Trump daddy

Cruz and Kasich are doing exactly what they need to do so that they can pick up the crumbled bits
of the republifuck airplane crash after November. Probably be a whole lot harder after Billary have a couple
years to solidify things but it's their only chance.
All I know for sure is this election will have to go down as the biggest 3 ring circus in the history.

Seeing all the Hillary scandals, getting off the hook when the FBI director said she was guilty, the DNC emails now. The DNC is completely surrounded in scandal and nobody seems to care on their side.

Trump in the beginning was way out of control with his statements.

Violence every where.

Not so many years ago neither of these 2 idiots would have made it past the first debate.

We are screwed.
If you don't vote for one of the idiots, then the other idiot will get elected. DOH!
Sucks doesnt it?

I hear so many people saying they arent going to vote. I try to explain that to them but they dont want to hear it.


My father is one of those Dems who say Trump is just like Hitler. We dont talk politics any more! Lol
Not now. Too depressing. Just saying history and principles.

Actually listened to the audio of Trump's Cruz revisit from yesterday. Sounded even worse than the reports read.

Fake conservatives and conservative sources abound. Trump's candidacy has culled and codified them. I had been fooled for years by many. The establishment is strong and too compelling to resist. And the Republican convention served to further strengthen the establishment's firm grip on the party.
Sucks doesnt it?

I hear so many people saying they arent going to vote. I try to explain that to them but they dont want to hear it.


My father is one of those Dems who say Trump is just like Hitler. We dont talk politics any more! Lol
I am trying to figure out how he is just like Hitler, where are the similarities, no one has explained to me how he is just like Hitler. It sounds like people who are just afraid of a person who might take away their free b's and non-working way of life.
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"the economy is in a shambles"
"our borders are not secure"
"crime is rampant"
"we are seen as weak"
"I am the only person that can fix that"

Said every strongman dictator ever.
"the economy is in a shambles"
"our borders are not secure"
"crime is rampant"
"we are seen as weak"
"I am the only person that can fix that"

Said every strongman dictator ever.

Strongman dictator, that would be a progressive politician's dream job. In a post-constitutional America anything is possible. Progressives have been busy for a hundred years bringing tyranny to the good old USA.
"the economy is in a shambles"
"our borders are not secure"
"crime is rampant"
"we are seen as weak"
"I am the only person that can fix that"

Said every strongman dictator ever.

Speaking the truth is being a dictator?? And as far as the people running for president this cycle he is the only one who can fix it.
Lol! is Putin's response to Hillary's foreign policy foolishness.


And he has really enjoyed all that Hillary server access.

Keep this incompetent out of the White House!
Clinton is a scumbag. But the son of a bitch is so like-able.

I've done nothing but curse and bitch at all the other speakers. But bull...I'm laughing. He's a schmoozer no wonder he's banged 147284829294728 women. Hell they probably beleive it was there fault for having sex with bull. I mean Bill.
He hit it out of the park. Too bad he's not only ineligible but seems to have Parkinson's.

Michelle in 2024!
"the economy is in a shambles"
"our borders are not secure"
"crime is rampant"
"we are seen as weak"
"I am the only person that can fix that"

Said every strongman dictator ever.
what is no true about those statements.

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