2015 By the numbers

Here a number, 9 pages and no solutions.

It's funny how many on here complained they don't get enough track time. Well this weekend Hand Racing put on a race that offered just that. My son got two practices (5 and 4 laps) and raced 3 class. They raced 4 laps with lap times around 3:30. It was a great time and we were heading home by 1:30. By the way it was a CRA event.

Now where was everybody who comes on here and complains they don't get enough time to ride. Nowhere to be found. I guess they would rather go ride practice than support a local race. It's not the promoters that are killing motocross, it's the riders themselves.

As I explained earlier, When and if my son gets competitive I would be more then willing to make the 4 hour drive, if for no other reason then to support the Hands which I have known since the mid 80's, regardless of the acronym sanctioning the race. Until that time I will race and practice local. (16 races this year and 6 practice dates).
JO so if OMA a c3 is the tax return online somewhere or do you need to send me a copy? In a 501 c3 its public info. All the non proffitts ive been involved with has had a board of directors,pres,vp,sec,& treasure,who might these people be?

Is this more... disdain?

Why would he send you a copy if it is public record, go to the court house and get one. I for one would not want to bog down J & J with another task that may just stall the numbers of race entries further.

I applaud them for the job they are doing and would like to remind the few complainers that Rome wasn't built in a day.
JO so if OMA a c3 is the tax return online somewhere or do you need to send me a copy? In a 501 c3 its public info. All the non proffitts ive been involved with has had a board of directors,pres,vp,sec,& treasure,who might these people be?

We are recognized by the State of Ohio as a non-profit, and have paperwork submitted to the feds. We have bank records and receipts to prove that we are operating as a non profit. After our status is recognized I have no problem showing you public info. Anything else that you need?
J & J, rather than respond in the best tongue biting manner you can to most of these comments, maybe you guys should have an auto response application set up, anytime you are mentioned that reads... "Thank you for your input, we will take it under advisement."
Keep in mind, I live relatively close to Newark, maybe we should meet up sometime and talk about the OMA status......you name the place buddy.
Tyler will be surprised about the big news....so will some of the other diehards..hahaha Wtf does this dude want bank records for???? Hahaha maybe him and tim can go to the next CRA meeting a discuss that instead of"what happen" Hands and Trevor seemed like the only two who ever cared about the CRA!!!! And and and .......JO on the drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE FAIR RACES IN 2016!!!!!
Tyler will be surprised about the big news....so will some of the other diehards..hahaha Wtf does this dude want bank records for???? Hahaha maybe him and tim can go to the next CRA meeting a discuss that instead of"what happen" Hands and Trevor seemed like the only two who ever cared about the CRA!!!! And and and .......JO on the drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE FAIR RACES IN 2016!!!!!

We do care about the CRA. Our father (Albert) and Trevor's father (Lucky) were some of the founding fathers of the CRA who worked hard to get an organization together for the betterment of riders and their families. So yes, we do have our loyalty to CRA. It was a long time ago before some of you probably even came into the racing scene. There were a core group of people who worked tirelessly to help improve the sport. Anyone who knows anything about CRA also knows the amount of time and effort that Peggy puts into the organization and for that reason we have always remained loyal. Those values seem to be gone lately. Some of us promoters have worked very hard over the years to try and and improve things.
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Tyler will be surprised about the big news....so will some of the other diehards..hahaha Wtf does this dude want bank records for???? Hahaha maybe him and tim can go to the next CRA meeting a discuss that instead of"what happen" Hands and Trevor seemed like the only two who ever cared about the CRA!!!! And and and .......JO on the drum roll!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE FAIR RACES IN 2016!!!!!
I'm looking forward to whatever the news may be.
So here's the reality.....it's really just cyclical...

I started racing in the 1980's in CRA and never even realized there was more to the world of motocross than racing CRA. Raced CRA for many years and then started chasing AMA D-5 with a bunch of VET racers (I was in my 20's) because that was "better" than CRA. Was it better? Not really, but it certainly was a further drive and they paid contingency money so it was cool earning YZ bucks.

Then AMA District 12 resurrects with all new tracks in Ohio and promises to make things "better" in Ohio. Really they were the first ones around here that embraced the Internet, online points and results, and social media. Keep in mind PitRacer.com is older than Facebook by 5 years and we were talking about Ohio MX on here long before tracks were running to Facebook looking for "friends" or for people to "like" them. At one point in time most of the tracks in Ohio were using PR. I remember driving to D-11 races and passing out flyers for PitRacer and trying to get everyone to switch to this forum instead of that old silly guestbook they used to post on. Can't quite remember what it was called.

