Winter rumors

So merit is based on the volume of races done?
What if theses guys show up to every open ride the promoter has ?
The thread was discussing OMA and Buckeye series races.
It was about the rumor that D-12 may come back
Then some broad sweeping statements were made about turnouts, riders, racers, practice and what they represent.
I'm just trying to show a perspective - Carry on
They don't support a race because it has a nice pit party - no
But to label practice as non beneficial to the promoters, riders and over all heath of the sport is erroneous
I disagree. It has no benefit to the sport of moto. Moto is racing. Benefit off-road riding activities and the land owner? Sure. The sport, No.
I would just like to ask that early arrivers to the races please park like it makes sense. Especially those 35' and longer in length.

I am intrigued by some of these ideas though.

I'm done....carry on.
I would just like to ask that early arrivers to the races please park like it makes sense. Especially those 35' and longer in length.

I am intrigued by some of these ideas though.

I'm done....carry on.
Ron, COCR and DMC are two places that should have someone park people as they come in for sure!
Every year we have the same discussion. I don’t have a dog in the fight. Wish I did. But I can’t offer any insight. I know how to get To a race track. Pay them the gate fee. Go sign up and wait for my races.
I actually agree with Georgie! I also agree with JO, Hershey, CK (kills me) and a bunch of others.

My first long post

I am a trials rider now so take what I say with a grain of salt. I like trials because of the seat time and nature of the sport. I will drive anywhere within 3 hours for an event and further if it is close to Danville VA (Daughter's house). Trails offers so much more seat time and way less worry about conditions. I never really worried about prep, dry or mud anyhow but it is easier with trials; it offers more opportunity. I have my YZ 125 for ride weekends (DaveFest, etc)and to do a few practice seasons and drink beers with my crew. I didn't start riding MX until I was almost 30, I do not have the racing in my blood. Competitive yes but racer not really. I just do not have any desire to get cleaned out by someone over a medal or in my case 6-8th place. Though, I did push my buddy Heet pretty wide at Davefest. LOL I was holding my line!

I am sure the cancellations of the early races had a huge financial impact. No one should be telling someone about their money. I agree that the tracks could work better together, I said this when the OMA started. If a track is within 2 hours of the other track (same organization) then they shouldn't offer practice against the race weekend. With that said, practice people practice and racers race. You are not going to force people to race. Also, remember practice brings in $$$$ and it cost a lot of $$$$ to move dirt.

I also think this was a good year for motorsports (except April and into May) because of COVID. Everything was selling and people were looking to get outdoors. Some people actually had more money with the unemployment bonus, everything was selling. People had more time, "working from home" such BS and they also didn't have soccer, weddings, grad parties etc. With the vaccine, I doubt you will see the summer numbers again next year. People will have other obligations again, plan accordingly.

Tracks that do well will do so because of location, layout, track prep, promotion and meeting the needs of their costumer/area. Even as a trials rider, I like Malvern well enough to make the drive for a practice and hell I might even race.
Hope to see y'all yinz soon
Time for another Jack and Coke!
I spend the same money - for 3x the amount of track time - for HALF of my day.

I have to agree with to love paying 25 to 30 bucks and basically riding till You can’t go any more.. when scenic makes a come back for d12 I’m first on the ;)
We’ve never passed up on a nice track that’s has open practice to race a lesser track. We’ve never passed up on a nice track that’s racing to go practice on a lesser track.... If the track and prep are on point they’re getting the money. Practice or race matters not.
Clarification - When I say things are dying at different speeds, I mean everything, its recognizing of the mortality of everything, including the earth. Do I want this this? No. Will it happen, yes. Will we be alive to see, probably not, but its possible. So when I say Battle might go away, I don't want that (most days), I'm just very realistic that nothing lasts forever, and if it dwindles down to where it does not look like a viable series, then instead of saying the event is dead, Id rather keep it as a BC stand alone. Kind of like keeping a really good horse instead of sending it the purina when its competitive years are gone. I feel like that s being unselfish especially for those that like the event.

