Trump daddy

Stayed up and watched the Trump speech last night. I think the RNC had a pretty good week overall.
One for the history books, for sure.

It will be interesting to hear Hillary's rebuttal's to all the slams. (if she address's them at all.)
I'm looking forward to the presidential election debates.

I'm curious, has anybody heard her economic plans for the country ? Does she have actually have any? ( well, I mean besides continuing to grow the Clinton Foundation and their own personal wealth.)
I'm curious, has anybody heard her economic plans for the country ? Does she have actually have any? ( well, I mean besides continuing to grow the Clinton Foundation and their own personal wealth.)

Last I heard she was going to let Bill handle it
Wednesday night, Ted Cruz dug his heals in, gambled, and kind of made an ass of himself and was boo'd off the RNC stage. Not sure It was the wisest move, and doubt it's going to be helpful to his long term hopes and presidential plans. Gingrich had to play the role of cleanup hitter afterward.

I'm still on his campaign mailing list from when I was surfing for primary candidate information. I received this email the other day:

Dear Mike,

Our country is facing enormous challenges, and it's more important now than ever that we conservatives defend the principles in which we all believe.

That's why tonight I'm honored to have the chance to speak at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland at 8:45 pm CT -- and I hope you'll tune in to watch my speech. You'll be able to watch it broadcast on TV or the livestream will be available here.

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to thank our nearly 600 delegates, roughly 8 million voters nationwide, and the over 326,000 volunteers who poured their heart, soul, blood, and energy into our campaign as well as the chance to lay out a vision for what we as Americans — what we as conservatives — believe and where we go forward from here.

You won't want to miss this speech -- I hope you'll watch TONIGHT at 8:45 pm CT!

For liberty,

Ted Cruz
Wednesday night, Ted Cruz dug his heals in, gambled, and kind of made an ass of himself and was boo'd off the RNC stage. Not sure It was the wisest move, and doubt it's going to be helpful to his long term hopes and presidential plans. Gingrich had to play the role of cleanup hitter afterward.

I'm still on his campaign mailing list from when I was surfing for primary candidate information. I received this email the other day:

Dear Mike,

Our country is facing enormous challenges, and it's more important now than ever that we conservatives defend the principles in which we all believe.

That's why tonight I'm honored to have the chance to speak at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland at 8:45 pm CT -- and I hope you'll tune in to watch my speech. You'll be able to watch it broadcast on TV or the livestream will be available here.

I'm looking forward to the opportunity to thank our nearly 600 delegates, roughly 8 million voters nationwide, and the over 326,000 volunteers who poured their heart, soul, blood, and energy into our campaign as well as the chance to lay out a vision for what we as Americans — what we as conservatives — believe and where we go forward from here.

You won't want to miss this speech -- I hope you'll watch TONIGHT at 8:45 pm CT!

For liberty,

Ted Cruz

Another perspective.

Constitutional concervatives are more on the outs with the GOP following Trump's convention. The establishment RNC and Reince Priebus have gained and consolidated power during the convention. Establishment Republican advisors have moved prominent positions in the Trump campaign. Who's the outsider?

Constitutional conservatives feel that they were thrown a bone with Trump's Mike Pence pick but the vice president does the bidding of the president so positions and principles are easily marginalized. The party continues to leave many.

How do you make America great again with no explanation or understanding of what made it great to begin with?

Left with the lesser of two evils once more...
It is annoying that they criticized Trump for not explaining how he's going to make the country safer, or how he's going to make the economy better,. His speech was an hour and 15 minutes long you can't possibly talk about all the problems and solutions without losing everybody. I'm sure that is what the debates will be about possibly laying out his plan
It is annoying that they criticized Trump for not explaining how he's going to make the country safer, or how he's going to make the economy better,. His speech was an hour and 15 minutes long you can't possibly talk about all the problems and solutions without losing everybody. I'm sure that is what the debates will be about possibly laying out his plan

Whatever you do reveal gets savagely criticized and scrutinized to death by the left and the media, (one in the same really). Kills it on arrival.

