classes.
I say stagger start about 5 comparative classes and run them for 15 to 20 min. It would be GP style motocross only track. about 40 to 50 riders on the track at once and racing for longer motos.
I am just going to race the tracks that do it the way I like it. The rest, eh- I don't bother. Right now, that's Delta and the big one in Area 51 and I might try Cernics, because we have a place to stay free nearby and then this Breezewood dreamland- I want to race the advanced track. It's amazing. The Intermediate track pounds laps wonderfully well too. The rest of them? Nah. If Dirtworld was the "real Dirtworld" that was years ago, I'd race that. Beans? Yeah of course. But like I said- my opinion is not representative of the "real racer", so don't get all fired up.

I am not sitting and waiting all damn day to practice only a few minutes out of each hour and I (hell, WE) aren't going to pay good money to sit around all day. I can do that- at home.
First off I would say things are going in the right direction with the OMA in my opinion. Things I like seeing are the promoters working together at the races. Each venue seems to be putting in the effort to make things better each time. That does not mean it always is. No one can control the weather which is the biggest impact on track conditions on any given day. Secondly holding races for 80-100 entries is a lot different than holding races for 300-500. There will be growing pains for sure. It takes extra staff ,extra equipment and a lot more thought and organization. If anyone thinks any of these things are easy your are sadly mistaken. Not only is it difficult it is expensive and the bottom line is if the promoters don't make money they wont' be around long or at the least won't be able to make improvements and grow.

As far as suggestions go it would be fun to do and XL race of sorts. Kind of a hybrid MX/GP. For example at Briarcliff combine the two tracks and run long motos with several classes out there at once. The problem is there are only a few people here making suggestions and I am pretty sure it doesn't reflect the thoughts of all in attendance on race days.

Split programs at Honda Hills were great. But remember the second half ran late into the night. Not all tracks have the ability to race at night (lights). Plus the older I get the less I like racing at night (can't see).

Cutting classes would be nice but I guarantee you there would be a lot of people upset by this. We got to the number classes we have over time and changes in the industry and equipment. For example everyone refers to the old days. But you fail to mention there were no 4 strokes, there was only one 50 class (PW), only one schoolboy (100cc), two quad classes(two stroke and four stroke, and you had to be 16 years old to race them) and a few less vet classes. So where do you cut now? You have to remember you will be leaving someone out each time you cut a class. Most people only have one bike and certain bikes limit you already as far as what classes you can ride. The other thing is We already have GP's, hare scrambles and motocross. It seems to me everyone is trying to combine them. If you want a long moto and a short day go do a hare scramble or GP. That is exactly what they are. If you want a fast sprint type race then do motocross.

The bottom line is you are going to race if you want to. No one but yourself is going to make that decision for you. Get out and support the people who offer these events, support them all GP's, hare scrambles, and motocross. And if you are going to make suggestions think it through. Put yourself in the promoters hoes for a minute and try to think of the big picture. I will say I have been racing in Ohio since 1979 and I have seen a lot of good times and bad. And right now is really not that bad. See everyone at the races!

Ok I am done now.
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The GP structure is the solution, the challenge is making it acceptable to the masses. I'm seriously overloaded, but the BC Ultimatum is an idea that I would like to explore in 2015, or possibly this fall. It depends on how much money I have left to gamble after labor day. Because that's exactly what promoters do. They gamble $1000's of dollars on the weather in advance. Wonder what Vegas thinks about that wagering?
I dunno, I thought the day went pretty good yesterday at BC. Of course much of my time spent in between motos was to recover. Hopefully that will improve soon. I mean, what some of you are asking (wishing?) for is pretty close to impossible. You'll be happy, but the person who's class is cut, etc. will not so he/she do not come. Does that grow the sport? You all want you cake and eat it to. Let me correct that, you "expect" cake, made your way with your name on it, and eat it to.

Quads were at BC yesterday and mixed in througout the program. It was racing, just like the bikes. Heck, coming from my standpoint get ride of the 50's and mini quads. Those are the ones I don't watch so much and can bore me. Do I expect that to ever happen? Hells to the no. Do you go to Cedar Point or Kings Island and not wait for your turn? Spend most of your day "waiting" for your ride? Why do you go then? Because the "ride" is fun.

Quit being so selfish and wait your damn turn and be happy about the ability to go race when you want to. Sure, we can always make things better, which is the desire for this thread, but many of you constantly ask for the moon. Bring some friends to the race or make some. A lot of fun peeps at the races. If you're not a friendly dude or gal, I can't help you.
A little video from April 12 -

Yeah, definately have to cut out the trike class(s). Did they have trike jr and tike mini and big wheel? ;) kidding

Perty cool. Seen a lot of Hondas. Need some more Tecates in there. :)