If I didn't NEED the money, I would not have been open during the Battle events. That's not selfish, selfish is if I didn't need it, i wanted it, and I did it anyway. Plus I agree with roachy on practicers practice and racers race. If I didn't open, they would have been at 62 or Grears. If they are looking for a place to ride, they will just move on to the next place if I'm closed. If a promoter is running practice on a race you are attending its most likely because he doesn't know when his next breakdown is, he doesn't know when fuel will jump to $3-$3.50 a gallon, he needs to pay his bills. If someone is running practice on my Battle event, I wish them luck for a good day with no issues. The old crony mentality that nobody runs practice my racing event will be massive is erroneous. This wouldn't work if there were only 2 tracks in Ohio. If people didn't want to race and that's all there was available, they wouldn't ride that weekend IF they didnt want to race at that particular track. I've seen it on rainy weekends where a most of the state is shut down with rain, but a track that's having a race didn't get any rain, they don't get 600-800 entries. That's just an example but I think it holds water even if it were dry out. We are very lucky to have the options that we have in Ohio.

So a few years ago I caught seven levels of hell for allowing tracks to run races with organizations or series outside the OMA, and when i put my foot down on it, it led to CT leaving the OMA. I do recall that being a major gripe by none other than DHDS01 and others. So 62 is running one Buckeye in 2021, CT is running 1 OMA next season, seems balanced. Wheres the uproar on this? Hell it was super big deal to where it wouldn't be tolerated a few years ago. This is why some of whats discussed I weed through mostly.

Lastly, attack me all you want, believe what you want, my decisions to run events, practices, ride days whatever at BC this past season were more about survival. Bottom line if I didn't care about the sport, the OMA, motocross in general then why am I here? Lets face it we are all passionate about the sport even to a fault sometimes, but I agree with DANO the best way forward is teamwork. Well I gotta go spend the day in an open cab D3 slowly clearing an area for track expansion making ZERO dollars because I'm selfish.
-Can’t force people to race.
-when the economy opens back people will go back to doing other things (you’ll see a shrink in turnout back to precovid)
So, how about a 12 hour endurance race? (I would say 24 but I don’t want to ride in the dark). They have pretty good turnouts out west. Perhaps a facility that has 2 large tracks on the same property could stick a “fork” in them and combine them and try it...
So, how about a 12 hour endurance race? (I would say 24 but I don’t want to ride in the dark). They have pretty good turnouts out west. Perhaps a facility that has 2 large tracks on the same property could stick a “fork” in them and combine them and try it...
You left Malvern before the first motos were over.....
Valid points and understood. Let me rephrase it a bit. As good as all of those Vets are, they seldom come to local races. And the OMA and Buckeye Series is a series or local races that they would like to have people support more than just one race every now and again. Majority of the people supporting these races, will never line up
The thread was discussing OMA and Buckeye series races.
You bitch when I run local races because I use to have my pro license and then you bitch when I only do big races that I dont support local races you just like to bitch.
So a few years ago I caught seven levels of hell for allowing tracks to run races with organizations or series outside the OMA, and when i put my foot down on it, it led to CT leaving the OMA. I do recall that being a major gripe by none other than DHDS01 and others. So 62 is running one Buckeye in 2021, CT is running 1 OMA next season, seems balanced. Wheres the uproar on this? Hell it was super big deal to where it wouldn't be tolerated a few years ago. This is why some of whats discussed I weed through mostly.
This is something I don't understand. Why would, or should, the OMA or some other organization, care if a property owner allows races at their facility by another organization? I could understand not scheduling a race when another organization has a race scheduled that is close by. But, if a property owner provides a good track, and people want to race there, why does an organization instruct that owner they can't have other races? Why do the property owners agree to this? Just because some organization says they'll pull their races all together?