When you look at the "Ohio MX Timeline" it is actually very cyclical:
  • CRA comes along to make things "better" than the current AMA racing and AMA D-12 falls dormant.
  • AMA D-12 comes back to life around Y2K to make things "better" than CRA, but eventually go away again, after a brief try as OMG with no AMA Sanction.
  • OMA comes along to make things "better" than CRA and AMA, then they end up joining AMA to make OMA "better."
  • in 10 years someone else will probably create a sanction that they want to be "better" than OMA.
My point here is, I'm not sure there is really anything to fix for Ohio motocross. We have a ton of options, lots of promoters working super hard and putting on great events no matter what the sanction. Sure some events are bigger than others, but so what. Why does it always turn into a competition of which sanction is "better?" I'm just happy we have all of them here giving us places to race!
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Ohio MX Leadership needs a heart for the people and quality racing/riding. Along with structure/accountability and a willingness to build opposed to burning motocross.

MX Family.

Decent and Orderly.

How is your attitude?

If you guys were wise...there is two major area's for motocross in Ohio, maybe three.

Expand the Battle Series...3 qualifers for north and south...then the 3 finals. Total of nine different tracks.

Put down your swords...it's just motocross..pick up diplomacy.
Hand your a stand up guy man....defending the CRA and saying what you said..should ring Loud in the mx community.You have a very loyal following.Oir has not had you there in 4/5 years yet we still hear about how "when the hands had it" Good Luck in 2016 in whatever you have planned :) See ya at summit!
At some point I think a younger group will come along with new ideas, a passion for mx, and I think we will know when the time is right to move aside and get out of the way. I guess in the end if we made a difference to family's during our span of running OMA, I can live with that.
Maybe the CRA didn't do any promoting on Pitracer because, they knew about all of the jerks on here that would rip they a new a-hole if they did.
And you can see it happen in the other post.

I don't care what organization I race at...as long as I get to race...I was out of racing for the last 5 years. And I hear the some old crap...(not enough seat time, less classes, and all that other little peaty B.S. That is said.) if you want seat time, go practice, that's what it's for. Racing is about having to take your skills and matching them against others. However many are there.
When I log on to this site it seams like 85% of post are negative. Where's the race reports?
I think the same 8-10 people post 90% of the content.
So here's the reality.....it's really just cyclical...

I started racing in the 1980's in CRA and never even realized there was more to the world of motocross than racing CRA. Raced CRA for many years and then started chasing AMA D-5 with a bunch of VET racers (I was in my 20's) because that was "better" than CRA. Was it better? Not really, but it certainly was a further drive and they paid contingency money so it was cool earning YZ bucks.

Then AMA District 12 resurrects with all new tracks in Ohio and promises to make things "better" in Ohio. Really they were the first ones around here that embraced the Internet, online points and results, and social media. Keep in mind PitRacer.com is older than Facebook by 5 years and we were talking about Ohio MX on here long before tracks were running to Facebook looking for "friends" or for people to "like" them. At one point in time most of the tracks in Ohio were using PR. I remember driving to D-11 races and passing out flyers for PitRacer and trying to get everyone to switch to this forum instead of that old silly guestbook they used to post on. Can't quite remember what it was called.

When you look at the "Ohio MX Timeline" it is actually very cyclical:
  • CRA comes along to make things "better" than the current AMA racing and AMA D-12 falls dormant.
  • AMA D-12 comes back to life around Y2K to make things "better" than CRA, but eventually go away again, after a brief try as OMG with no AMA Sanction.
  • OMA comes along to make things "better" than CRA and AMA, then they end up joining AMA to make OMA "better."
  • in 10 years someone else will probably create a sanction that they want to be "better" than OMA.
My point here is, I'm not sure there is really anything to fix for Ohio motocross. We have a ton of options, lots of promoters working super hard and putting on great events no matter what the sanction. Sure some events are bigger than others, but so what. Why does it always turn into a competition of which sanction is "better?" I'm just happy we have all of them here giving us places to race!
Could not of said it better. Only need to add one thing. Every race I have been to in recent years have almost full gates. 300 - 400+.
Motocross has become much more expensive. Don't give me the crap about it has increased with the economy. It cost more today than it did 15 or 20 years ago. Add that to kids playing select sports, and less people are entering the racing world. In todays world, little johnny is playing for a select baseball team that plays 45 to 65 games a year instead of the Babe Ruth league that played 10 to 12 games over 6 weeks. Soccer is year around, Football is slowing becoming year around with work outs, etc. So life has changed for everyone. Then there are the ones that do MX 24/7 also. I personally know my son will never be the next Ryan Dungey, so we race for fun. He plays basketball and football also, and he goes to school and gets good grades. Hopefully he ends up well rounded and will continue racing after his days of playing school sports is over.
Now here are some numbers to think about.
In 6 days this tread has over 160 replies and over 4300 views. WOW
But you go to a race and people say they don't know about PitRacer? LIARS...

Jump in the pool, the water is warm...

That's the same 4 people who opened it 1000 times each.
But the thing is - they only came to Pitracer to advertise AFTER they were being pounded on here for the lack of information. If it hadn't been discussed the only promotion they would have had was a spot on the CRA schedule.

She probably never imagined that somebody that somebody would be on Pitracer looking for information about a CRA race.

Do they not post because they don't know about Pitracer? maybe its because they DO know about Pitracer. She joins, makes two informational posts, and gets bashed for it.