Another perspective..

That's good to know there's another side to the story. But, if Ted was looking to benefit from camera and convention stage and face time, to shore up future plans it didn't go so well. And he had to of known it wouldn't be well excepted if he didn't openly endorse.

Listening to 610WTVN John Corby show yesterday afternoon, they compared this to the 1976 RNC convention. Ronald Reagan lost the primary bid to Gerald Ford, but still came to the convention, spoke, endorsed and openly encouraged the republican base to unite to save the presidential bid from falling to the Democrats. They claimed this to be very helpful to Reagans comeback.

And this whole deal with John Kasich boycotting isn't exactly gaining him any leverage either.

I would think that you can do the endorsement for the sake of the party and the election, without selling out or caving in on your beloved beliefs and standards. And people can except that.
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Listening to 610WTVN John Corby show yesterday afternoon, they compared this to the 1976 RNC convention. Ronald Reagan lost the primary bid to Gerald Ford, but still came to the convention, spoke, endorsed and openly encouraged the republican base to unite to save the presidential bid from falling to the Democrats. They claimed this to be very helpful to Reagans comeback.

But this is a YUGE BUT here...

No he did not. Rampant history revision. Guess who Manafort has been working for. Another Republican establishment insider with Trump. He was doing the same job for Ford against Reagan, all those years ago...

And there's this.
Really it's pathetic that it ever became a talking point or issue with the media.
And your first article alluded to that: "the liberal media’s manufactured controversy".

I kind of felt the same when they made such a hubbub over Malania's speech. Her speech writer re-used a few lines from the Michelle "O's" original speech. Big deal, who cares!

If we didn't put such unrealistic expectations on our public, and not-so public figures they wouldn't need speech writers, and could just be themselves.
Sorry but Trump is an idiot and back after the Cruz family again today. Sure he's now aligned against the Constitution with the big government establishment Republicans but at least he's not a communist revolution taylored for the USA Alinskite like Hillary. Sure hope Trump is doesn't blow this election...
Trump is definitely no conservative, and no doubt serves both sides to his advantage, but I do believe the comments made by him in his speech last night about him absolutely being the most qualified candidate for creating jobs and getting America back to work.
Not sure how many of you caught this on Friday, but this one is a biggy also. I warned you guys some time back about Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe, He's an absolute slime-ball !
( for those who don't remember, before he got his Governors seat he was the Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and chairman to both Bill and Hillary Clinton campaigns, and major fundraiser and advisor.)

In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe Breaks the Constitution to Plump the Democratic Vote

In what is likely an unconstitutional state action seemingly calculated to ensure that the purple state of Virginia goes blue in the November election, Governor Terry McAuliffe (D.) signed an executive order on Friday restoring the voting rights of 206,000 ex-felons in Virginia, including those convicted of murder, armed robbery, rape, sexual assault, and other violent crimes. The order also restores their right to sit on a jury, become a notary, and even serve in elected office.

The New York Times inadvertently gave the game away when it said that McAuliffe’s “action effectively overturns a Civil War–era provision in the state’s Constitution.”
Trump is definitely no conservative, and no doubt serves both sides to his advantage, but I do believe the comments made by him in his speech last night about him absolutely being the most qualified candidate for creating jobs and getting America back to work.

OK then, I won't go off on tariffs and free trade. :D
Meanwhile the transpacific agreement is getting high praises from Obama. Maybe Oreos will just stay in Mexico after all Donald. And air conditioners made in indianna....I mean now Mexico. Hell maybe a new FORD plant in dare I say Vietnam ?!
How do you, or do they, predict these will effect us and economic growth with his plans and ideas?

Not now. Too depressing. Just saying history and principles.

Actually listened to the audio of Trump's Cruz revisit from yesterday. Sounded even worse than the reports read.

Fake conservatives and conservative sources abound. Trump's candidacy has culled and codified them. I had been fooled for years by many. The establishment is strong and too compelling to resist. And the Republican convention served to further strengthen the establishment's firm grip on the party.